Thursday, December 07, 2006
*raises eyebrow*
Due to a number of Quebec friends (who really are friends and don't act immaturely) being a bit unsure how to take my more recent post, let me assure you that the majority of people I have ever refered to as close friends of mine don't fit into these catagories. Scrabble - you're one of the most mature people I know (though you still know how to get drunk :P). Vanessa - while having immature moments, you're at least learning sometimes lol. The real people I'm referring to are the majority of students at the College - perhaps because I'm older than most of them (its my third year there, so... yeah). There are always a few exception, and my class counts as most of them, but some of the new people - yikes. Can we act beyond five? Alright, no one's perfect but it gets ridiculous at times. The real people I wanted to single out among my close friends are Daren and Vicki because their behaviour has been, at times, offensive, childish and downright ignorant at times for the reasons outlined in the previous post.
So yes - combination of those two with the environment of generally less mature people makes me long for university and days of intelligent discussion with a bit of booze and some well-tempered comments.
Just thought I'd clear things up
- Dep
So yes - combination of those two with the environment of generally less mature people makes me long for university and days of intelligent discussion with a bit of booze and some well-tempered comments.
Just thought I'd clear things up
- Dep
// posted by Dep @ 12:35:00 a.m.