Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Saturday, September 17, 2005

Birthday Plans

My mother and I got to talking about my birthday present this year - I had made the suggestion a while back that a good present would be a ticket/bus fare to see Sonata Arctica live in concert again. So I opened up my favorite internet site (Greyhound.ca) and went looking for bus fares to various SA locations in the near future and then did the whole ticketmaster/admissions/ticketpro thing to get prices and times.

As I can't afford to take Wednesday off, we eliminated Toronto. Quebec City is too far away for me to return in time for classes (shitty bus schedule) and therefore we have narrowed it down to... Montreal... or... Montreal.

Thus, Saturday January 21st 2006, I shall be going to the wonderful town of Montreal to see Sonata Arctica live... for a grand total of $70+taxes.

All who wish to accompany me to see this awesome band are welcome, however you'll have to pay your own way there. But if we went as a group, it might be better (and if we get stuck overnight, like I did last time, we'll have more resources to pool to get a hotel somewhere).

Anyways, beyond that (as she doesn't read this, I feel fine mentioning it: no one mention it to her) I'm going to offer to buy Vicki the set of tickets to come with me to see the concert, so I'll have someone at least (assuming her mother approves and she can get the day off of work).

So I'm in a moderately good mood, having just planned the very broad strokes of a trip.

Thanksgiving in Sudbury remains up in the air - depends on money and whatnot. We'll have to see.

Freya, welcome back to the Internet full time, starting Wednesday. It'll be good to have you around more often, I know I've missed you a lot and I'm sure James and Daren will be excessively happy to have you back as well (they better be or I'll kick there... anyways...)

Anyways, yep I'm still alive and I'll post again soon.

PS: Anyone who goes to Heritage: if you've managed to set up MS Outlook access to your school email through the Microsoft Exchange Server, drop me a line on MSN or leave a comment because I've been mucking with this with the help of my Web Programming teacher and it still refuses to work. Thanks

PPS: Look for new website updates coming soon as I improve my knowledge of XHTML.

*hugs to all*



// posted by Dep @ 3:56:00 p.m.


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