Friday, May 26, 2006
It's been one week...
Wow... an entire week since I posted. Sorry guys, it has been busy.
Brief recap of the past week...
I got a call from CGI (its a consulting company in Ottawa) in response to my resume, and my application is going to the next level :) - thus there is a chance (a small chance) that I won't be stuck doing the ever cursed job of tech support (despite the wonderful people there... no seriously, I just hate the stupid people who can't install Java, can't read and can't think beyond 'omg its not working, call tech support!'). What does CGI do? WEB PROGRAMMING! THANK YOU! Finally I get to do something I like. *crosses fingers for the job* If not, the other student for Statistics Canada is a friend of mine from school, so it won't be that bad.
I saw the Da Vinci code earlier this week. It was a good movie - reminded me of National Treasure but replace the American historical references to the Catholic historical references. Speaking of movies, if you still haven't seen V for Vendetta, GO SEE IT NOW! NOW!
Heritage Underground... my massive workload giver for the past couple of weeks. I've spent so much time at meetings, talking to people trying to get them involved and just pounding out code. I'm probably going to be spending every free moment of my time this summer just working on the code. But the project is well worth it - its what got me into CGI, my work experience with this project.
School - Exams are finally complete, as of a week ago. Some marks in - so far I've passed Business, Hardware/Software, French and Gym. I've also already passed web programming, interpersonal relationships and programming without the exams so it just leaves English up in the air - everything rides on the exam lol.
Lets see... June 23rd approaches, its the day that people are coming from Sudbury to see Cirque du Soleil, and I will hopefully be going with them.
Also around that time period should be Vicki's prom to which I may or may not be going to with her (as friends) as I must be considering the costs of such an action.
Can't remember if I mentioned this but I was selected as the student representative on the PAC (Program Advisory Committee) for my college - essentially what they do is they look at what they teach the computer science students at the College and how they can better match it to the skills that the businesses are looking for. Really good way to meet contacts in the field, so I'm glad I got selected.
Recently, I was part of a group discussion on how we can best overcome homophobia. The conclusion was that we need a lot more education to counteract the disinformation (propaganda is more like it) of religion and conservative parents among other parties.
If you think about it, in the past the fights for human rights has had some visible aspect to it. Perhaps a part of the difficulties facing the fight for gay rights is the lack of a visible aspect (flamboyant people aside lol). It adds an element of the unknown into people's thought pattern and perhaps that is why it is harder to overcome - after all, discrimination is usually based on fear and ignorance.
As such, I've decided to begin a new project with the help of several organizations from Ottawa. The project will put together a panel of gay/lesbian/bisexual youth - they will be selected to give as broad of a selection of people as possible (trying to avoid any of the usual stereotypes, but hey - stereotypes are sometimes true lol). The panel will then go to schools and do presentations on gay rights as well as speaking about themselves and their experiences as a rainbow youth. Hopefully we can start to remove some of the taboo-ness that surrounds this topic and help people feel more comfortable with homosexuality in general.
Can't think of too much else going on - tonight I'm going to spend working on redesigning the framework for the website, but feel free to drop me a line if you like.
Later all!
- Dep
Brief recap of the past week...
I got a call from CGI (its a consulting company in Ottawa) in response to my resume, and my application is going to the next level :) - thus there is a chance (a small chance) that I won't be stuck doing the ever cursed job of tech support (despite the wonderful people there... no seriously, I just hate the stupid people who can't install Java, can't read and can't think beyond 'omg its not working, call tech support!'). What does CGI do? WEB PROGRAMMING! THANK YOU! Finally I get to do something I like. *crosses fingers for the job* If not, the other student for Statistics Canada is a friend of mine from school, so it won't be that bad.
I saw the Da Vinci code earlier this week. It was a good movie - reminded me of National Treasure but replace the American historical references to the Catholic historical references. Speaking of movies, if you still haven't seen V for Vendetta, GO SEE IT NOW! NOW!
Heritage Underground... my massive workload giver for the past couple of weeks. I've spent so much time at meetings, talking to people trying to get them involved and just pounding out code. I'm probably going to be spending every free moment of my time this summer just working on the code. But the project is well worth it - its what got me into CGI, my work experience with this project.
School - Exams are finally complete, as of a week ago. Some marks in - so far I've passed Business, Hardware/Software, French and Gym. I've also already passed web programming, interpersonal relationships and programming without the exams so it just leaves English up in the air - everything rides on the exam lol.
Lets see... June 23rd approaches, its the day that people are coming from Sudbury to see Cirque du Soleil, and I will hopefully be going with them.
Also around that time period should be Vicki's prom to which I may or may not be going to with her (as friends) as I must be considering the costs of such an action.
Can't remember if I mentioned this but I was selected as the student representative on the PAC (Program Advisory Committee) for my college - essentially what they do is they look at what they teach the computer science students at the College and how they can better match it to the skills that the businesses are looking for. Really good way to meet contacts in the field, so I'm glad I got selected.
Recently, I was part of a group discussion on how we can best overcome homophobia. The conclusion was that we need a lot more education to counteract the disinformation (propaganda is more like it) of religion and conservative parents among other parties.
If you think about it, in the past the fights for human rights has had some visible aspect to it. Perhaps a part of the difficulties facing the fight for gay rights is the lack of a visible aspect (flamboyant people aside lol). It adds an element of the unknown into people's thought pattern and perhaps that is why it is harder to overcome - after all, discrimination is usually based on fear and ignorance.
As such, I've decided to begin a new project with the help of several organizations from Ottawa. The project will put together a panel of gay/lesbian/bisexual youth - they will be selected to give as broad of a selection of people as possible (trying to avoid any of the usual stereotypes, but hey - stereotypes are sometimes true lol). The panel will then go to schools and do presentations on gay rights as well as speaking about themselves and their experiences as a rainbow youth. Hopefully we can start to remove some of the taboo-ness that surrounds this topic and help people feel more comfortable with homosexuality in general.
Can't think of too much else going on - tonight I'm going to spend working on redesigning the framework for the website, but feel free to drop me a line if you like.
Later all!
- Dep
// posted by Dep @ 9:22:00 p.m.