Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


So, although I'm a day late, I did indeed spend five hours-ish of tonight reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the final book in what has been one of the most amazing book series I've ever read (and that includes the Vampire Chronicles). My judgment? Excellent. There were moments of The Half Blood Prince I didn't like - but this book puts a good end to the series, gives it closure and explains some of the loose ends I was wondering about. I'm glad to see my predictions about Severus Snape played out roughly along the lines I suggested


lets just say, if you were rooting for Snape as the bad guy... you're going to be moderately disappointed. I think its touching and Snape's story is really developed here.


So go out and buy it. Now. Its worth reading. If you haven't read the other six books, now is a good time to start - I think I'm going to start rereading the entire series again shortly, just to see how things jive together and pick up some plot I missed.

I am... just wowed. And definately consider it my time for sleep. TTYL!

// posted by Dep @ 2:17:00 a.m.  0 comments

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Quest for Truth & University

A Reminder: I'm not available on Facebook, deviantART, Hotmail or MSN from 7:30AM to 5:30PM weekdays (because I get paid now). I do, however, check my GMail, CEGEP email and this blog on a fairly frequent basis - they are the best way to get in contact with me in a hurry. I also have a cellphone if you need me immediately (posted on Facebook).


The time is here again that I must consider the debate of university - where do I go, what do I take and who the hell understands the university system (because I sure don't)? Having examined my experiences working here for PWGSC, I've determined its probably in my best interest to continue the computer science side of things (was there ever any doubt?) and to examine the possibilities of a minor or double major with some form of Commerce or business-management related field.

Why? Because the more I think about it, the more I realize that I don't like having little responsibility - I enjoy being in decision making positions which, as a lowly techie, I'm not likely to get without some kind of business schooling.

So, the options!

University of Waterloo
- Excellent math/comp sci
- Far away :(
- Expensive :(
- Perhaps better left for graduate work?

University of Ottawa
- Can live at home
- Still expensive

Carleton University
- Rumoured to be better than U of O in comp sci
- Can live at home
- Still expensive

Concordia University
- Rumoured to be better than McGill in Comp Sci
- Must live away
- Half the tuition :)

Heritage College
- Take a second DEC in Business

The finance side of this says that U of O/Carleton is a better option, given that I can live at home for that time. Finances also dictate Concordia over Waterloo due to cheaper QC tuition fees. So the question comes down to - do I want to live at home for the next five years, or am I going to move out anyways?

Having examined the prerequisites though, Concordia has higher prereqs than the other three (surprising, I know). It would involve taking at least one, if not two more courses.

Heritage college is, of course, the cheapest and easiest - but a university degree would be real nice.

(The Checklist)
__ Discuss with HC Academic Advisor
__ Discuss with CS Mentor
__ Schedule tours
__ Discuss with various university advisors
__ Discuss financing with parents
__ Apply to all options remaining on the list

If that wasn't enough, I also get to choose between various comp sci streams and business streams. Enough to make my head hurt :).


In M:TG news... (skip this section if you're one of my non-nerd friends)

10th Edition Release: 2nd Place :)

10th Edition looks to be one of my favorite sets, with some of my favorite cards in history (including Crucible of Worlds, 3 of the Beacons, Time Stop, Wrath of God and Troll Ascetic... not to mention Incinerate, Birds of Paradise and Llanowar Elves). If you haven't yet bought some of this goodness, go get some. I *hangs head* have bought 3 boxes and my fat pack already and got a pile of cards I love.

One of the newest features of X is a randomly insert "Tips & Tricks" card or token card. These are just cool and its high-time Wizards did something like this. Way to go WotC! Its now my most recent goal in MTG to obtain a copy of each token and tips & tricks cards (with 12 T&T, 6 tokens and 6 different backs for each, thats... 108 different cards, at 1 per pack... and the distribution doesn't seem wholey random).

I also bought a box of Unhinged finally - the Daren and myself had a great time minimastering our hearts out and laughing as I said "Gotcha!" every time he said a number. *giggles* now I need more of this delicious take on Magic.

And there remain (yes I'm starting the countdown now) only 11 weeks-ish until the release of Llorwyn, the latest block of MTG. Featuring (hopefully) a return to tribal mechanics and a lot of other new cool things, we can't wait here. Now I just need the money for... oh... twenty boxes?

But I am glad I finally managed to place decently in a release event (it was Sealed Deck) - its about time :). I played this crazy G/B/r deck which had two Llanowar Sentinels (if you think a 2/3 for 2G is bad, wait until you see 2x 2/3 for 3GG) along with some other big green creatures, Treetop Bracers, Terrors and my Incinerate. They reprinted Incinerate. They're insane!

Incinerate, Llanowar Elves and Birds of Paradise in the same core set. This is going to be an interesting time.

Upcoming Tournaments: Nothing but FNM until next season where Daren and I intend to be far more active.

Latest Deck Idea: I'm thinking of reworking my poison slivers concept, seeing as it gained some popularity in Block Constructed as of late. I worked on it before GP: Montreal, but it kind of fell through (I think I was missing a couple of the cards). Whether it'll be for Standard or Vintage/Casual, we'll see.

---- (non-nerds can rejoin us here)

Well I must be off - more coming later :) Thanks for reading!

- Robs

// posted by Dep @ 2:08:00 p.m.  0 comments

Saturday, July 07, 2007


(Before I begin, I'll admit I'm not the... most politically correct of people, the least sarcastic (though I try not to be so in a mean way) or the least arrogant (?). It just comes out like that sometimes, whether I mean to or not and everyone has my apologies if it offends them and hopefully doesn't take me too seriously. But the best solution for you is to tell me I'm toeing the line, in a polite and non-aggressive manner. Aggressiveness solves nothing :)).

That said....

I have a friend who's driving me nuts. It isn't five minutes that they're offering a helpful suggestion with that more-than-slightly condescending tone of voice or pointing out flaws in a quip. Its beginning to get on my nerves in that it just makes me cringe to listen to them talk to my parents as though their methods and beliefs are wrong. (For the record, I have no problem with what they're trying to say on occasion, but the manner in which they do so). Sure, Daren and I are probably among the more arrogant of people, but I'd like to hope we're not that condescending.

*sigh* I just wanted to get that out. I've resolved not to put up with it, but its so hard to find a way to tell them that they're being overbearing when they go off and sulk any time you refuse to put up with them. I would be happy to work on my own occasional arrogance (which I'm still not fully aware of :S) if they would be willing to listen to my comments on occasion.

Or am I just nuts :).

- Dep

// posted by Dep @ 6:38:00 p.m.  0 comments

And While We're Here...

STARCRAFT TWO IS COMING !!!! http://www.starcraft2.com

This has been like the singularly most awaited game in my entire life. I... must... play... NOW!

(But I'll wait until January 2008... or knowing Blizzard, January 2012)

// posted by Dep @ 12:16:00 a.m.  0 comments

Friday, July 06, 2007

Those Were The Days...

Take a look at a photo, see somebody you once knew and wonder where all the time has flown? There isn't anything to be done, only events endlessly repeating and simply you've got to move on. Or do you? Maybe you never can, maybe I'm occasionally doomed to sit here and revisit these moments for the rest of my life, interspersed with times of near joyful ignorance. Today, I miss her too much for my own good... but maybe its enough.

I've been realizing more and more often that's something is missing in my life, something that these photos of Toronto keep bringing back... something that seems more important than any of the tiny things that fill my life right now. And I'm not even sure what it is - I can't define it, or fulfill it on my own. It's just lacking.

In the end, I am a social being - no getting around that. I'm not a sociopath or a loner or a person who enjoys solitude. I'm just someone who needs more time than others to be comfortable around people... and yet I still need it.

I guess I'd like to set the record straight on something - some people believe me to be sex-obsessed (with them in particular). Despite all my past mutterings (for which I'll plead insanity), I found that I enjoy sex and that I'm a little bit more open with some people than others about it. I also found out that vanilla and me are not two things that go well together (unless its ice cream), but thats besides the point. And I probably do make two or three too many sexual innuendos to some people on occasion - part of it is my wonderful sense of humour (insert sarcasm if you will). But another part is that these are people I really like and, in another world, might be persuing some opportunities. But because this is this world, and I'm over my psychosis of believing I have a chance, I know its not going there with them. And yet I'm still attracted. Around people I don't know (as well as in the past in general), this has turned itself into a kindof quiet silence around them because I just don't know what to say. Sadly, today, its turned into sexual innuendos (Only Freud knows why). Definately have to make an effort to cut down there... but if you're one of those people, try not to take offense. I'm not even close to serious. (Sorry... I guess I mean... if I was seriously suggesting, I wouldn't be suggesting in such a manner). Or maybe I'm just a sex-crazed male on too much hormones. You decide :P.

I think that, finally, my break from relationships is over - I feel ready to move on and get something positive going again. Daren and I were kindof breaking it all down and realized I need somebody (a) sexually open-minded (if not downright kinky) (b) moderately intelligent and most importantly (c) able to spend time with me without killing me (harder than it sounds :P).

So, ladies, if you meet said description, then come on down! (Then again, if you read this on any kind of regular basis, you more than likely fit that description lol).

Nah, I just need to get out and meet more people. Daren and I are going to plot some activities.

Anyways, yeah, things are well here in the land of the language police. Its too late for me to be up so I'm going to bed. Later!

- Dep

// posted by Dep @ 11:55:00 p.m.  0 comments

Thursday, July 05, 2007

New Look, New Feel, New Post, New Name(?)

Well, if you've been watching over the past hour, you know I've been toying with a new look & feel. Finally I have come to one I am satisfied with. If it's not working for you, then drop me a comment! (Or drop me a comment anyways :)).

Where have those links to my homes on the Internet gone? They're now in a handy top menu on your right - it even includes my Facebook now!

So what, oh what, has been going on you ask?


Facebook is addictive. Lets leave it at that. Go check it out if you haven't already, because it is... just mindboggling


I'm safe and comfortable in my job at PWGSC for the summer - its got its up and its downs. What do I do? I'm part of a team which maintains websites for Public Works and a few other places. Interesting, moderately educational and such :).


There are some interesting possibilities out there. More when more happens! Until then, I'm just waiting until the right person comes along... too many conversations on that topic. Next!

There isn't really much else going on - I have two semi-permanent house guests for the time being and thus don't get nearly as much time in on Runescape.

In addition to my runescape addiction, I find myself being drawn slowly in by Disgaea - it just has awesome game play. I am such an addict of awesome game play - who needs graphics?

I've also taken up playing Magic again on a semi-regular basis. We went to Montreal for a tournament (Daren, myself and Vicki) - it was an excellent weekend with lots of fun stuff (even though we wound up never going to the tournament).

I have developed a horrible addiction to a store on the corner of Lisgar and Bank. And its not the pizza place. I've just bought so much cool stuff there, I want to buy the entire store. Or work there. But probably I can't, because... well, I have a Y chromosome, eh?

School begins in just under a month and a half - I have many project courses and little in the way of actual work to do. I'm going to try and finally pass my English course. Speaking of English, I wrote the English Exit Exam and passed with A, A, B (excellent marks) even though I failed my English course with an 18% (the downsides of never going to class).

We also went out for Canada Day which was much fun - I have a weird love of glowsticks.

Daren and I keep plotting a move to Montreal after I finish school (ie in about a year) - it would allow me to go to Concordia or McGill (Concordia is higher on my list... mostly because its generally regarded as a better school for the most awesome program ever (Computer Science)).

I've gotten hooked on two new comics - Questionable Content (damn you) and Order of the Stick (damn you more!). It is a testament to my eccentricities that I love both of them - links are to your right.

Movies... so many good movies. I saw Ocean's Thirteen with Daren. Its an exceeding good movie, better than Ocean's Twelve in my humble opinion. Go see it!

On my list of things to see: Harry Potter V (may it be better than IV), Live Free or Die Hard and Evan Almighty.

Hey, if you joined Facebook, you'd know that by now!

Reading - I picked up the Harry Potter books again in preperation for the movie. I also started into the Ender's Game series again.

D&D... man, we keep wanting to play, but no one has time to build an adventure. Does anyone want to DM for us? I offer my services as the Neutral Good Human Ranger.

And, having finally dumped all the happy happy goodness from my brain and not being able to think of anything else... I give you...


This brings me to the competition. Five points (no, the points aren't worth anything) to the person who suggests the best name for this journal. Entries such as "Dep's journal of wrist slicing goodness" will be DQ'd immediately. Have fun!


// posted by Dep @ 2:44:00 p.m.  2 comments

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