Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Friday, July 06, 2007

Those Were The Days...

Take a look at a photo, see somebody you once knew and wonder where all the time has flown? There isn't anything to be done, only events endlessly repeating and simply you've got to move on. Or do you? Maybe you never can, maybe I'm occasionally doomed to sit here and revisit these moments for the rest of my life, interspersed with times of near joyful ignorance. Today, I miss her too much for my own good... but maybe its enough.

I've been realizing more and more often that's something is missing in my life, something that these photos of Toronto keep bringing back... something that seems more important than any of the tiny things that fill my life right now. And I'm not even sure what it is - I can't define it, or fulfill it on my own. It's just lacking.

In the end, I am a social being - no getting around that. I'm not a sociopath or a loner or a person who enjoys solitude. I'm just someone who needs more time than others to be comfortable around people... and yet I still need it.

I guess I'd like to set the record straight on something - some people believe me to be sex-obsessed (with them in particular). Despite all my past mutterings (for which I'll plead insanity), I found that I enjoy sex and that I'm a little bit more open with some people than others about it. I also found out that vanilla and me are not two things that go well together (unless its ice cream), but thats besides the point. And I probably do make two or three too many sexual innuendos to some people on occasion - part of it is my wonderful sense of humour (insert sarcasm if you will). But another part is that these are people I really like and, in another world, might be persuing some opportunities. But because this is this world, and I'm over my psychosis of believing I have a chance, I know its not going there with them. And yet I'm still attracted. Around people I don't know (as well as in the past in general), this has turned itself into a kindof quiet silence around them because I just don't know what to say. Sadly, today, its turned into sexual innuendos (Only Freud knows why). Definately have to make an effort to cut down there... but if you're one of those people, try not to take offense. I'm not even close to serious. (Sorry... I guess I mean... if I was seriously suggesting, I wouldn't be suggesting in such a manner). Or maybe I'm just a sex-crazed male on too much hormones. You decide :P.

I think that, finally, my break from relationships is over - I feel ready to move on and get something positive going again. Daren and I were kindof breaking it all down and realized I need somebody (a) sexually open-minded (if not downright kinky) (b) moderately intelligent and most importantly (c) able to spend time with me without killing me (harder than it sounds :P).

So, ladies, if you meet said description, then come on down! (Then again, if you read this on any kind of regular basis, you more than likely fit that description lol).

Nah, I just need to get out and meet more people. Daren and I are going to plot some activities.

Anyways, yeah, things are well here in the land of the language police. Its too late for me to be up so I'm going to bed. Later!

- Dep

// posted by Dep @ 11:55:00 p.m.


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