Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Friday, August 18, 2006

Greetings From The Pen

Well its not really a pen, but lets move on.

Everyone Note: As of now, I have switched to an easier-to-read sans-serif font. Enjoy :).

The life... she has been packed. We're in the eleventh hour of website development and I am spending literally 12-16 hours a day on my laptop coding the blasted thing. After two solid days of work (and messing around for a couple of previous days), I'm a bit over half done and most of the rest is planned out, so I anticipate being done by tomorrow night or Sunday morning barring any serious bugs. There is much more work to be done afterwards though - documents to be written, presentations to be made and meetings to be arranged. Not to mention I have to move all the data over from the old site to the new site (yes this is more work than it seems to be computer geeks: the databases are nearly incompatible) and set up a lot of new data, including lists of teachers and textbooks :).

Take note project members of mine, this is why we do not leave things until the last moment. We were supposed to be at this point three weeks ago.

Ah well, I had bad things happen too. But seriously, this is ridiculous.

Hopefully this semester will go better.

Whats worse is my philosophical and writing urges have been picking up which leave less and less time for coding... therefore I have been restricting them.

Speaking of back to school... its in 3 days! Two days really as today is pretty much over. I'm excited and looking forward to my new classes, a few new teachers and some good times with friends. Classes this semester include World Views, Shakespeare, Networks, Database Management, Systems and a Programming class about data structures.

Laptop Status: Fixed & Fully Operational

I'm definately thinking of installing Linux purely on it in the near future, but I need to make sure my wireless works with it first.


We seek without know what until, deep in imagination, we pull out to have revealed the thoughts never known of that which was persued, perhaps to no longer be so. The fires that burn in the imagination are slowly revealed to be unlit by final truths that only in lighting the fire can you see. In the end, you find the beginning of a truth made from untruth - glowing embers of an ignored page upon which was writ the flimsy promises of thought. Finally, the boundaries of the page are revealed and corners are turned around. The final view of reality takes hold over fiction and we are faced with final truth. Reality is what we see.


It feels good to get creative expression out again.

In other news, please note that Harper continues to be an asshole. The scientists want to add three new planets to our solar system, making all of our education useless (bye bye My Very Eccentric Mother Just Send Uncle Ned Pies and hello My Very Eccentric Mother Caught June Sunbathing Under Neds Pricy Cold Xylophone (how many words start with X!!!)). Finally, the most amusing headline I've ever read in awhile

"Dude, you're gettting a recall".

That was the headline after Dell recalled 4.1 million laptop batteries. Thank god I got an HP :).

Anyways I require sleep - I have an eye doctor appointment tomorrow at 9:30AM. See you later - mayhaps I post tomorrow night too!

~ Dep ~

// posted by Dep @ 11:14:00 p.m.


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