Monday, May 17, 2004
and feeling great!
My trip was awesome except for the annoyingness of my brothers in the car and my hangover sunday morning (whoa that wasn't fun) but I survived both.
Freya is slightly different in person, but still an awesome person. I was slightly worried my meeting in her in person would make me not like her in some way, but it didn't happen. Angelis is an awesome guy, not what I expected, but I really like him anyways. Didn't get to know many of the other people at the party very well, except for one. Her name is Andarta.
How to describe what happened, I don't know. It felt like a deep connection, a bond, between the two of us. We talked a lot, learned we were quite similar in many ways (and after reading her blog, in more ways). I don't think I'll ever forget that night... it was one of the most special and memorable nights of my life... the kind of memory that lasts forever.
Unfortunatly, the night ended (albeit, on a very happy and welcome note) and I had to leave.
We left early the next morning, and though I wanted to call her and talk to her, I didn't have her number... only her e-mail address.
All throughout the day, I thought a lot about her... and had a lot of time to think. First I had to question whether or not I liked her... really liked her...
It wasn't a hard question to answer. I realized that I had been smiling all morning and that when I thought of her a little spark went off inside of me... I think thats a big yes.
The question that bothered me all the way home was what does she think... since I didn't know whether or not alcohol made her act like that. Turns out it didn't, as I found out from talking with her and from reading her blog.
What do I think about this all though? I really like her... I'm not quite ready to use the word love, mostly because I use it too quickly, so I want to be sure. But I definatly want to persue a relationship with her if it's at all possible... I just hope she feels the same way.
The distance might be a problem. 9 hours drive, 10 hours on the bus means we're not going to see each other often. Once I get my license (probably this summer if all goes well) it gets easier, because I won't have to pay for the bus and I won't have to get my parents to drive me... I can do it on my own and just pay for food (and hopefully I can stay with Angelis and avoid hotel costs, which suck).
But first I really want to spend more time with her. I am therefore planning another trip in the early summer. Going to cost me a bit (And it becomes completely impossible if I can't stay with Angelis) but it's worth it. I believe in what was in my heart that night and ever since and what I saw in her eyes.
(And really, asking a girl out over the Internet is just... so impersonal, it's really something to be said in person)
I feel so happy now... so energetic, so hyper... so happy, like I haven't felt in a while. I hope... I hope this works. And I'm going to try my best to make it work.
Well... I think thats enough for now, or I'm going to sound obsessive.
Later all!
My trip was awesome except for the annoyingness of my brothers in the car and my hangover sunday morning (whoa that wasn't fun) but I survived both.
Freya is slightly different in person, but still an awesome person. I was slightly worried my meeting in her in person would make me not like her in some way, but it didn't happen. Angelis is an awesome guy, not what I expected, but I really like him anyways. Didn't get to know many of the other people at the party very well, except for one. Her name is Andarta.
How to describe what happened, I don't know. It felt like a deep connection, a bond, between the two of us. We talked a lot, learned we were quite similar in many ways (and after reading her blog, in more ways). I don't think I'll ever forget that night... it was one of the most special and memorable nights of my life... the kind of memory that lasts forever.
Unfortunatly, the night ended (albeit, on a very happy and welcome note) and I had to leave.
We left early the next morning, and though I wanted to call her and talk to her, I didn't have her number... only her e-mail address.
All throughout the day, I thought a lot about her... and had a lot of time to think. First I had to question whether or not I liked her... really liked her...
It wasn't a hard question to answer. I realized that I had been smiling all morning and that when I thought of her a little spark went off inside of me... I think thats a big yes.
The question that bothered me all the way home was what does she think... since I didn't know whether or not alcohol made her act like that. Turns out it didn't, as I found out from talking with her and from reading her blog.
What do I think about this all though? I really like her... I'm not quite ready to use the word love, mostly because I use it too quickly, so I want to be sure. But I definatly want to persue a relationship with her if it's at all possible... I just hope she feels the same way.
The distance might be a problem. 9 hours drive, 10 hours on the bus means we're not going to see each other often. Once I get my license (probably this summer if all goes well) it gets easier, because I won't have to pay for the bus and I won't have to get my parents to drive me... I can do it on my own and just pay for food (and hopefully I can stay with Angelis and avoid hotel costs, which suck).
But first I really want to spend more time with her. I am therefore planning another trip in the early summer. Going to cost me a bit (And it becomes completely impossible if I can't stay with Angelis) but it's worth it. I believe in what was in my heart that night and ever since and what I saw in her eyes.
(And really, asking a girl out over the Internet is just... so impersonal, it's really something to be said in person)
I feel so happy now... so energetic, so hyper... so happy, like I haven't felt in a while. I hope... I hope this works. And I'm going to try my best to make it work.
Well... I think thats enough for now, or I'm going to sound obsessive.
Later all!
// posted by Dep @ 5:49:00 p.m.