Sunday, March 26, 2006
My Insanity...
The question, to me, seems to have an obvious answer. If you think something is wrong, do you try to do something about it? Obviously, yes. Too many problems in this world are caused by people who sit back and do nothing. For me its simple.
If my friend is, in my opinion, doing something stupid or at risk, the question that gets me is 'If I did nothing, could I live with myself if something did happen?'. And that question generally has the answer of 'No, I couldn't'. And I am by no means all knowing plus I know I have a tendancy to personalize things too much and be a bit too paranoid.
So you know... I feel justified talking to a specialist about a friend's problem if I have concerns about their relationship and wondering what I'm supposed to do. I hope people would do the same for me.... in fact I believe some have.
... some people give the greatest relationship advice... in that its hilarious to listen to. Mary (vicki's mom) is one of those people... some of the things that just come out of her mouth are like 'wtf... no wonder you're fourty, divorced and single...'. With the hurting.
Sorry, random comment.
Some people would say I have no right. In my mind, I do... as your friend, if I have concerns, I need to talk to somebody about them... definately you and if I'm not sure, then somebody who understands such things. And discussing it with other people can be good, since it can sometimes make you see that there is nothing to worry about... and sometimes it just makes you worry more.
And its not, say, somebody who's a bit insane. Insanity is a good thing. I'm talking (from my perspective again), incredibly fucked up with life-altering consequences. If a friend was seriously talking about suicide say or was in a continually abusive relationship (mental/emotional/physical/whatever). In my mind, its part of the duty of being a good friend to look out for each other and make sure they aren't hurting themselves and offering the outside viewpoint, since we all know that sometimes a more objective viewpoint can be better.
Its funny how many stereotypes some people have and how quick they are to leap to conclusions. I mean, come on... stereotypes. Nothing in life is certain and every person reacts differently. Sure, maybe you can make an occasional generalization, but you can't make assumptions based on it. But you know... fuck 'em. I don't need their shit and if they want to take it extremely personally beyond all reason, then really. I just had a conversation that was vaguely reminiscent of arguing with Sarah... it would be that we would have a discussion, she would say something, I would explain something, she would change topics onto something else, I would explain it... and it would keep going in circles, with her making points until I make a point that is good then she would change topics to another thing... and it would go in circles. And she would assume things from my comments, take them so much furthur. Like "I find this style of argument highly annoying and pointless" and she'd say "So now you think I'm stupid." ARGH. WTF. NO, I DIDN'T SAY THAT. With the urge to slap. Really. Its stubborn and pointless and just... just so very very very immature. *sigh* people will grow up one day.
Lisa comes today. Yay! I am excited.
People need to learn how to speak better English and to not be so paranoid and read into things too much. I mean, I do it too, but I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong. This is ridiculous. And quit applying your views on the world to everyone else... holy shit. Different lives.
Alright, my mind and blood pressure needs a break from that.
I'm done. Over and out. Ash, I'd love to talk to you later, I've a number of things on my mind.
- Dep
If my friend is, in my opinion, doing something stupid or at risk, the question that gets me is 'If I did nothing, could I live with myself if something did happen?'. And that question generally has the answer of 'No, I couldn't'. And I am by no means all knowing plus I know I have a tendancy to personalize things too much and be a bit too paranoid.
So you know... I feel justified talking to a specialist about a friend's problem if I have concerns about their relationship and wondering what I'm supposed to do. I hope people would do the same for me.... in fact I believe some have.
... some people give the greatest relationship advice... in that its hilarious to listen to. Mary (vicki's mom) is one of those people... some of the things that just come out of her mouth are like 'wtf... no wonder you're fourty, divorced and single...'. With the hurting.
Sorry, random comment.
Some people would say I have no right. In my mind, I do... as your friend, if I have concerns, I need to talk to somebody about them... definately you and if I'm not sure, then somebody who understands such things. And discussing it with other people can be good, since it can sometimes make you see that there is nothing to worry about... and sometimes it just makes you worry more.
And its not, say, somebody who's a bit insane. Insanity is a good thing. I'm talking (from my perspective again), incredibly fucked up with life-altering consequences. If a friend was seriously talking about suicide say or was in a continually abusive relationship (mental/emotional/physical/whatever). In my mind, its part of the duty of being a good friend to look out for each other and make sure they aren't hurting themselves and offering the outside viewpoint, since we all know that sometimes a more objective viewpoint can be better.
Its funny how many stereotypes some people have and how quick they are to leap to conclusions. I mean, come on... stereotypes. Nothing in life is certain and every person reacts differently. Sure, maybe you can make an occasional generalization, but you can't make assumptions based on it. But you know... fuck 'em. I don't need their shit and if they want to take it extremely personally beyond all reason, then really. I just had a conversation that was vaguely reminiscent of arguing with Sarah... it would be that we would have a discussion, she would say something, I would explain something, she would change topics onto something else, I would explain it... and it would keep going in circles, with her making points until I make a point that is good then she would change topics to another thing... and it would go in circles. And she would assume things from my comments, take them so much furthur. Like "I find this style of argument highly annoying and pointless" and she'd say "So now you think I'm stupid." ARGH. WTF. NO, I DIDN'T SAY THAT. With the urge to slap. Really. Its stubborn and pointless and just... just so very very very immature. *sigh* people will grow up one day.
Lisa comes today. Yay! I am excited.
People need to learn how to speak better English and to not be so paranoid and read into things too much. I mean, I do it too, but I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong. This is ridiculous. And quit applying your views on the world to everyone else... holy shit. Different lives.
Alright, my mind and blood pressure needs a break from that.
I'm done. Over and out. Ash, I'd love to talk to you later, I've a number of things on my mind.
- Dep
// posted by Dep @ 1:40:00 p.m.