Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Thursday, January 17, 2008

You want an update? I'll give you an update!

School is excellent :). Thanks for asking. I've found some likeminded people to explore some cool topics with, and this is all leading in a promising direction. Class remains difficult for me to go to, but I've been managing. I just have to stop staying up so f*ing late lol.

The situation, as I've been calling it in my discussion with various friends (most of whom just listen to me vent and then tell me to tell them to fuck off), is... well... almost over I guess. I didn't get a reply yet, but my sources tell me that she's read the e-mail... two days ago. No reply for two days? Means something - means either she's not sure how to tell me to fuck off (doesn't want to deal with it) OR she's put herself into a sticky situation where she doesn't want to tell me to fuck off BUT at the same time, can't tell me what's really going on in her mind. Of the two, the first sounds like cynical paranoia and the second sounds like wishful thinking. At the moment, I'm inclined to go with the former. So I've been working on putting the whole thing behind me. Not to say I'm going to ignore it... there will be consequences, especially for him. He should know better - him and I will not be remaining friends after this, and will probably not be speaking for awhile (unless he can find some miracle way of changing my mind... and I can't think of anything that can). She... I understand a bit better, but still. Two days with no reply? I'm leaving it to her to reopen the lines of communication... and I believe my trust in her is diminshed. I know I can no longer trust him anywhere near as much as I once did.

In the meantime, I've started encouraging open discussion on sex and kink at school and it seems to be working. There are various plots and plans being examined and I think it's going to go well. I have one to introduce myself, when I have some time to get on it.

I've also started the .... corruption of somebody I met recently. (Maybe I even like her a little bit, but I'm leaving that to time given my current situation lol - not many people would be inclined to believe me when I say I like them coming off what I just did). They're taking it quite well and seem to be enjoying it. I think I've started somebody along the path to something quite enjoyable, and I hope she enjoys every step of the way lol.

Soon I hope I will be able to relax about this whole... messed up situation. I can feel myself starting to relax - having school, friends and the corruption effort to distract me certainly helps. I find I don't even think about it... and I'm sure one day I won't. And then another day. And thus it begins to fade.

Tomorrow, I think I'll talk about selfconfidence, but right now... TO BED!

~ Dep...

I am an amazing person. There are people who are proud to know me. I have accomplished many great things in my life and I have an understanding of the world that not many people do. I understand. I know. I see. I feel. I learn. Maybe I'm not such an awful person to know after all.

// posted by Dep @ 2:34:00 a.m.


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