Monday, August 28, 2006
Corruption & Introspection
--- Brief News Flash ---
Due to my own incompetance, I've managed to set back my own project by a fairly large step, so this week will be mostly devoted to lowering my blood pressure and getting the work done again. My apologies.
One of my classes this semester is Shakespeare - and I love Shakespeare. But one of the more striking points which was already a part of my philosophy but which was made more apparent was the need for self-understanding through a process of introspection.
And it struck me that, of the myriad of reasons I write here, one of the greatest reasons is to have a forum for a conversation of sorts within my head - for obvious reasons, this could never come into the public eye as it makes me look crazier than I really am. And this forum gives me some important insights into my actions and general self-identity.
So why write about it, is the question I get. Somedays I get bored. But today, it is because I want to explore a few aspects of my personality.
People are, in general, ever-evolving creatures. They gain new insights, new experiences and new thoughts and find ways to integrate some of these into their personality. I know that I have changed over the preceeding years and probably will over the many to come. But some parts of us are consistant - they can be repressed and controlled to some degree or they can be extremely encouraged, but they remain a part of us throughout years.
For me, these parts are numerous. I've always had an interest in things like mathematics, science, computers and the other more technical skills. But there's also always been an interest in psychology, human nature, philosophy, religion - more of the liberal arts catagory of interests (in fact my grade 11 english teacher suggest I persue a diploma in Liberal Arts, but I don't know how much I'd enjoy the classes). Its really more like a hobby for me. I've also maintained an interest in persuing higher level education (beyond CEGEP, so university) but my mind isn't always made up on that - sometimes I wonder if I might be better off out in the work force. Of course, there is the higher pay rate that can come with a degree instead of a DEC.
A healthy interest is sex is there too (for those of you who don't like reading about sex, skip this paragraph). And not simply sex by itself, but the many variations and possibilities that come with my imagination lol. Its always been my intention to fully explore said possibilites once I enter into a relationship with a person who is willing. (What is it I told you James so long ago that I was looking for in a woman? Intelligent, kinky and tolerant of me lol). And this isn't to say she's a whore or anything along those lines - in fact, I have no tolerance for whores. Its more of an active interest in something other than straightup sex (or even the other basics).
Tolerant of me - now there's an interesting concept. I always thought I could never found one, but obviously I was proven wrong. Going back in time, I think it was always my dual-nature: I can be a guy who tells horrible jokes and jokes around a lot (those of you who know me know this phase), yet I'm also a very serious, very philosophical, professional person at times. I can be extremely sexual or extremely non-sexual; dress down or dress up; happy or down. And finally there are my beliefs on things in general which are... far from normal to say the least.
Religion: My religion is my own. I occasionally call it Wicca because Wicca is the closest in terms of beliefs and because I love pentacles (so sue me). In addition, Wicca is largely based on the individuals beliefs - there are different forms and I would say mine is a form of Wicca integrated with a scientific view of the world. But whatever you call it, it gets complicated. Its always evolving and changing to integrate new ideas I come across into it.
Philosophy: My views on life are, again complex. I suppose thats why people don't like getting into it with me because I lose so many. Lets try to simply it. First of all, we're not considering things that are -FACTS-. We're not arguing does 2+2=4 in a mathematical sense (philosophically speaking, you can debate all you want). We are going to look at moral issues and beliefs. The first principle I believe in is that every person has the right to their own viewpoint on moral/immoral and what they believe. There is at least one exception to this that I have found so far - people who have viewpoints that force others to conform to it or that promote the destruction or hatred of another viewpoint. So you can believe what you want as long as you're going to let other people believe what you want too. All of you who know me, know how much I hate the fundamentalists of any religion (ahem Bush/Harper). So you can be Catholic yes, and maintain all of these beliefs, but you should realize that just because you and many other people believe it does not make it true for all people, nor does it mean that it should apply to all people. You can be a racist at heart and not have black friends or marry a black woman BUT it doesn't mean you can go around posting racist slogans or saying 'I hate black people' or not showing them basic respect. You can be the biggest pro-life person this side of Washington but YOU CANNOT BLOW UP ABORTION CLINICS. Basically my point is you can be who you want to be BUT you must also respect other people for who they are.
This is all against the people crowding Parliament with your noisy signs wanting to ban abortions again or destroy gay marriage. Because really - how does it affect you? We're not talking about forcing you to have an abortion. We're not talking about forcing you to have gay intercourse or whatever. We're talking about letting people who already believe that this kind of thing is right do it!
Anyways I'm done for the evening so... goodnight :)
- Dep
Due to my own incompetance, I've managed to set back my own project by a fairly large step, so this week will be mostly devoted to lowering my blood pressure and getting the work done again. My apologies.
One of my classes this semester is Shakespeare - and I love Shakespeare. But one of the more striking points which was already a part of my philosophy but which was made more apparent was the need for self-understanding through a process of introspection.
And it struck me that, of the myriad of reasons I write here, one of the greatest reasons is to have a forum for a conversation of sorts within my head - for obvious reasons, this could never come into the public eye as it makes me look crazier than I really am. And this forum gives me some important insights into my actions and general self-identity.
So why write about it, is the question I get. Somedays I get bored. But today, it is because I want to explore a few aspects of my personality.
People are, in general, ever-evolving creatures. They gain new insights, new experiences and new thoughts and find ways to integrate some of these into their personality. I know that I have changed over the preceeding years and probably will over the many to come. But some parts of us are consistant - they can be repressed and controlled to some degree or they can be extremely encouraged, but they remain a part of us throughout years.
For me, these parts are numerous. I've always had an interest in things like mathematics, science, computers and the other more technical skills. But there's also always been an interest in psychology, human nature, philosophy, religion - more of the liberal arts catagory of interests (in fact my grade 11 english teacher suggest I persue a diploma in Liberal Arts, but I don't know how much I'd enjoy the classes). Its really more like a hobby for me. I've also maintained an interest in persuing higher level education (beyond CEGEP, so university) but my mind isn't always made up on that - sometimes I wonder if I might be better off out in the work force. Of course, there is the higher pay rate that can come with a degree instead of a DEC.
A healthy interest is sex is there too (for those of you who don't like reading about sex, skip this paragraph). And not simply sex by itself, but the many variations and possibilities that come with my imagination lol. Its always been my intention to fully explore said possibilites once I enter into a relationship with a person who is willing. (What is it I told you James so long ago that I was looking for in a woman? Intelligent, kinky and tolerant of me lol). And this isn't to say she's a whore or anything along those lines - in fact, I have no tolerance for whores. Its more of an active interest in something other than straightup sex (or even the other basics).
Tolerant of me - now there's an interesting concept. I always thought I could never found one, but obviously I was proven wrong. Going back in time, I think it was always my dual-nature: I can be a guy who tells horrible jokes and jokes around a lot (those of you who know me know this phase), yet I'm also a very serious, very philosophical, professional person at times. I can be extremely sexual or extremely non-sexual; dress down or dress up; happy or down. And finally there are my beliefs on things in general which are... far from normal to say the least.
Religion: My religion is my own. I occasionally call it Wicca because Wicca is the closest in terms of beliefs and because I love pentacles (so sue me). In addition, Wicca is largely based on the individuals beliefs - there are different forms and I would say mine is a form of Wicca integrated with a scientific view of the world. But whatever you call it, it gets complicated. Its always evolving and changing to integrate new ideas I come across into it.
Philosophy: My views on life are, again complex. I suppose thats why people don't like getting into it with me because I lose so many. Lets try to simply it. First of all, we're not considering things that are -FACTS-. We're not arguing does 2+2=4 in a mathematical sense (philosophically speaking, you can debate all you want). We are going to look at moral issues and beliefs. The first principle I believe in is that every person has the right to their own viewpoint on moral/immoral and what they believe. There is at least one exception to this that I have found so far - people who have viewpoints that force others to conform to it or that promote the destruction or hatred of another viewpoint. So you can believe what you want as long as you're going to let other people believe what you want too. All of you who know me, know how much I hate the fundamentalists of any religion (ahem Bush/Harper). So you can be Catholic yes, and maintain all of these beliefs, but you should realize that just because you and many other people believe it does not make it true for all people, nor does it mean that it should apply to all people. You can be a racist at heart and not have black friends or marry a black woman BUT it doesn't mean you can go around posting racist slogans or saying 'I hate black people' or not showing them basic respect. You can be the biggest pro-life person this side of Washington but YOU CANNOT BLOW UP ABORTION CLINICS. Basically my point is you can be who you want to be BUT you must also respect other people for who they are.
This is all against the people crowding Parliament with your noisy signs wanting to ban abortions again or destroy gay marriage. Because really - how does it affect you? We're not talking about forcing you to have an abortion. We're not talking about forcing you to have gay intercourse or whatever. We're talking about letting people who already believe that this kind of thing is right do it!
Anyways I'm done for the evening so... goodnight :)
- Dep
// posted by Dep @ 8:41:00 p.m.