Sunday, May 14, 2006
The wonderful job of doing tech support. Here is a song I found (a parody)
(To the tune of "I will Survive")
At first I was afraid I had lost my mind,
The phone would ring, I'd do my thing and get maligned
But then I spent so many months
Helping users dial out
Filled with doubt...
About my ability not to shout
At users who
Can hardly think
I showed them how to click on things
and even pulled them the brink
I shouldhave known they'd never learn
And realized they wouldn't see
If I'd known for just one second
They'd be back to bother me
So here I go
Put them on hold
Just take a nap now
I'm sure they'll wait until they're old
Weren't they the ones who
Tried to say I lost their files
They thought I'd help them
Now I'm rolling in the aisles!
Oh no not I!
(THANK YOU UserFriendly!)
And my own version of a MasterCard commercial....
Bribes to security guard: $100
Copy of exam answers: $200
Pen with secret compartment: $599.99
100% on your final exam?... Priceless
There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's Mastercard
Ok, enough random goodness. Later
- Dep
The wonderful job of doing tech support. Here is a song I found (a parody)
(To the tune of "I will Survive")
At first I was afraid I had lost my mind,
The phone would ring, I'd do my thing and get maligned
But then I spent so many months
Helping users dial out
Filled with doubt...
About my ability not to shout
At users who
Can hardly think
I showed them how to click on things
and even pulled them the brink
I shouldhave known they'd never learn
And realized they wouldn't see
If I'd known for just one second
They'd be back to bother me
So here I go
Put them on hold
Just take a nap now
I'm sure they'll wait until they're old
Weren't they the ones who
Tried to say I lost their files
They thought I'd help them
Now I'm rolling in the aisles!
Oh no not I!
(THANK YOU UserFriendly!)
And my own version of a MasterCard commercial....
Bribes to security guard: $100
Copy of exam answers: $200
Pen with secret compartment: $599.99
100% on your final exam?... Priceless
There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's Mastercard
Ok, enough random goodness. Later
- Dep
// posted by Dep @ 4:51:00 p.m.
*giggles* That's amazing! *dances to "I Will Survive"* Is it sad that I didn't have to listen to the song to know the exact way one should sing that parody? XD
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