Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Saturday, July 23, 2005


It's now been officially 23 hours since I slept. I need sleep, especially as I promised a repeat of last night, tonight. Update time.

I went to get hot chocolate last night, knowing that Vicki was most likely working and figuring we could talk some. We did... until the morning rush started at 6AM and then I walked her home at 7AM, had a conversation with her and her mom/ate breakfast until 11 then watched a movie until 1 - it is now 2 and I woke up at 3 yesterday. I told her I'd be back tonight, so I figure if I crash at 3, I'll wake up around 11-12, head over to the Tim Hortons which will be slowing down (They were almost dead at 2am last night), spend the night with her and such, walk her home again then come back here, at the latest for noon giving me time to find all my goth stuff to scare the shit outta my grandparents lol (maybe borrow some from vicki as well) as I have brunch with the conservative side of my family tomorrow that i'm leaving for around 1-2ish. Then I come back once more, around 11-12, crash and be right back into a normal sleeping pattern almost.

I've decided I want a job that I get to work night shifts at. I like staying up all night and sleeping during the day, perhaps it's my natural rhythem. I never seem to be awake until after noon anyhow. Might as well go with it, eh?

Sudbury... sudbury sudbury sudbury. Sudbury can wait I have a lot of things on my mind. Whatever I decide to do about it, I have come to the following conclusions...

1) I would want to know Chris better before signing an agreement with him.

2) I don't want to be stuck with no savings or spending money - those will have to be worked into our agreement on how to divide the profits - in other words I believe Chris sees us reinvesting anything we don't need to live and I'm going to ensure that "to live" includes having some fun once in awhile based on my budget for university, approved by my parents.

3) I (And this is quickly becoming non-negotiable in my mind) want either my DEP (that's a Diplome des Etudes Professionelle for those of you who don't know QC acryonyms - it's the equivalent of a technical degree from a college) or I want enough university that I can go right into getting my masters (thus I believe I need a Bachelor of Computer Science with honors, though I'm not certain about the with honors - I have research to do)

4) Before signing any agreement I want to go over owning a business with my economics and math teacher, so I can learn all that I need to know.

Given these four issues, I am not at this time willing to commit myself to the agreement but will definately consider it in the future if they can be resolved to my satisfaction.

I'm also debating where I want to go to university. I find it likely I will complete my DEP if I don't go with Chris, however if I feel a need for higher learning and can get in to a university I will consider this in the future.

In any case, that's all for now, hope you enjoyed it but I need sleep.


- Dep

// posted by Dep @ 1:43:00 p.m.


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