Saturday, October 01, 2005
Welcome to October
It's the changing of the month and I've got a new bus pass and we're in business.
I have, yet another, offer from the wonderful people at FSWEP (Federal Student Work Experience Program). As much as people may complain about the government, I'd love to work with them. If I do it well, then I perhaps get a good recommendation; perhaps it will lead to future jobs with them and government work is ALWAYS good to have on your resume. What's the job? "Intranet Development Officer". What does that mean? I get to build webpages for CBSA (Canadian Border Services Agency) both for their interal network and, I believe, for their internet webpage as well. It's ten hours a week, so it it's too stressful and it's doing something in my field of choice, which is always good. Cross your fingers, my resume went in yesterday.
School is going extremely well. My averages are still all above 90; the teachers love me; the other students like me (or at least, don't hate me in some cases) and it's just uber-great environment.
I discovered which is a website full of funny IRC quotes. I can't get enough of their love.
My restructured plan for my finances is going well at its two week mark. My savings account actually has money in it (gasp) a whole $80 lol.
Plans for visiting Sudbury have fallen through however, due to this lack of money I have available to spend. However, Christmas may be on should I get the job. We will have to wait and see.
However, I am still planning on going to see Sonata Arctica in Montreal on the 21st. I may think of cancelling the trip if Vicki doesn't want to go as I'd really like to have somebody to go with, but here's hoping she can talk her mother into it.
I've been 'promoted' if you will, at PTY. I'm now a Team Leader, which means I help out and do stuff. Go me.
Speaking of PTY, hopefully the lovely Victoria will be accompanying me on the 12th, which is awesome.
My work on Xirian is going well. I'm finding myself in the constant process of refining my ideas now, and generalizing where and what I can. It's not always easy to keep the big picture going in my head, but some how I'm managing.
I feel like a completely different person than I was awhile ago. I've lost a lot of the obsessive qualities I had; indeed I can entertain thoughts about people without developing even a bit of an obsession about them. It's more like "Gee, that would be nice, maybe it'll happen one day" and my brain goes on to other things. It's much more relaxed and I find myself happier more often (if not as happy) than I have been in a very long time. I'm not planning on passing opportunities up, but nor am I that obsessed with finding them. I have other things in my life to occupy me, like my schoolwork and Xirian (and perhaps a new job!). In general, the world looks good to me.
Poetry... well I think I've given up writing poetry for the time being. I just don't have the words inside to write anything meaningful. I don't feel really down about it, it just kindof happened. Maybe it's the lack of strong emotions in my life now. I don't think of any women in an incredibly obsessive manner, so I don't mope about them or rave about them. And that's all my poetry essentially was. Maybe occasionally I'll have some philosophical stuff for you, or I'll go through a bad patch of nostalgia, but I really just have nothing to write about. It's sad in a way, but also encourgaging.
I can't remember the CS definition of an algorithm, because it's so bleepty bleep different from the math definition. I will get it one day.
Logic in math is beginning to twist my brain, but I'll survive.
I'm trying to reduce stress in my life right now, by settling things which have bothered me (and I've keept inside). The next one of these is Mary. For a while, I've been in the position of having to handle both my own parents and Mary, when it comes to Vicki and I doing things. As Mary and I see almost oppositely on various issues, especially related to how much young adults should be able to do and, as such, I feel frustrated when I'm forced to convince her of something and what she's telling me makes no sense whatsoever. So I am definately going to have a talk with Vicki and see what we can do to settle this in a manner that means I don't have to deal with Mary as much.
Other than that, things are good all around. Life is looking up.
I'm going to go work on some code.
*hugs to all*
I have, yet another, offer from the wonderful people at FSWEP (Federal Student Work Experience Program). As much as people may complain about the government, I'd love to work with them. If I do it well, then I perhaps get a good recommendation; perhaps it will lead to future jobs with them and government work is ALWAYS good to have on your resume. What's the job? "Intranet Development Officer". What does that mean? I get to build webpages for CBSA (Canadian Border Services Agency) both for their interal network and, I believe, for their internet webpage as well. It's ten hours a week, so it it's too stressful and it's doing something in my field of choice, which is always good. Cross your fingers, my resume went in yesterday.
School is going extremely well. My averages are still all above 90; the teachers love me; the other students like me (or at least, don't hate me in some cases) and it's just uber-great environment.
I discovered which is a website full of funny IRC quotes. I can't get enough of their love.
My restructured plan for my finances is going well at its two week mark. My savings account actually has money in it (gasp) a whole $80 lol.
Plans for visiting Sudbury have fallen through however, due to this lack of money I have available to spend. However, Christmas may be on should I get the job. We will have to wait and see.
However, I am still planning on going to see Sonata Arctica in Montreal on the 21st. I may think of cancelling the trip if Vicki doesn't want to go as I'd really like to have somebody to go with, but here's hoping she can talk her mother into it.
I've been 'promoted' if you will, at PTY. I'm now a Team Leader, which means I help out and do stuff. Go me.
Speaking of PTY, hopefully the lovely Victoria will be accompanying me on the 12th, which is awesome.
My work on Xirian is going well. I'm finding myself in the constant process of refining my ideas now, and generalizing where and what I can. It's not always easy to keep the big picture going in my head, but some how I'm managing.
I feel like a completely different person than I was awhile ago. I've lost a lot of the obsessive qualities I had; indeed I can entertain thoughts about people without developing even a bit of an obsession about them. It's more like "Gee, that would be nice, maybe it'll happen one day" and my brain goes on to other things. It's much more relaxed and I find myself happier more often (if not as happy) than I have been in a very long time. I'm not planning on passing opportunities up, but nor am I that obsessed with finding them. I have other things in my life to occupy me, like my schoolwork and Xirian (and perhaps a new job!). In general, the world looks good to me.
Poetry... well I think I've given up writing poetry for the time being. I just don't have the words inside to write anything meaningful. I don't feel really down about it, it just kindof happened. Maybe it's the lack of strong emotions in my life now. I don't think of any women in an incredibly obsessive manner, so I don't mope about them or rave about them. And that's all my poetry essentially was. Maybe occasionally I'll have some philosophical stuff for you, or I'll go through a bad patch of nostalgia, but I really just have nothing to write about. It's sad in a way, but also encourgaging.
I can't remember the CS definition of an algorithm, because it's so bleepty bleep different from the math definition. I will get it one day.
Logic in math is beginning to twist my brain, but I'll survive.
I'm trying to reduce stress in my life right now, by settling things which have bothered me (and I've keept inside). The next one of these is Mary. For a while, I've been in the position of having to handle both my own parents and Mary, when it comes to Vicki and I doing things. As Mary and I see almost oppositely on various issues, especially related to how much young adults should be able to do and, as such, I feel frustrated when I'm forced to convince her of something and what she's telling me makes no sense whatsoever. So I am definately going to have a talk with Vicki and see what we can do to settle this in a manner that means I don't have to deal with Mary as much.
Other than that, things are good all around. Life is looking up.
I'm going to go work on some code.
*hugs to all*
// posted by Dep @ 5:06:00 p.m.