Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Friday, May 12, 2006

Good News/Bad News

But before the news - Eve, you're right, there would be so many parents who would complain about their kids being turned into 'sex fiends'. But at least, they would be sex fiends without children lol. Fuck the parents, teach it to them anyways. Its stuff they need to know. We insist on lessons for driving to make sure they know how to drive, we give them all kinds of mandatory information about health in school, why not sexual health? Its one of those things - sure, maybe it would be better if your kid didn't have sex (I'm not saying it is lol) but if they are...

a) There is nothing, as a parent, you can do to stop them for sure
b) Better they be educated than have no clue what they're doing

On to the bad news. I was downtown yesterday and saw a large number of priests with kids walking around. Later I find out that its because there's an anti-abortion rally going on at Parliment Hill. Please - not this crap again. And thats not against the individuals who are pro-life. If you want to be pro-life, fine. Heck, I don't even know where I stand personally on the issue. But here's the facts...

1) There are health/safety justifications for abortions
2) There are other considerations - consider a 16 year old mother, who may have to drop out of school to take care of her child.
3) Some people don't have a moral problem with it. And it would be an extremely interesting debate on whether or not people should have a moral problem. I'm of the opinion that if your morals prevent it, then don't do it - on the other hand, if they don't, then that's your choice to be making. Not the decision of the government.

Thus, the path of the government should be clear. Giving people the choice to decide for themselves on a highly controversial issue is exactly the right path to take.

Now as for the government funding the abortions (since they are covered under health care I believe, at least they are in Quebec), I see no problem with that at all given the last statement. If there are going to be abortions, you want them done right and you want them to be available to the people who may not have any other options.

Besides, has anyone consider the alternatives? Back in the bad old days, when abortions were illegal, we had the underground abortion clinics that were bombed. We had 'doctors' performing abortions with a COAT HANGER! Anyone want to go back to that? Sure perhaps people's general knowledge now will avoid the coat hanger method... for awhile. But eventually they'll forget, and some people won't be smart enough, especially if you stop education too.

So, for the good of all people, let them have their safe abortions in a safe place, shut the fuck up and quit ruining my view of Parliment and my evening news.

(you're right Eve - the human race is doomed by people like this)

Anyways, the good news, I just aced an exam and the SENS WON! Let the comeback begin!

Alright, anyways I'm off. Later!

- Rob

// posted by Dep @ 1:05:00 p.m.


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