Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Hack the Planet
Alrighty then... today, I was introduced to the most offensive website on the internet. Well there are worse, but those are severely illegal. The site is known as God Hates Fags. Alright, you see where this is going. Enter rant... now.
WTF IS WITH THESE PEOPLE. For those of you who haven't seen anything like this on the Internet, go to and tell me it isn't the most offensive site you have seen on the website. I don't even know where to start. The site is a perfect example of anti-gay propaganda. Its based on religious arguments that are based on the Bible. Problem one with that is that the Bible has multiple interpretations which are the subject of much discussion within the Church. Problem two is the translations throughout the years that may have shifted or altered meanings to better suit the author's version of history - as an example, take the epic poem Beowulf. Originally told in the pre-Christian era, over the years Christianity has altered the poem as translators and writers have rewritten it, altering it to include Christian references. Thats is why if you read Beowulf, the pagan and the Christian references seem to clash at times. Problem three is that the Bible was originally written (and rewritten) in times far different in our own. To stick to the traditional solely because of tradition regardless of the changing times is usually not a good idea. Problem four is that belief in Jesus, God and the Bible is purely that... A BELIEF. I am not questioning your right to believe, but I ask that you not to question my right to believe otherwise. Because you believe in the Christian ideals is NOT reason that the rest of us should believe in the Christian ideals. And you can argue the benefits of Christianity until the cows come home - and I'll even agree, Christianity has done some good in the world. But it isn't perfect. I'll point to the Inquisition, the Crusades, all the killing done in the name of the Christian God, etc. Every religion has its fanatics. And usually, the killing is done by the people who cannot accept that other people will believe differently. They are labeled as sinners, pagans, unclean, whatever you want to call them. So, because you believe in the Bible does not make it right for the government to base policy on the Bible, nor does it give you the 'divine right' to impose your beliefs on others. It goes against what the Christian religion preaches anyways, or claims to - community, love thy neighbour, etc. Its why a seperation between State and Religion is essential, because the State sets policy for people of more than one religion. This website is an example of the hate that religious fanaticism can bring in a person and make them forget that a gay person is STILL a person. This sort of thing is completely unacceptable in modern society.
And people ask, why does it frustrate me so? Because if nobody stands against it, if nobody does anything, then nothing changes. Some of us have bigger things to tackle - but I'm pretty much set personally. I'd really like not to be single, but apart from that I'm happy with who I am. And that leaves me thinking about the big issues - the metaphysical and the issues facing society. When I look at what goes on in the world, especially in the States, I am appalled - sure its better than the 60s, but it ain't perfect people. I, as an individual, can't do much... but its better than doing nothing. I have my journal where I detail all the horrible things in the world in an effort to help you see what's going on out there that not all of you encounter. I do work with youth organizations, especially the upcoming presentations to schools that I hope to begin. And arguments like 'Well I'm straight, so gay rights doesn't affect me' are not good ones to take. In fact, they annoy me more than the opponents to gay rights. Everyone (and I will guarentee that this is everyone) knows somebody who is not-straight, if not themselves, be they a family member, friend or coworker. It would be like saying 'Well I'm white, so black rights don't affect me'. As a member of society, shouldn't we be defending the rights of all citizens, not just the ones like us? Isn't that what we say is wrong with people like, say, the terrorists? They can't accept our right to have a different way of life (based on, once again, religion). The terrorists are not right - we have our way of life and they are entitled to theirs... within reason in both cases. But apparently, in the mind of America (or at least the government), its right for THEM to impose a way of life on the American people, while saying its wrong for the terrorists. Its a clear case of its right when its our way, but wrong when its their way. And THAT is a dangerous way of thinking. We here in Canada are on the brink of such a way of thinking with the Harper government in place and the Christian right wing movement lobbying for changes in the system. But lets remember an important message from, of all places, a beer commerical. It caused us to take pride in what we are, but we are beginning to forget that message.
WTF IS WITH THESE PEOPLE. For those of you who haven't seen anything like this on the Internet, go to and tell me it isn't the most offensive site you have seen on the website. I don't even know where to start. The site is a perfect example of anti-gay propaganda. Its based on religious arguments that are based on the Bible. Problem one with that is that the Bible has multiple interpretations which are the subject of much discussion within the Church. Problem two is the translations throughout the years that may have shifted or altered meanings to better suit the author's version of history - as an example, take the epic poem Beowulf. Originally told in the pre-Christian era, over the years Christianity has altered the poem as translators and writers have rewritten it, altering it to include Christian references. Thats is why if you read Beowulf, the pagan and the Christian references seem to clash at times. Problem three is that the Bible was originally written (and rewritten) in times far different in our own. To stick to the traditional solely because of tradition regardless of the changing times is usually not a good idea. Problem four is that belief in Jesus, God and the Bible is purely that... A BELIEF. I am not questioning your right to believe, but I ask that you not to question my right to believe otherwise. Because you believe in the Christian ideals is NOT reason that the rest of us should believe in the Christian ideals. And you can argue the benefits of Christianity until the cows come home - and I'll even agree, Christianity has done some good in the world. But it isn't perfect. I'll point to the Inquisition, the Crusades, all the killing done in the name of the Christian God, etc. Every religion has its fanatics. And usually, the killing is done by the people who cannot accept that other people will believe differently. They are labeled as sinners, pagans, unclean, whatever you want to call them. So, because you believe in the Bible does not make it right for the government to base policy on the Bible, nor does it give you the 'divine right' to impose your beliefs on others. It goes against what the Christian religion preaches anyways, or claims to - community, love thy neighbour, etc. Its why a seperation between State and Religion is essential, because the State sets policy for people of more than one religion. This website is an example of the hate that religious fanaticism can bring in a person and make them forget that a gay person is STILL a person. This sort of thing is completely unacceptable in modern society.
And people ask, why does it frustrate me so? Because if nobody stands against it, if nobody does anything, then nothing changes. Some of us have bigger things to tackle - but I'm pretty much set personally. I'd really like not to be single, but apart from that I'm happy with who I am. And that leaves me thinking about the big issues - the metaphysical and the issues facing society. When I look at what goes on in the world, especially in the States, I am appalled - sure its better than the 60s, but it ain't perfect people. I, as an individual, can't do much... but its better than doing nothing. I have my journal where I detail all the horrible things in the world in an effort to help you see what's going on out there that not all of you encounter. I do work with youth organizations, especially the upcoming presentations to schools that I hope to begin. And arguments like 'Well I'm straight, so gay rights doesn't affect me' are not good ones to take. In fact, they annoy me more than the opponents to gay rights. Everyone (and I will guarentee that this is everyone) knows somebody who is not-straight, if not themselves, be they a family member, friend or coworker. It would be like saying 'Well I'm white, so black rights don't affect me'. As a member of society, shouldn't we be defending the rights of all citizens, not just the ones like us? Isn't that what we say is wrong with people like, say, the terrorists? They can't accept our right to have a different way of life (based on, once again, religion). The terrorists are not right - we have our way of life and they are entitled to theirs... within reason in both cases. But apparently, in the mind of America (or at least the government), its right for THEM to impose a way of life on the American people, while saying its wrong for the terrorists. Its a clear case of its right when its our way, but wrong when its their way. And THAT is a dangerous way of thinking. We here in Canada are on the brink of such a way of thinking with the Harper government in place and the Christian right wing movement lobbying for changes in the system. But lets remember an important message from, of all places, a beer commerical. It caused us to take pride in what we are, but we are beginning to forget that message.
Hey, I'm not a lumberjack, or a fur trader....
I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber, or own a dogsled....
and I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada,
although I'm certain they're really really nice.
I have a Prime Minister, not a president.
I speak English and French, not American.
And I pronounce it 'about', not 'a boot'.
I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack.
I believe in peace keeping, not policing,
diversity, not assimilation,
and that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal.
A t[u]que is a hat, a chesterfield is a couch,
and it is pronounced 'zed' not 'zee', 'zed' !!!!
Canada is the second largest landmass!
The first nation of hockey!
and the best part of North America
My name is Joe!!
And I am Canadian!!!
I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber, or own a dogsled....
and I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada,
although I'm certain they're really really nice.
I have a Prime Minister, not a president.
I speak English and French, not American.
And I pronounce it 'about', not 'a boot'.
I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack.
I believe in peace keeping, not policing,
diversity, not assimilation,
and that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal.
A t[u]que is a hat, a chesterfield is a couch,
and it is pronounced 'zed' not 'zee', 'zed' !!!!
Canada is the second largest landmass!
The first nation of hockey!
and the best part of North America
My name is Joe!!
And I am Canadian!!!
I highlighted the key phrase in bold, but I wanted it all so everyone would remember. We claim to believe in diversity. The US of A claims to believe in personal freedom. But more and more, it seems we're drifting towards the 'right kind' of diversity, the 'right kinds' of personal freedom. And its true... society needs some limits to personal freedom. We can't have the anarchy of people going around killing each other for no real reason or such. We can't have rape or hate crimes. Essentially, we can't let people do what violates another person right to do what they want to do or another person's safety. This, in my mind, should apply to religions as well.
In Canada, a clergyman can commit a hate crime and get away with it. This MAY make sense, at least I won't argue it, in religious ceremonies - if a religion really doesn't want to marry gay couples, then I suspect we'll start to see a spinoff religion that does - its how they solved the divorce issue. And the strict Catholic portion will keep getting smaller lol. Alright, no problems there. But they can't teach discrimination in schools - religious public schools are... an inconceivable notion in my mind. I mean, the concept isn't bad if you assume that they don't teach that all gays, abortion doctors, condom wearers and women with an IQ above 50 are going to hell (along with other things). Can you make that assumption? The stories I hear about the Catholic school board in Ottawa say no. I mean, why do you think human right issues that involve granting a new group of people the same rights as the rest (women, blacks, homosexuals) take so long to get going and spread? Its because people are continually taught that these people are wrong, the devil, whatever you want to call it. Heck, creationism is still taught over science in some American schools.
You want the world to be a better place? Don't go looking to make war on other countries... look at home first. Look at your own government and what IT does to protect your people's rights. Look at your neighbours and how they treat people. Take a stand against it, regardless if you're black/white/asian, male/female, gay/straight/bisexual/transsexual/two-spirited/queer/questioning, or whatever else you may be. Stand up and say 'we will not allow our government to do such a thing'. Write a letter. Make a rant. Join a group that takes non-violent actions.
Is violence an answer? Never, as a first response. But sometimes violence is a necessary tool. Take Nazi Germany as a perfect example of where violence is needed. V for Vendetta makes a point about how violence can be used as a tool. Some real, modern examples - the Stonewall Riots and the Toronto Bathhouse Raids. All of them involved the people standing up to the police and saying 'we will not be discriminated against'. And they fought... and some were arrested for it. But the point came across and both these events are pivotal moments in the fight for gay rights.
If you want, the original founding of the United States is another example - they used violence to protest against taxation without representation and religious persecution.
One of these days, somebody is going to slip in the USA and we're going to see another major incident. People will die. And the public response will be like nothing we've seen in our time - the media will see to that.
In regards to my title now. There are groups of hackers who go after pedophiles and terrorist websites. I say it is high time somebody formed a group of hackers who go after websites similar to God Hates Fags (I shudder inside whenever I write that) and bring them down. These kinds of sites are not only highly offensive and incorrect, they promote a viewpoint which would be considered a hate crime in any decent country. Regardless of the rights of religion, religion should NEVER have the right to discriminate against the general population and should NOT be allowed to post such hate propaganda (Because thats what it is) on the Internet. Take it out boys.
In conclusion, the world is full of morons. Some question me on how I can question religion's right to discriminate, because its discrimination. Am I not being hypocritical? No. Tolerance of hate propaganda is one thing that should never be allowed. As I said above, society needs limits and this kind of hatred is one of them.
I welcome comments. And I apologize for the long rant. This site really really pissed me off. I mean really - I haven't been this pissed off in a long time. And I wonder how web hosting companies can even let these kinds of sites exists - hate propaganda? I compare it to hosting a neo-Nazi website or a KKK website. Its certainly the same idea. Seriously - its time people started to protest.
I have this strange feeling I'm going to be a political activist in my future. But regardless, I must be off to a friends. Perhaps I will continue this there if I be frustrated enough.
G'night my readers.
- Dep
In Canada, a clergyman can commit a hate crime and get away with it. This MAY make sense, at least I won't argue it, in religious ceremonies - if a religion really doesn't want to marry gay couples, then I suspect we'll start to see a spinoff religion that does - its how they solved the divorce issue. And the strict Catholic portion will keep getting smaller lol. Alright, no problems there. But they can't teach discrimination in schools - religious public schools are... an inconceivable notion in my mind. I mean, the concept isn't bad if you assume that they don't teach that all gays, abortion doctors, condom wearers and women with an IQ above 50 are going to hell (along with other things). Can you make that assumption? The stories I hear about the Catholic school board in Ottawa say no. I mean, why do you think human right issues that involve granting a new group of people the same rights as the rest (women, blacks, homosexuals) take so long to get going and spread? Its because people are continually taught that these people are wrong, the devil, whatever you want to call it. Heck, creationism is still taught over science in some American schools.
You want the world to be a better place? Don't go looking to make war on other countries... look at home first. Look at your own government and what IT does to protect your people's rights. Look at your neighbours and how they treat people. Take a stand against it, regardless if you're black/white/asian, male/female, gay/straight/bisexual/transsexual/two-spirited/queer/questioning, or whatever else you may be. Stand up and say 'we will not allow our government to do such a thing'. Write a letter. Make a rant. Join a group that takes non-violent actions.
Is violence an answer? Never, as a first response. But sometimes violence is a necessary tool. Take Nazi Germany as a perfect example of where violence is needed. V for Vendetta makes a point about how violence can be used as a tool. Some real, modern examples - the Stonewall Riots and the Toronto Bathhouse Raids. All of them involved the people standing up to the police and saying 'we will not be discriminated against'. And they fought... and some were arrested for it. But the point came across and both these events are pivotal moments in the fight for gay rights.
If you want, the original founding of the United States is another example - they used violence to protest against taxation without representation and religious persecution.
One of these days, somebody is going to slip in the USA and we're going to see another major incident. People will die. And the public response will be like nothing we've seen in our time - the media will see to that.
In regards to my title now. There are groups of hackers who go after pedophiles and terrorist websites. I say it is high time somebody formed a group of hackers who go after websites similar to God Hates Fags (I shudder inside whenever I write that) and bring them down. These kinds of sites are not only highly offensive and incorrect, they promote a viewpoint which would be considered a hate crime in any decent country. Regardless of the rights of religion, religion should NEVER have the right to discriminate against the general population and should NOT be allowed to post such hate propaganda (Because thats what it is) on the Internet. Take it out boys.
In conclusion, the world is full of morons. Some question me on how I can question religion's right to discriminate, because its discrimination. Am I not being hypocritical? No. Tolerance of hate propaganda is one thing that should never be allowed. As I said above, society needs limits and this kind of hatred is one of them.
I welcome comments. And I apologize for the long rant. This site really really pissed me off. I mean really - I haven't been this pissed off in a long time. And I wonder how web hosting companies can even let these kinds of sites exists - hate propaganda? I compare it to hosting a neo-Nazi website or a KKK website. Its certainly the same idea. Seriously - its time people started to protest.
I have this strange feeling I'm going to be a political activist in my future. But regardless, I must be off to a friends. Perhaps I will continue this there if I be frustrated enough.
G'night my readers.
- Dep
// posted by Dep @ 10:24:00 p.m.

Unholy meow woman... Have you looked at your religion's history?
The fact is - a great majority of Christians, whatever sect, condemn people. Just because you and all your little friends don't - well boohoo. You ever think, considering this is a blog for someone's thoughts, that he's just sick of so much bullshit coming from Christians? You want a disclaimer everywhere saying "oh no, I don't mean -everybody- just the majority I've been dealing with"? Come on now.
You're getting your knickers in a knot for nothing. Get some sleep.
The fact is - a great majority of Christians, whatever sect, condemn people. Just because you and all your little friends don't - well boohoo. You ever think, considering this is a blog for someone's thoughts, that he's just sick of so much bullshit coming from Christians? You want a disclaimer everywhere saying "oh no, I don't mean -everybody- just the majority I've been dealing with"? Come on now.
You're getting your knickers in a knot for nothing. Get some sleep.
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