Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Alright, lets get the good stuff out of the way.

- I've been offered a job with Statistics Canada again, doing tech support and testing. It was good work, good money and I'm going to call them back tomorrow. I'm hoping its not full time over the summer, but we'll have to see. I may be able to arrange some time off to go up north again.

- PTY was good tonight, we listened to some old folks talk about their experiences in the 60s, 70s and 80s. Good lessons in there. Also had the chance to see some people who hadn't been there in awhile.

- Afternoon class was cancelled, so I got to go play pool with the guys down at Anik. It was fun.

- My head is still full of thoughts and I think I just have to come right out and say it this time - see where it goes and go from there. Next time I see her online.

- I have a problem with my English teacher who failed me on the oral. As a result, he can forget about seeing me in class. I'll go write the final, but apart from that... alright the story?

I haven't been sleeping well lately. I've stayed up late, talking with people, which is different from my normal pattern. The truth is, an aunt I was close to died of cancer very recently (a couple of weeks ago) and the thoughts are... sometimes difficult, especially late at night. Thus, its been hard for me to get to my early morning classes. I explained this to my teacher and he still failed me (all of our english classes are in the morning). But, as long as I don't need it (some items, if you don't do it, you fail the course) then I can still pass - which is good. I just need a decent mark on my already-handed in essay and my final. *crosses fingers*. The other downside is all my other marks have slipped 10%, since I haven't been going to classes. I need to get back in the saddle, which is why I'm making the effort to go to bed early (I've gone offline already as of now before I write this just so I can write it and get to bed).

Anyways, enough of that.

Yeah, I've decided to take some decisive action on my singleness. I think its time I did something, took some initiative. Lets see what happens. Cross your fingers with me people.

I hate homophobic people. I know if you read this and know me at all (considering my orientation) you're not, so my rant is maldirected, since you most likely agree with me. But really, sometimes people take things too far. Like the guy handing out bullshit hate propaganda on the streets of Ottawa. *shakes head* somethings I will never understand.

Anyways... to bed with me before the thoughts get to me. Wish me luck.

- Rob

// posted by Dep @ 10:43:00 p.m.


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