Tuesday, March 21, 2006
So I've been sitting here... waiting for somebody to show, because I wish to talk to them.... and waiting... and waiting... been here since 6 btw, and its nearly 10 now. And then it hit me that she has class late tonight... til 9 I believe *smacks*
So much for that theory. Maybe I should do laundry now lol before I try something else.
Ahh *ponders*. There is much on my mind (isn't there always?) but a part of that must go to the private journal/rants.
But part... can go here! Why? Why, is because I'm semi-hyper and in deep thought. Never a good combination, with many pages to go and at least an hour before I must sleep.
So what can we talk about.
Relationships are always a good topic.
Its odd, my hate/love affair with relationships. I mean, they have plenty of upsides which make them worthwhile. But the downside is how vulnerable one is left in them, how much one can be hurt in it. This, for most people, I don't think is much of a problem... they can shake it off after a bit. But I truly understand those who fear this vulnerability, because its something I feel too and its a part of relationships I have trouble with on occasion. Getting better and for me, improvement is all I can ask for from myself. I suppose another downside, and the part I really hate the most, is knowing whether or not a person is interested. Don't get me wrong - boring relationships are... well boring. Predictibility and rigidness in a relationship can be bad (some is good, too much is bad). But on one thing, I think there should be certainty in the relationship... that the two people have a lot of feelings for each other. And knowing when somebody has those feelings is very difficult, at least for me (possibly because other people have similar problems and because I don't get subtle remarks lol). Perhaps it isn't so odd, but it certainly is confusing at times to have feelings for somebody and think "do they like me" and get the answer of "maybe". Risks are good but... actually that goes back to feeling vulnerable doesn't it...
Alright, enough random thoughts on that.
Some interesting things from life:
Gay Rights Presentation: Yes I finally got to finish it... yesterday in fact. It went great, the homophobe was stunned and asked stupid questions like "If there's no medical reason for somebody to have a sex change, do you think they should be able to have one if they want one" (this was after me discussing transsexual rights). Isn't my answer obvious? He asked another one "Do you think gay people should be allowed to marry" (and this guy has almost a George W. accent, so please think of his questions in that accent). My answer was... "Yes... duuuuh". Well it was close. With the slapping and all. But the rest of my class was great, I got good reviews and good questions. My teacher loved it and good marks for all.
Mid-Terms: Woot! The midterms come out. Lowest mark was a 76 in English, a 77 in French and I didn't look after that, but 80s and 90s for the rest.
Trip: Trip is on. Very on, and I'm leaving Thursday at midnight. I'll be staying in Sudbury with Freya (and visiting Eve) on Fri-Sun, then with Lisa in Sault Ste Marie for a large portion of a week before coming back to see Freya/Eve again on my way back. I return on a Monday. If you need help with anything school-related... you're on your own.
Fetishes: PTY discussion last week was on fetishes and we're doing more on them this week, which should be interesting. They make a good point, I think, that fetishes are overly taboo (heck, even I have problems talking about some of mine to some people), and that we really need to be more open about them - especially the less common ones. While I won't post a list of them here, feel free to engage me in conversation about this, I'd love to help the trend lol.
Love Life: Still single. I've been thinking a lot about the past lately and various relationships I've had... its kindof interesting. Sarah is still in there somewhere, though considering how little we've talked (ie never since my birthday), I think that's really in the past - which is understandable, but the memories... the memories are killer. Vicki was just a mistake, I think I spoke about that. Courtney's persuing her own dreams, though perhaps willing to give it a try in the future (wait and see what happens *shrugs*), and I've got a grand total of two people I think it would be interesting to try a relationship with... I don't know either of them well enough, but I hope to have plenty of opportunities in the future. As for their feelings... see my entry above about knowing other peoples feelings (man I wish I was telepathic). *shrugs* just have to wait and see where life takes us.
Work On The Go: Eve, I know I still owe you a torture thing. Don't worry, its in the back of my mind lol. I'm still contemplating what is the worst torture for me. I think I don't have anything else I promised to do for people... do I? If I do, remind me. Oh right, the Sailor Moon for Andarta... that's on my mind too (though you'll probably have to wait til we see each other next to pick it up :P consider it an incentive to see me).
I don't see my old friends as much as I'd like to. When I get back, I need to arrange to see all of you... Chrissie and Daren especially.
Anyways... she's still not back, so I'm going to hit the hay with the sleeping.
Good night to everyone and pleasent dreams
- Dep
So much for that theory. Maybe I should do laundry now lol before I try something else.
Ahh *ponders*. There is much on my mind (isn't there always?) but a part of that must go to the private journal/rants.
But part... can go here! Why? Why, is because I'm semi-hyper and in deep thought. Never a good combination, with many pages to go and at least an hour before I must sleep.
So what can we talk about.
Relationships are always a good topic.
Its odd, my hate/love affair with relationships. I mean, they have plenty of upsides which make them worthwhile. But the downside is how vulnerable one is left in them, how much one can be hurt in it. This, for most people, I don't think is much of a problem... they can shake it off after a bit. But I truly understand those who fear this vulnerability, because its something I feel too and its a part of relationships I have trouble with on occasion. Getting better and for me, improvement is all I can ask for from myself. I suppose another downside, and the part I really hate the most, is knowing whether or not a person is interested. Don't get me wrong - boring relationships are... well boring. Predictibility and rigidness in a relationship can be bad (some is good, too much is bad). But on one thing, I think there should be certainty in the relationship... that the two people have a lot of feelings for each other. And knowing when somebody has those feelings is very difficult, at least for me (possibly because other people have similar problems and because I don't get subtle remarks lol). Perhaps it isn't so odd, but it certainly is confusing at times to have feelings for somebody and think "do they like me" and get the answer of "maybe". Risks are good but... actually that goes back to feeling vulnerable doesn't it...
Alright, enough random thoughts on that.
Some interesting things from life:
Gay Rights Presentation: Yes I finally got to finish it... yesterday in fact. It went great, the homophobe was stunned and asked stupid questions like "If there's no medical reason for somebody to have a sex change, do you think they should be able to have one if they want one" (this was after me discussing transsexual rights). Isn't my answer obvious? He asked another one "Do you think gay people should be allowed to marry" (and this guy has almost a George W. accent, so please think of his questions in that accent). My answer was... "Yes... duuuuh". Well it was close. With the slapping and all. But the rest of my class was great, I got good reviews and good questions. My teacher loved it and good marks for all.
Mid-Terms: Woot! The midterms come out. Lowest mark was a 76 in English, a 77 in French and I didn't look after that, but 80s and 90s for the rest.
Trip: Trip is on. Very on, and I'm leaving Thursday at midnight. I'll be staying in Sudbury with Freya (and visiting Eve) on Fri-Sun, then with Lisa in Sault Ste Marie for a large portion of a week before coming back to see Freya/Eve again on my way back. I return on a Monday. If you need help with anything school-related... you're on your own.
Fetishes: PTY discussion last week was on fetishes and we're doing more on them this week, which should be interesting. They make a good point, I think, that fetishes are overly taboo (heck, even I have problems talking about some of mine to some people), and that we really need to be more open about them - especially the less common ones. While I won't post a list of them here, feel free to engage me in conversation about this, I'd love to help the trend lol.
Love Life: Still single. I've been thinking a lot about the past lately and various relationships I've had... its kindof interesting. Sarah is still in there somewhere, though considering how little we've talked (ie never since my birthday), I think that's really in the past - which is understandable, but the memories... the memories are killer. Vicki was just a mistake, I think I spoke about that. Courtney's persuing her own dreams, though perhaps willing to give it a try in the future (wait and see what happens *shrugs*), and I've got a grand total of two people I think it would be interesting to try a relationship with... I don't know either of them well enough, but I hope to have plenty of opportunities in the future. As for their feelings... see my entry above about knowing other peoples feelings (man I wish I was telepathic). *shrugs* just have to wait and see where life takes us.
Work On The Go: Eve, I know I still owe you a torture thing. Don't worry, its in the back of my mind lol. I'm still contemplating what is the worst torture for me. I think I don't have anything else I promised to do for people... do I? If I do, remind me. Oh right, the Sailor Moon for Andarta... that's on my mind too (though you'll probably have to wait til we see each other next to pick it up :P consider it an incentive to see me).
I don't see my old friends as much as I'd like to. When I get back, I need to arrange to see all of you... Chrissie and Daren especially.
Anyways... she's still not back, so I'm going to hit the hay with the sleeping.
Good night to everyone and pleasent dreams
- Dep
// posted by Dep @ 9:49:00 p.m.

How amusing. *grins* Freya was pretty snarky with me today and when I asked if your trip was still on she replied with: "I haven't decided yet." A tone dripping in venom amuses me... although I wanted to tell her you could stay with me if she was going to be such a childish bitch about it. XP I'm a bad kitty.
Yeah - relationships. Kick in the nuts, aren't they? I think I would rather have my skin peeled and sit in a saltwater hot tub than try again. XP Better than being in a false relationship I guess... but god damnit sometimes those fake ones do some good for a little while... 'til I break them and they run away screaming.
Anyways - hopefully I'll see ya tomorrow as I'm studying for Roman civ. Cheers!
Yeah - relationships. Kick in the nuts, aren't they? I think I would rather have my skin peeled and sit in a saltwater hot tub than try again. XP Better than being in a false relationship I guess... but god damnit sometimes those fake ones do some good for a little while... 'til I break them and they run away screaming.
Anyways - hopefully I'll see ya tomorrow as I'm studying for Roman civ. Cheers!
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