Sunday, January 08, 2006
Minor Incoherance
You must forgive my minor incoherance, it is late and I've lost just a bit of blood.
My father and I were moving a couch upstairs today and managed to drop it on my hand as well as slam it into a keyboard tray. Neither was very enjoyable and both hurt rather a lot with the blood and all. Both are well now, though my left hand is stiff and is affecting my typing a bit.
Since then, for whatever reasons, I have been a bit out of it which wasn't good as I'm fairly certain I made a complete ass of myself at Vicki's where I installed and set up her new hard drive (her hard drive is now better than mine). In the process I realized what a fool I was for keeping hope for this long and managed to give her hope when I told her that I thought that the guy she likes liked her. Not my most joyous moment, but probably one of hers.
In truth, I am exhausted, mildly depressed and completely out of it. I require liquid and sleep, preferably in that order (I get so dehydrated when I sleep, thus much liquid is required) and perhaps I'll be awake in the morning. My apologies to anyone with whom I was supposed to speak to this evening, I am merely so exhausted that I must sleep.
~ Dep ~
My father and I were moving a couch upstairs today and managed to drop it on my hand as well as slam it into a keyboard tray. Neither was very enjoyable and both hurt rather a lot with the blood and all. Both are well now, though my left hand is stiff and is affecting my typing a bit.
Since then, for whatever reasons, I have been a bit out of it which wasn't good as I'm fairly certain I made a complete ass of myself at Vicki's where I installed and set up her new hard drive (her hard drive is now better than mine). In the process I realized what a fool I was for keeping hope for this long and managed to give her hope when I told her that I thought that the guy she likes liked her. Not my most joyous moment, but probably one of hers.
In truth, I am exhausted, mildly depressed and completely out of it. I require liquid and sleep, preferably in that order (I get so dehydrated when I sleep, thus much liquid is required) and perhaps I'll be awake in the morning. My apologies to anyone with whom I was supposed to speak to this evening, I am merely so exhausted that I must sleep.
~ Dep ~
// posted by Dep @ 12:27:00 a.m.