Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Saturday, May 29, 2004


yes. it's back.

Dep's Website is reborn and is better than ever. It currently has a complete collection of my poems and my stories. Nothing really fancy this time, not like the last one unfortuantly (blasted banner ads... i want my popups lol).

alright, so I spent the morning remaking that site and playing with some things on my blog. and writing/posting a new poem.

Nothing really more for right now. Enjoy the new site!


// posted by Dep @ 4:26:00 p.m.  0 comments

Thursday, May 27, 2004

bloggin' along

Well today had some interesting events and news. I learned that Andarta got accepted to the University of Guelph, which was her number one choice. I'm happy about this too, becaues it means she's going to be fairly close to my number one choice (University of Waterloo) so, if things go well and last that long, I guess that'll be a good thing.

Some bad news... my great-grandfather (father's mother's father) passed away monday night, cancer. His funeral is this weekend, tomorrow.

Today, DDM, Scorpie, scorpie's brother and I went to see Troy. It was a fairly good movie, good history, some well done battle scenes and some romance. (I'm not a huge Brad Pitt fan, but whatevre, it was still well done).

I purchased my prom ticket today. still don't have anyone to go with, but i might ask someone (i just can't think of anyone i want to go to prom with, asides from about three people, none of who want to go with me/can go with me)

have a pile of english homework to do, should have done it earlier but i didnt get the chance to. ah well. last english project of the year, and i'm going to do a shitty job on it, because im rushing it at the last minute but oh well.

so... that's about it for today. Things continue to go fine for me, nothing I can really complain about... except for my great-granddad passing away... that wasn't fun to say the least.

Later all

PS: I have added a poem I wrote a while ago. Right now I'm really busy, but I'm going to try and write more poetry.

// posted by Dep @ 10:55:00 p.m.  0 comments

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

some updates

alright, so

today I reopened my bank account, which has been dormant since... sometime last year i believe since i never really had much money to put in it before now. I never really liked having these huge piles of cash around, so i decided to reopen it today.

dont ask about my blood tests, i hate getting needles.

i posted on my private blog for those few of you with the addresses. enjoy.

might post another poem later tonight, if i have time.

and go calgary, 4-1 game 1 of the stanley cup. yay.

alright, that's about it for now.

later all

// posted by Dep @ 6:35:00 p.m.  0 comments

Sunday, May 23, 2004


Welcome to Sunday. Beautiful day here, lots of blue sky.

Lol, enough about the weather.

So far my weekend has been okay - spend yesterday working on my homework and parts of today (and will probably spend much of tomorrow on it too... stupid end-of-year homework.)

Yesterday was Andarta's 18th birthday - happy b-day Andarta if I don't see you later today!

I'm thinking about changing the name of this blog again. I picked "Runaway Train" because it's the title of my favorite song, but it doesn't really apply now does it... well if I think of a better one, I'll be changing it.

Had a conversation with my parents last night about going to Timmins. They aren't enthusiastic about it and told me they didn't think it was a good idea, but they aren't going to stand in my way. (Means they won't be calling the cops). That was the best I could expect from them. I'm hoping right now that they'll advance me part of my allowence for the trip, but I dunno if that'll fly or not.

Money looks good though... just a question of how much i'll have to spend when i get there (after food) and whether or not I can stay with Angelis (still waiting to hear about that...)

Where I'm going to stay is the only thing I'm worried about right now... everything else is going great.

Andarta said I'd probably get to meet her parents when I come up there... I'm nervous about making a good impression on them...

Still wondering how to tell my parents... I'll probably wait til after this trip.


Later all

// posted by Dep @ 6:22:00 p.m.  0 comments

Friday, May 21, 2004

back from montreal

well it was a so-so trip. The two hour trip in a school bus isn't really fun. Our concert went great though, and the recording as well. The symphony we went to see... well... I like classical music and all but 20 minute songs just aren't my thing. Especially not when they're repeatative.

One really great thing though happened at our concert. We were playing our closing number ("Blues Is My Favorite Colour" for those of you who know our songs) and the kids all got up and started dancing. It was so cute. Wish we had brought a camera.

We also visited the Vanier cegep, which is a big cegep for music, and got to listen in on an exam (a playing exam, so there was an electric guitar, an electric bass and drums doing some really good music) and we got a tour of their recording studio and their MIDI lab.

The hotel.. lol... the hotel was in one of the bad sections of montreal, the kind of section with strip joints and gangs and the cops watch everyone. No one got killed or raped or got an STD so I guess it worked out well but...

Next time I'm picking the hotels.

Well... once again, a big thank you to Freya (and I'm going to keep thanking her for a very very vrey long time...) for this awesome thing she has done for me... Andarta and I started dating last wensday (i know, I can't spell). :) Sorry, but I'm really happy.

Alright, trip planning is going well, I've got a budget in mind and it looks very doable. Just have to be able to stay with Angelis and it'll be on. (Once I know that for sure, I'll go start buying the tickets).

This summer, after the trip, I'm planning to find a good summer job that pays better than Dave's camp. I mean... I love working there, its fun but its pretty much 9-5 5 days a week for 100$/week... I know, I must sound money obsessed. But if things keep going in the direction they're going (and I hope they do) then I can see my monetary needs going up from what I had planned. So... I think a job would be a very good thing. Ah well... it's worth it.

So... my summer looks very busy. I'm planning to spend probably about a week in Timmins visiting with Andarta, Freya and Angelis, then probably two weeks on the East Coast with my parents and that about fills up july. Then beginning of august is my final cegep interview when i get my timesheets, etc and then school begins August 17th...

Graduation is coming up fast... only about a month away. Exams start in about two weeks. Right now I'm worried about my chemistry mark again... turns out I missed the lab exam last monday, when I went to Timmins. I'm hoping he'll let me do the exam anyways... and I hope he won't fail me if I don't... I mean... I'm the one who goes and helps other people with chemistry stuff... comeon, how can I fail the course?

Prom... oo... tricky question. I might go just for the experiance, but I'm not taking anyone. I know Scrabble said she'd do terrible things to me if I didn't go, so I guess I'm going lol. seriously, I'm going because... well.. it's high school prom. Last time I'm going to see abotu half of my class. I have to go.

Wearing a tux too... oooo, aww.


Alright, I think thats about it for now. Later all. :D

// posted by Dep @ 7:13:00 p.m.  0 comments

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

is this a dream?

I keep pinching myself... and then I made the mistake of telling someone my life seemed like a dream lately and I keep expecting to wake up... then they started hitting me lol.

Ah well.

It does seem like a dream... a very long dream which started saturday night...


Right now I'm planning a trip to Timmins, for obvious reasons. Bus times work very nicely actually... it's only a question of when and can i get the money (the answers are ASAP and hopefully)

Went shopping today, had lots of fun with DDM in the Rideau Center. Only bought one thing though... *evil grin*

Anyways... I really can't think of more to say except later all.

// posted by Dep @ 7:16:00 p.m.  0 comments

Tuesday, May 18, 2004


hey all. another sunny (not) day in Quebec lol.

Actually it rained all day. I didn't mind (since I love rain) but my french clas went crazy... "OMG ITS RAINING, LOOK AT THE LIGHTNING!" kind of crazy. I mean, yeah its rain, yes its good but... ahh well.

Unfortunatly, I got home from school, rejoicing because we've finally stopped learning new stuff in math and gone to pure review and then kicked myself for forgetting all the stuff for my massive english project due tomorrow. I may have to go to her for an extension... a long extension.

Speaking of English class, I was actually writing poetry again. Most likely a good sign. I've posted it on my poetry blog for those of you who are interested (the links on your right).

I think the poems speak for what I thought about most of today. It's such a wonderful feeling, I just had to write about. :):):D:D

Well if you've read Freya's blog, you'll know about her part in the events. While I feel slightly manipulated perhaps... I have to say this.

Freya, I am very very happy. I owe you so much for this, I don't know if I can repay you ever. Thank you very very much.

I think that sums up my feelings on the whole matter. Perhaps more details to come later, right now I feel like singing.

Later all


// posted by Dep @ 7:37:00 p.m.  0 comments

Monday, May 17, 2004


and feeling great!

My trip was awesome except for the annoyingness of my brothers in the car and my hangover sunday morning (whoa that wasn't fun) but I survived both.

Freya is slightly different in person, but still an awesome person. I was slightly worried my meeting in her in person would make me not like her in some way, but it didn't happen. Angelis is an awesome guy, not what I expected, but I really like him anyways. Didn't get to know many of the other people at the party very well, except for one. Her name is Andarta.

How to describe what happened, I don't know. It felt like a deep connection, a bond, between the two of us. We talked a lot, learned we were quite similar in many ways (and after reading her blog, in more ways). I don't think I'll ever forget that night... it was one of the most special and memorable nights of my life... the kind of memory that lasts forever.

Unfortunatly, the night ended (albeit, on a very happy and welcome note) and I had to leave.

We left early the next morning, and though I wanted to call her and talk to her, I didn't have her number... only her e-mail address.

All throughout the day, I thought a lot about her... and had a lot of time to think. First I had to question whether or not I liked her... really liked her...

It wasn't a hard question to answer. I realized that I had been smiling all morning and that when I thought of her a little spark went off inside of me... I think thats a big yes.

The question that bothered me all the way home was what does she think... since I didn't know whether or not alcohol made her act like that. Turns out it didn't, as I found out from talking with her and from reading her blog.

What do I think about this all though? I really like her... I'm not quite ready to use the word love, mostly because I use it too quickly, so I want to be sure. But I definatly want to persue a relationship with her if it's at all possible... I just hope she feels the same way.

The distance might be a problem. 9 hours drive, 10 hours on the bus means we're not going to see each other often. Once I get my license (probably this summer if all goes well) it gets easier, because I won't have to pay for the bus and I won't have to get my parents to drive me... I can do it on my own and just pay for food (and hopefully I can stay with Angelis and avoid hotel costs, which suck).

But first I really want to spend more time with her. I am therefore planning another trip in the early summer. Going to cost me a bit (And it becomes completely impossible if I can't stay with Angelis) but it's worth it. I believe in what was in my heart that night and ever since and what I saw in her eyes.

(And really, asking a girl out over the Internet is just... so impersonal, it's really something to be said in person)

I feel so happy now... so energetic, so hyper... so happy, like I haven't felt in a while. I hope... I hope this works. And I'm going to try my best to make it work.

Well... I think thats enough for now, or I'm going to sound obsessive.

Later all!


// posted by Dep @ 5:49:00 p.m.  0 comments

Friday, May 14, 2004

well i'm off

tomorrow morning (real early) i leave to meet Freya at last. Such excitement.

Anyways, nothing really to talk about, I have to go pack now

Latr all (tuesday!!!!!)

// posted by Dep @ 8:12:00 p.m.  0 comments

Thursday, May 13, 2004

off to timmins

off to timmins saturday morning. I'm going to be so tired tomorrow night, what with the concert followed by last-minute packing and wanting to go to bed early so i can get up at 5AM... I won't have time to blog. So I thought I'd add some tonight.

can't believe i'm actually going to finally meet freya! i'm really excited and hyper... but also a bit nervous (a bit? HA! try very)

I've been doing a lot of thinking these last few days about my love life, trying to figure out who I really like and who I just faked liking so I wouldn't be alone. DDM thinks everyone fits into the latter catagory... I don't think so. I think there are three people I have actually liked (and perhaps loved) out of those I have dated or thought of dating... and perhaps a fourth whom I am not sure of. These people do not know who they are... and it will probably stay like that. I'm sure you can guess though. (No I won't tell you.)

So what does this mean? It means I think I fall in love when I don't and I do it a lot. I'm going to try very hard not to again. Right now I have... well... obviously those three and maybe a fourth on my mind. I know what order I would place them in if the world was as I wanted it. I know what order I would place them in right now, knowing what they feel about me and how free they are. I guess my main problem right now is... prom is coming up and I don't have a date! lol. such a silly problem. Yes Scrabble, I'll go. grrr.

I think I've learned my lesson. Whether or not I have is something we have to wait and see.

On the positive side of life, DDM and Scorpie are back together. This time I have no misgivings and they specifically do not depress me. (Obviously Scorpie isn't one of those four...) I know maybe it seems like its her and him which depress me sometimes, but really it's just seeing a happy couple and wanting to be in a relationship like that... nothing specific to her. But I wish them a happy relationship and a long one as well.

There are days when I get really down and I think I will never find someone. It's days like that that I am glad I have people here to remind me what kind of person I am... one who deserves to have a loving woman by his side and will find one one day. Thank you to anyone who's told me this ever. Just keep shouting it in my ear, eventually it'll stick.

One of my friends, Roots Kid, is planning a transfer to D'Arcy next year. She says its because everyone bullies her at Philemon and the teachers are mean and etc etc etc.

I think, when she gets there, she's in for a big surprise. I doubt D'Arcy has any less bullying than Philemon and probably has more. (And some of the teachers there are awful). But in the end it is her choice and I will not argue with her anymore, having told her all the second-hand information I have on D'Arcy.

Calgary is now Canada's only hope for a stanley cup this year... go calgary. (its actually going pretty good, 2-0 for the flames, with both games played in san jose).

Next year, I've been accepted into Heritage, payed my fees, etc etc. Just have to pass all my courses this year (not a problem for this high-eighty and FINALLY A LOW 90S student)

well it is 11:30PM and I am dead tired. I think sleep might be a good idea. Tomorrow is a big day.

later everyone.

OH PS: E-MAIL ME any questions you have... i'm bored and feel like responding to questions.


// posted by Dep @ 11:09:00 p.m.  0 comments

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

wensday night

ugh. I still feel sortof half-sick half-not-sick if you get my drift. It's not as bad as it was last weekend, I'm okay to move around and do stuff but... I dunno about the concert on friday. I really don't need to make this worse just before I go to Timmins. So I might be playing in the concert if I feel better (or at least, no worse) but if it gets any worse, I'm not going to risk it.

as you may have figured out, i have a gig on friday. a wonderful casual gig so im doing some black and purple combinations (aka my clothing with my hair)

well... have a lot to say, don't quite know how to say it. let me think for a while. maybe tomorrow night, or tuesday (dont think i'll have the chance on the weekend)


// posted by Dep @ 10:13:00 p.m.  0 comments

Sunday, May 09, 2004

dude... cd player

yesterday i went shopping while sick (not a brilliant idea, but i'm feeling better now) and i finally got my new cd player for my room. For those of you whom I haven't bitched to about this, my previous cd player played only CDs (not CD-R or CD-RW or even mp3s) had no radio, no headphone jack and had very little in the way of controls. So for thirty dollars less I bought a CD player which plays CD, CD-R, CD-RW AND mp3s, has a headphone jack, many many controls (including a playlist!) a remote and also has a radio! The downside is it has no tape deck... *trying hard to keep straight face*

Yes... so now i'm burning my mp3 cd with everything i listen to on it :D

also got a new rug for my room... yay....


merely six days remain til... well y'all know what happens in 6 days *hyper*

going out to supper tonight for mother's day :D probably swiss chalet :D

oh freya... i've finished your b-day present *evil grin* ur going to love it.

alright, i'm going to go read my new books (yay new books) and listen to new CD now while eating breakfast. later all.

// posted by Dep @ 9:51:00 a.m.  0 comments

Friday, May 07, 2004

little more tonight

I'm really tired (being sick takes a lot of energy away from me) so I'm going to bed soon, but I thought I'd add a few more things.

I've uploaded a new poem (my first in a good long while) so perhaps y'all want to take a look at that.

Right now I just need to get some things straight in my mind, hit myself a few times for dreaming of impossible things and then get back into my life which I have abandoned these past few weeks. I know a few people have been worried about me and... I can't tell you there is nothing to be worried about but I really don't think you worrying can help me.

I may post tomorrow or the day after (or monday if I'm home sick) and try to get a few things straightened out here but don't bet on it.

Goodnight all.

// posted by Dep @ 9:27:00 p.m.  0 comments


its been a while hasn't it?

been very very busy as of late, i'm sure i've talked about all of the things which have made me busy from the play to being sick now to concerts and rehersals. still have one more busy week, then looks like clear sailing... until exams.


Only 8 days left till I finally get to meet Freya. It's one of the few bright things I have left. I'm really excited.

As for the not-so-bright-things... nah you don't deserve to be tortured with them.

Pizza is here, later all.

// posted by Dep @ 6:24:00 p.m.  0 comments

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