Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Thursday, May 27, 2004

bloggin' along

Well today had some interesting events and news. I learned that Andarta got accepted to the University of Guelph, which was her number one choice. I'm happy about this too, becaues it means she's going to be fairly close to my number one choice (University of Waterloo) so, if things go well and last that long, I guess that'll be a good thing.

Some bad news... my great-grandfather (father's mother's father) passed away monday night, cancer. His funeral is this weekend, tomorrow.

Today, DDM, Scorpie, scorpie's brother and I went to see Troy. It was a fairly good movie, good history, some well done battle scenes and some romance. (I'm not a huge Brad Pitt fan, but whatevre, it was still well done).

I purchased my prom ticket today. still don't have anyone to go with, but i might ask someone (i just can't think of anyone i want to go to prom with, asides from about three people, none of who want to go with me/can go with me)

have a pile of english homework to do, should have done it earlier but i didnt get the chance to. ah well. last english project of the year, and i'm going to do a shitty job on it, because im rushing it at the last minute but oh well.

so... that's about it for today. Things continue to go fine for me, nothing I can really complain about... except for my great-granddad passing away... that wasn't fun to say the least.

Later all

PS: I have added a poem I wrote a while ago. Right now I'm really busy, but I'm going to try and write more poetry.

// posted by Dep @ 10:55:00 p.m.


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