Saturday, March 25, 2006
Update #... something
So, its been a bit, I know, because I have a lot of things on my mind, especially after yesterday... which is what I'll start with.
Before I do that... Yahoo Messenger's little ringing bells when you get a new message has to be the most annoying sound ever to come out of a computer since dialup modems.
So yes... yesterday.
I got an e-mail from a guy claiming to be Courtney's boyfriend, saying something about how he hasn't seen Courtney in so long and would like to talk to me about it and what's going on. *shrugs* Now I've been the victim of spam and joke e-mails before, so I do some research... its amazing what you can find on the Internet. The address isn't listed anywhere as a spam e-mail address... the letter seems to fit the facts and the email address has a profile attached to it. So I add him to MSN and have a bit of a chat with him... during this chat, Courtney messages me and tells me not to talk to a guy named (this guys name) because he's a crazy stalker who's been messaging her other friends and she has no clue who this guy is. Odd, because this e-mail was sent to me nearly two weeks ago... in fact its been in darkelfpoet's junk mail since forever (I don't check it that often and have been ignoring what was in it). *shrugs* she asks me not to talk with the guy, but I do anyways... just to see whether or not he's a stalker. He didn't come across that way... maybe a little obsessive - young teenager in love kindof obsessive, but not stalking serious. Now, oddly enough, during the conversation, I learn many things... such that he knows that I write poetry, my email address, that I write stories (mentioned one by name even), knows several key events in Courtney's life and about her herself. Then, after he leaves... I find this guys journal on Google. Very interesting... it included at the time, the history of their relationship back to September including key events that almost nobody would know about except Courtney's closest of friends (Courtney: the bar... it was in there). In addition, the time line fits with her internet problems, the removal of her appendix and her not going to class... and it mentions her by name and them doing various things that include watching her favorite movie. I'm sorry, there is NO way somebody could know that much about another person and yet the other person has no clue who it is. I don't believe it. I refuse to believe it... its bullshit.
Yet Courtney said it was all a lie and that the guy was making up his own fantasy world. Which means there are two possibilities.
A) He's a delusion guy with access to the most intimate details of somebody's life and access to some details of mine and he needs to be in a mental hospital NOW because that is not healthy in the least.
B) Courtney's lying.
All I have to say is Occam's Razor: The simplist solution is usually the correct one. Not only that, but... it just doesn't fit. He wouldn't know some of these things unless he's best friends with one of Courtney's best friends or he knows Courtney intimately. And I find it highly unlikely if not impossible that that would be the case. And for those of you who are going to ask about his journal, he deleted the entries a few hours after I read them... which would fit the pattern of a guy in love who's just had his heart torn out (I remember doing that once) - in fact, its shocking how his relationship followed the pattern that mine did.
Which means I'm starting to wonder if Daren's right about Courtney being a pathological liar... it would explain a great deal of things and I don't see a loose thread anywhere.
*shrugs* I'm not horribly surprised to tell the truth. I'd hoped we were past the lies after I came clean... but apparently we aren't. And I really can't swallow this one this time... I've stretched what I've been willing to believe in the past, but this... there is no way she doesn't know this guy.
And so you're asking 'So what?'. And its not that I care that she's dating some guy or that she dated him I suppose I should say... I'm just fed up with being lied to. Really fed up and really pissed at myself that I've been willing to believe her up til now.
Because obviously, if she's lying about this, then I have to go back and reevaluate all the other times I've had trouble believing something from her.
And its not like I'd be horribly mad if she would just come out and say 'Look... I lied to you, this is the truth and I'm going to do my best in the future not to lie to you'. I know how sometimes you can lie and your lies just build and build and built... but at some point you just have to suck it up and come clean... especially if you're ever interested in trying to rebuild the relationship one day, which she's obviously not. In fact, I would say she's not into the serious relationships, not like I am, judging by how she's handled our relationship and the relationship with this other guy.
*shrugs* I was really pissed yesteday, but I'm better now... the caffeine is helping lol.
Spending the evening with Ashley and a few friends of her... it should be really cool.
Nicky's getting on my nerves a bit... she gets that look if I even mention that I'm talking to Ashley and is really on edge and a bit... snarky I believe is the word. *shrugs*
Leaving tomorrow at 7 for the Sault with Lisa... that should be fun.
One of the things I'm really for is freedom of speech. I believe that any person should be able to voice their opinion on a subject - in fact that's why I have a journal, is so I can have my own voice... and journals are great for that. If you think about it, before the Internet (and blogs in particular), to get your opinion heard, you had to publish something which was hard as hell. Now anyone can just go and start speaking. Now that isn't to say that everyone's opinion is right, especially from a society point of view - society needs to respect the rights of everyone, which is why we're lucky to have human rights here in Canada (unlike those damn Americans). Where's my point... right. People who tell me to keep my opinions to myself (to shut up) can honestly go to hell. You don't like them, don't read my journal. And yes, that is directed at somebody who recently told me to shut up with my opinions and discussing them in a public forum. Beyond the fact that its my right, I also need the feel to rant and get the thoughts out on occasion. And in discussing something, I also find new insights to it and hope to inspire insights in others... isn't that the point of having a blog. We can learn from the mistakes of others or those mistakes can help others to recognize the same flaws and correct them.
So *shrugs* no more moderation. If you've a problem, I'll take a page from Eve's book and have you raped with a steel pipe wrapped in barbwire.
Which also gets me into my newest journal... I know it might be hard for people to check two journals, but for a bit at least, I'm going to start seperating my thoughts for those people who are too 'sensitive' for my thoughts... until the steel pipe people can make enough steel pipes and distribute them at least. I may move completely to another journal one day, though this one I will keep for old time's sake. But some people I feel are no longer close enough to me for me to be as open as I would like to be.
So... that leaves me... with Eve coming soon, an evening of good times in mind and such. I'm gone.
- Dep
Before I do that... Yahoo Messenger's little ringing bells when you get a new message has to be the most annoying sound ever to come out of a computer since dialup modems.
So yes... yesterday.
I got an e-mail from a guy claiming to be Courtney's boyfriend, saying something about how he hasn't seen Courtney in so long and would like to talk to me about it and what's going on. *shrugs* Now I've been the victim of spam and joke e-mails before, so I do some research... its amazing what you can find on the Internet. The address isn't listed anywhere as a spam e-mail address... the letter seems to fit the facts and the email address has a profile attached to it. So I add him to MSN and have a bit of a chat with him... during this chat, Courtney messages me and tells me not to talk to a guy named (this guys name) because he's a crazy stalker who's been messaging her other friends and she has no clue who this guy is. Odd, because this e-mail was sent to me nearly two weeks ago... in fact its been in darkelfpoet's junk mail since forever (I don't check it that often and have been ignoring what was in it). *shrugs* she asks me not to talk with the guy, but I do anyways... just to see whether or not he's a stalker. He didn't come across that way... maybe a little obsessive - young teenager in love kindof obsessive, but not stalking serious. Now, oddly enough, during the conversation, I learn many things... such that he knows that I write poetry, my email address, that I write stories (mentioned one by name even), knows several key events in Courtney's life and about her herself. Then, after he leaves... I find this guys journal on Google. Very interesting... it included at the time, the history of their relationship back to September including key events that almost nobody would know about except Courtney's closest of friends (Courtney: the bar... it was in there). In addition, the time line fits with her internet problems, the removal of her appendix and her not going to class... and it mentions her by name and them doing various things that include watching her favorite movie. I'm sorry, there is NO way somebody could know that much about another person and yet the other person has no clue who it is. I don't believe it. I refuse to believe it... its bullshit.
Yet Courtney said it was all a lie and that the guy was making up his own fantasy world. Which means there are two possibilities.
A) He's a delusion guy with access to the most intimate details of somebody's life and access to some details of mine and he needs to be in a mental hospital NOW because that is not healthy in the least.
B) Courtney's lying.
All I have to say is Occam's Razor: The simplist solution is usually the correct one. Not only that, but... it just doesn't fit. He wouldn't know some of these things unless he's best friends with one of Courtney's best friends or he knows Courtney intimately. And I find it highly unlikely if not impossible that that would be the case. And for those of you who are going to ask about his journal, he deleted the entries a few hours after I read them... which would fit the pattern of a guy in love who's just had his heart torn out (I remember doing that once) - in fact, its shocking how his relationship followed the pattern that mine did.
Which means I'm starting to wonder if Daren's right about Courtney being a pathological liar... it would explain a great deal of things and I don't see a loose thread anywhere.
*shrugs* I'm not horribly surprised to tell the truth. I'd hoped we were past the lies after I came clean... but apparently we aren't. And I really can't swallow this one this time... I've stretched what I've been willing to believe in the past, but this... there is no way she doesn't know this guy.
And so you're asking 'So what?'. And its not that I care that she's dating some guy or that she dated him I suppose I should say... I'm just fed up with being lied to. Really fed up and really pissed at myself that I've been willing to believe her up til now.
Because obviously, if she's lying about this, then I have to go back and reevaluate all the other times I've had trouble believing something from her.
And its not like I'd be horribly mad if she would just come out and say 'Look... I lied to you, this is the truth and I'm going to do my best in the future not to lie to you'. I know how sometimes you can lie and your lies just build and build and built... but at some point you just have to suck it up and come clean... especially if you're ever interested in trying to rebuild the relationship one day, which she's obviously not. In fact, I would say she's not into the serious relationships, not like I am, judging by how she's handled our relationship and the relationship with this other guy.
*shrugs* I was really pissed yesteday, but I'm better now... the caffeine is helping lol.
Spending the evening with Ashley and a few friends of her... it should be really cool.
Nicky's getting on my nerves a bit... she gets that look if I even mention that I'm talking to Ashley and is really on edge and a bit... snarky I believe is the word. *shrugs*
Leaving tomorrow at 7 for the Sault with Lisa... that should be fun.
One of the things I'm really for is freedom of speech. I believe that any person should be able to voice their opinion on a subject - in fact that's why I have a journal, is so I can have my own voice... and journals are great for that. If you think about it, before the Internet (and blogs in particular), to get your opinion heard, you had to publish something which was hard as hell. Now anyone can just go and start speaking. Now that isn't to say that everyone's opinion is right, especially from a society point of view - society needs to respect the rights of everyone, which is why we're lucky to have human rights here in Canada (unlike those damn Americans). Where's my point... right. People who tell me to keep my opinions to myself (to shut up) can honestly go to hell. You don't like them, don't read my journal. And yes, that is directed at somebody who recently told me to shut up with my opinions and discussing them in a public forum. Beyond the fact that its my right, I also need the feel to rant and get the thoughts out on occasion. And in discussing something, I also find new insights to it and hope to inspire insights in others... isn't that the point of having a blog. We can learn from the mistakes of others or those mistakes can help others to recognize the same flaws and correct them.
So *shrugs* no more moderation. If you've a problem, I'll take a page from Eve's book and have you raped with a steel pipe wrapped in barbwire.
Which also gets me into my newest journal... I know it might be hard for people to check two journals, but for a bit at least, I'm going to start seperating my thoughts for those people who are too 'sensitive' for my thoughts... until the steel pipe people can make enough steel pipes and distribute them at least. I may move completely to another journal one day, though this one I will keep for old time's sake. But some people I feel are no longer close enough to me for me to be as open as I would like to be.
So... that leaves me... with Eve coming soon, an evening of good times in mind and such. I'm gone.
- Dep
// posted by Dep @ 6:11:00 p.m.
Rapage with a steel pipe wrapped in barbwire... then stabbed with a canary... a dead canary. *giggles*
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