Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Saturday, September 03, 2005

385th Post

Well, to those of you who enjoy reading my poetry and such - the majority of the updates will now be done on a wonderful site I found called deviantART - that's the link to my profile. I believe you can read as you will without joining except for anything I have marked as 'Mature Content' - which there is some (all of Pun Hell is there as such, as are a number of poems which have some graphic elements to them). Not my choice to have these hidden from you, it's the site - I kindof agree with it. The accounts are free however, so if you want to make one just to read stuff go ahead (I love comments still).

An interesting fact. I just googled my nickname 'darkelfpoet'. Here are the results...

1. http://darkelfpoet.tripod.com SWEET MY WEBSITE IS NUMBER ONE!
2. MTG:News Forum (user:darkelfpoet) Yeah... this is me as well...
3. Writing.com (user:darkelfpoet) That's me...
4. deviantART (user:darkelfpoet) That's also me...
5. http://darkelfpoet.blogspot.com Hey... that's... this site...

The other hits (total of 16) were from the same sites, just multiple places where it appears.

So it appears that... I am the only Darkelfpoet on the internet, at least that Google picked up. I should repeat on other search engines. Anyways.


Not much else in the way of updates... life is moderately good at the moment. School is going well - boring, but my marks are high so far. Haven't missed any serious class time either. Doing good, going into week three (which is where problems started 1st semester last year).

Hurricane... very sad.

Best wishes to Lisa who'll be starting college soon, to Nicole who will be starting university soon, to Courtney who will also be starting university soon and to Sarah... who will also be starting university soon.

Anyways... I know I had shit to babble about but damned if I can remember. Perhaps tomorrow. In the meantime - go check out deviantART - it's awesome.

*hugs to all*

~~ Dep ~~

// posted by Dep @ 9:10:00 p.m.


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