Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Busy busy busy

Holy shiznack. Its been... 25-ish days?

My apologies to all of my friends who have been a little left out recently. I have been spending literally every night over at Robyns, since its quieter there lol. I have slept here I swear, three times.

Things are going well with Robyn :) I am happy, she is happy. Especially because its not one of those moderately obsessive relationships like I tend to have. Its just a good one. Its hard to explain :).

The projects are going on well. The website is coming along - I'm mostly waiting on people at the moment, hence why I have time to post lol. Its been insane getting it all sorted out. Ashley - I haven't forgot the additional personification information - its in my mind and I still have your notes, its just a question of getting all the material together again. I've also joined a D&D campaign, so I've been working on a character for that as well (actually I'm basing him on the personification - killing two birds with one stone lol). In addition, I'm accompanying a friend of mine to her prom (Vicki) later today. And another project is a massive D&D-based project that Daren and I are going to be putting together in the near future that I'm starting.

Things are going well but its going to be a very very busy so my apologies if I don't get on the internet too often.

Anyways I have to go prepare for the things later today. See y'all later.

- Dep

// posted by Dep @ 1:50:00 p.m.  0 comments

Saturday, June 03, 2006


I just watched Harper talk about the terrorists arrested. Paraphrased (if you can find the exact quote of what he said, I would like it lol) he said that the terrorists attacked Canada because of our way of life and our devotion to freedom, diversity, democracy and the rule of law.

Please note that contradicts what he said yesterday when he announced the reopening of the issue on same-sex marriage which is decidely not in favour of freedom or diversity. Given that the charter of rights says you can't discriminate and that the supreme court of Canada also said gay marriage is legal, then it also goes against rule of law. While the actions of the terrorists are severely wrong and shouldn't be allowed (blowing things up is bad), nor should we consider ourselves so high and mighty.

I haven't been able to find information on a protest yet, but rest assured that there will be one... even if I have to organize it myself lol.

Anyways, I must get moving again. Much to be doing today.


- Dep

// posted by Dep @ 4:57:00 p.m.  0 comments

This AM

Bad news on the telly this morning. For those of you living on Mars or possibly underneath a very large rock (or maybe just don't like/have a TV/radio/friend), the RCMP arrested 17 terrorists in the Toronto area this morning with 3 tonnes of ammonium nitrate (that's bad lol).

In additional news, Harper picked today of all days to announce that there will be an open vote in Parliament on the issue of same sex marriage in the Fall. While I hold no fears that the current definition of marriage will be retained, I feel we must, nevertheless, make ourselves heard on this issue. Therefore, I will learn the date/time of the protest (because you KNOW there's going to be a protest) and post it here - and I invite every single one of you to go. Heck even my mom's going.

Anyways, that's about it for this morning's news update. I have a party to go to later today, so I'm going to spend some time working on my projects.


- Dep

// posted by Dep @ 11:46:00 a.m.  1 comments

*Off to bed*

In regards to the comments on my last journal, see my comment about woodwork and not bickering (not you Eve :P). I'll leave it at that.

I apologize for my abscence as of late - I've spent the last 2.5 days at a friends place and right now is the first time I've been home longer than an hour. Her internet has also been out, so there's been no way for me to get online.

Upcoming Events:

Tomorrow: Morning is nothing, afternoon is nothing, evening is going to a friend's place for a party and staying the night.

Sunday: No idea lol

Monday: Work

Tuesday: PAC meeting, CS department meeting, work, design team meeting for HU

Wednesday: Work + PTY

Thursday/Friday: Work

As you can see, this week is going to be extremely busy, getting into my new work schedule (Which involves *gasp* waking up early).

Anyways - I promise more rants in the future, but for the moment I need liquid followed by sleep (I never sleep well at other people's houses :( especially not when its hot lol).


- Dep

// posted by Dep @ 12:26:00 a.m.  0 comments

Friday, June 02, 2006

Anti-Christianity? No. Anti-Stupidity? Yes.

Oh wow... everyone's just coming out of the woodwork today lol.

I go away for two days and I come back to see not one, not two, but THREE angry comments... from the same person.

Alright first of all, I'll agree. Not every Christian is bad. Heck, there are even a few branches of Christianity which I morally approve of (notably: Anglicans and Unitarians... probably a few others I don't know about).

And I even know a few good Christians who don't practice their religion to the T. And this is good for them.

When I referred to 'Christians' in the last journal entry, I was referring to the right-wing Christian Conservative 'movement'. You laugh, I'm serious - there is such a movement. They have organizations which petition the government for anti-abortion, anti-homosexuality, anti-birth control, etc. And I was referring also to the Catholic Church in particular. The Catholic Church, regardless of the deviance of a number of their members, speaks strongly against homosexuality and encourages governments not to allow, say, gay marriage (find the Pope's comments on gay marriage back when the debate was on for Canada to legalize it). I had hoped that it would be obvious (considering everyone knows that I don't stereotype) that I was referring to these right-wingers, instead of the entirety of the followers. And when I refer to the malicious acts, again I don't refer to the followers, I refer to the Chruch and its doctrines. I don't criticize the students who attend Catholic schools, I criticize the schools themselves and the organization which perpetuates them. I believe I mentioned all of this in some way in my last journal entry, but if it didn't come across to you, then my apologies.

The westboro church I referred to is, in my mind, merely one specific, extreme example of a problem within the minds of the majority of modern Christians - the belief that they are right, others are wrong and we should be following them. Even if the website IS satire, then it still illustrates my point because this is a real problem. You may not notice it because you are lucky to be among a group of modern Christians, but the problem is there - less so in Canada, but look at the US. The President is a perfect example of a right-wing christian conservative. Just listen to some of his speeches and count how many times the word 'God' is in there. And even in Canada, you can say the same thing about Stephen Harper. I know people who really do believe the world should be the way that this website says - and they aren't kidding.

I think the point is, and Eve is right, that the majority of Christianity has a problem - at least in its leadership. Whether or not the people really believe this or just believe because they're told to believe or don't believe at all is not something I care to guess at because I think the answer would frighten myself. Consider the failed referendums in the States to allow gay marriage - I think one state passed it out of the eleven that cared to try? If that doesn't say something about the opinion of the masses, then I have the head of a chicken. And we shouldn't be wasting time bickering over semantics, whether or not I'm stereotyping and "well I don't act that way, so there isn't a problem with me and I'm going to go on a long rant about Robert and his ignorance". Instead of arguing with me, go argue with a right wing Catholic today and change his mind.

For the record, I'm not against organized religion, Christianity or even Catholics. I'm against their doctrine where it teachs discrimination. Because regardless of your religious beliefs or anything else, I think the point I was trying to make is you CAN NOT and SHOULD NOT discriminate. I really really don't give a damn if your religion teachs that homosexuality is wrong.

And thank you EVe for the supporting journal entry - it makes me glad to know I'm not the only insane person :P.

Comments are still welcome, but if you're going to rant, make sure you understand what I'm writing about this time? And try to make it somewhat logical. I'm still confused where she got the anti-Christianity thing. I thought I was being clear.

Anyways, I'm going back out, but I'll be around later tonight for anyone who wants to chat.


- Dep

// posted by Dep @ 12:45:00 p.m.  1 comments

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