Friday, February 10, 2006
Damnable Wisdom Teeth
According to the most recent call my mother made to the dentist, its going to take at least two-three weeks if not longer to get me in to the dentist (assuming we can book the consultation for next week). I'm actually looking forward to it because this wisdom tooth is impacted and really really hurts. I'm getting semi-used to the constant pain, but the sharp jabs still get me. Headaches - the whole side of my head hurts really.
Apparently I've been really irritable towards some people lately - especially the people in my class who annoy the fuck out of me by asking stupid questions that, if they bothered to pay attention in class, they would know the answers to. I'm really fed up with it, especially after yesterday and today where I was asked really simple question that... I mean, there's no excuse, its nothing complicated, its straight out of previous labs and exercises in class. No more. Some people are good about not coming to me for help unless they really can't figure it out and they'll get their answers if I know them, but if you ask me "Rob, how to I write text to a tag", I'm either going to tell you to fuck off, to google with it or feign ignorance because really man. This is gettign sad and just stupid. Learn to read, learn to use Google, learn to pay attention, learn to think. Struggle and perhaps you'll learn something one of these days that will make you a good CS student. Its not like I'm going to be there to solve all of your problems while you're debugging code at your co-op job (and I'm not giving out my phone number at work either).
I think it is what puts me head and shoulders above a lot of people - I'm not saying I'm brilliant and I know everything, because I don't. I have a lot left to learn. But I have the key skill - the learning skill. I don't give up on a problem and run to somebody who knows more than me - no I fuck with it until it works. Took me two weeks of reading online articles and piecing together various pieces of information before I got my file uploader to work on the Underground site, but I did it and it works. And because I can do this, I will always surpass people because I will learn, make connections and draw ahead - and they will still be coming to me to ask for a reminder of the basics again.
Its not like programming is hard. A lot of people think that its hard because there are at least 15 common languages to learn. But once you learn one, you have the hard parts down - the theory behind object oriented programming and what not, what a loop is, what selection is, etc. Learning another language after that is easy - its just how do you do the things you learned in your first language in another. Then once you've learned three - a tag based language like HTML, a semi-coloned language like Java or C and a high-level language like Visual Basic, you're essentially set because all major languages follow one of those patterns, even the web based languages like PHP, XML and ASP follow one of them.
It keeps shocking me, how badly some people's families are. I suppose I'm a bit spoiled because my family has always been a decent one and then I read these horror stories from friends and think "wtf is going on?". I can think of a number of people whom I'd love to invite to stay with me permanently just so they don't have to live in such circumstances but *shrugs* I can't save the world I suppose and my parents would never go for it. But what is with parents? Your kids aren't there to live your life, they're not there to be your slaves, they're not insignificant objects - they're people that you brought into the world and its your duty to protect them, love them and guide them on their paths in life, as they would choose that path. Seriously, some people are just... incomprehensible.
I originally wrote that as "incomprehendable" and I know I'm tired now lol.
I went on a semi-date on Wednesday. It went... okay. Nicky and I talked about it last night and I'm going to keep things open. Just, she talked a lot about herself and was a bit of a bubble head and people like that just get on my nerves in certain moods... like really badly on my nerves. The completely self-centered, clothes obsessed, "omg I'm spending so much money on this four dollar shirt, my Dad is going to kill me, but I don't care so fuck it but he's going to kill me". How does anyone handle that. The 'date' consisted of two hours of shopping in Walmart in which she spent $95 and I spent $50. It was originally supposed to be shopping, dinner, PTY, coffee and a Senators game with me sleeping over at her place (in her bed, which I found a bit odd, but I ain't gonna complain) but most of that fell through because of her dad who blew away our sens game and sleeping plans because it was too short notice and he wasn't comfortable with his 19 almost 20 year old daught having a guy sleep over period and the diner plans fell through because she had to clean. I'm going to keep things open because you never know, maybe I'm misreading her and perhaps something might come of it. We shall wait and see what evolves. But I'm not seriously optimistic. As much as I am searching for somebody to be with, I do have a type in mind and this is not her.
I dunno, I just want somebody who can take things a bit seriously, who isn't going to complain over the smallest things, who is capable of being quiet on occasion, who talks seriously about serious things, who doesn't think and talk constantly about herself. I want somebody who's... more of an intellectual, this is more like the cheerleader squad... which is ironic since she is an ex-cheerleader. Whats even odder is our mutual friend who said I have good chances... excellent chances even. I mean WTF. Cheerleader falling for the science nerd. Man, thats a first in high school history.
Anyways, I am exhausted now. I spent my day building websites and watching StarGate SG-1 episodes and I must sleep so I am prepared to do the same tomorrow. Many hugs, & good night.
- Rob
Apparently I've been really irritable towards some people lately - especially the people in my class who annoy the fuck out of me by asking stupid questions that, if they bothered to pay attention in class, they would know the answers to. I'm really fed up with it, especially after yesterday and today where I was asked really simple question that... I mean, there's no excuse, its nothing complicated, its straight out of previous labs and exercises in class. No more. Some people are good about not coming to me for help unless they really can't figure it out and they'll get their answers if I know them, but if you ask me "Rob, how to I write text to a tag", I'm either going to tell you to fuck off, to google with it or feign ignorance because really man. This is gettign sad and just stupid. Learn to read, learn to use Google, learn to pay attention, learn to think. Struggle and perhaps you'll learn something one of these days that will make you a good CS student. Its not like I'm going to be there to solve all of your problems while you're debugging code at your co-op job (and I'm not giving out my phone number at work either).
I think it is what puts me head and shoulders above a lot of people - I'm not saying I'm brilliant and I know everything, because I don't. I have a lot left to learn. But I have the key skill - the learning skill. I don't give up on a problem and run to somebody who knows more than me - no I fuck with it until it works. Took me two weeks of reading online articles and piecing together various pieces of information before I got my file uploader to work on the Underground site, but I did it and it works. And because I can do this, I will always surpass people because I will learn, make connections and draw ahead - and they will still be coming to me to ask for a reminder of the basics again.
Its not like programming is hard. A lot of people think that its hard because there are at least 15 common languages to learn. But once you learn one, you have the hard parts down - the theory behind object oriented programming and what not, what a loop is, what selection is, etc. Learning another language after that is easy - its just how do you do the things you learned in your first language in another. Then once you've learned three - a tag based language like HTML, a semi-coloned language like Java or C and a high-level language like Visual Basic, you're essentially set because all major languages follow one of those patterns, even the web based languages like PHP, XML and ASP follow one of them.
It keeps shocking me, how badly some people's families are. I suppose I'm a bit spoiled because my family has always been a decent one and then I read these horror stories from friends and think "wtf is going on?". I can think of a number of people whom I'd love to invite to stay with me permanently just so they don't have to live in such circumstances but *shrugs* I can't save the world I suppose and my parents would never go for it. But what is with parents? Your kids aren't there to live your life, they're not there to be your slaves, they're not insignificant objects - they're people that you brought into the world and its your duty to protect them, love them and guide them on their paths in life, as they would choose that path. Seriously, some people are just... incomprehensible.
I originally wrote that as "incomprehendable" and I know I'm tired now lol.
I went on a semi-date on Wednesday. It went... okay. Nicky and I talked about it last night and I'm going to keep things open. Just, she talked a lot about herself and was a bit of a bubble head and people like that just get on my nerves in certain moods... like really badly on my nerves. The completely self-centered, clothes obsessed, "omg I'm spending so much money on this four dollar shirt, my Dad is going to kill me, but I don't care so fuck it but he's going to kill me". How does anyone handle that. The 'date' consisted of two hours of shopping in Walmart in which she spent $95 and I spent $50. It was originally supposed to be shopping, dinner, PTY, coffee and a Senators game with me sleeping over at her place (in her bed, which I found a bit odd, but I ain't gonna complain) but most of that fell through because of her dad who blew away our sens game and sleeping plans because it was too short notice and he wasn't comfortable with his 19 almost 20 year old daught having a guy sleep over period and the diner plans fell through because she had to clean. I'm going to keep things open because you never know, maybe I'm misreading her and perhaps something might come of it. We shall wait and see what evolves. But I'm not seriously optimistic. As much as I am searching for somebody to be with, I do have a type in mind and this is not her.
I dunno, I just want somebody who can take things a bit seriously, who isn't going to complain over the smallest things, who is capable of being quiet on occasion, who talks seriously about serious things, who doesn't think and talk constantly about herself. I want somebody who's... more of an intellectual, this is more like the cheerleader squad... which is ironic since she is an ex-cheerleader. Whats even odder is our mutual friend who said I have good chances... excellent chances even. I mean WTF. Cheerleader falling for the science nerd. Man, thats a first in high school history.
Anyways, I am exhausted now. I spent my day building websites and watching StarGate SG-1 episodes and I must sleep so I am prepared to do the same tomorrow. Many hugs, & good night.
- Rob
// posted by Dep @ 11:44:00 p.m.