Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Thursday, January 27, 2005

So... the move is now official

Footsteps is now being permently moved to my livejournal account which you can find at http://livejournal.com/users/darkelfpoet. I'm moving it because I like their friends system, their communities, the way you can cut your posts into sections and their little music/mood thing. I will be leaving this one open for as long as it takes me to back-post it to my livejournal. Same goes my poetry and my private journal. Here's how it's going to work now.

On livejournal I can create groups of friends. To become a friend you must join LJ (livejournal), it's free and you don't even have to use your account. Posts that would normally be seen on here will be posted so that anyone can see them. After that I will have a poetry group of friends for people who like to read my poetry; ONLY THESE PEOPLE will be able to read my poetry. So if you're remotely interested in reading my poetry, tell me and I'll add you onto that group. Plus there'll be another group for my private entries (Those that would appear on my private blog). In addition I can do it by specific user so if I have a message say for Freya and for her alone, I can post it just to her. It's yet another feature I like about it. In addition, some posts I'm going to make friends only, as a sortof medium security level (posts that have personal information that I don't want just everyone reading get posted to friends only). So I highly suggest anyone who likes reading any of my journals, join livejournal if you haven't already and add me (darkelfpoet as usual) as a friend.

Couple of people I already have - Andy you don't have to do anything, you're on all the friends groups lol. And Cindy - if you still read this (have no clue) you're already on the friends list.

Everyone else, gotta do something or you're going to start getting left behind!

Anyways - I will post about today there.

Everyone update your bookmarks!

*hugs to Andy*

Farewell blogger.

Laterz all.

// posted by Dep @ 8:21:00 p.m.


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