Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Tuesday, January 25, 2005


*looks at face in mirror*

Friends of mine got me, held me down, pink-bellied me, tickled me to no end and then drew something that looks like it's out of Rocky Horror on my face! I have a photo but no correct port to upload them. But I must wash my face a lot and soon.

Two poems I wrote at school today, will post them & will work on short stories later tonight (still debating which I want to work on - Pun Hell, Dawn or one of my three other stories I have ideas for floating in my mind - make that four...

Pun Hell & Dawn everyone's heard of before. Dawn has two sequels to it which I'm putting my mind towards, then I have my story about an evil computer program that takes over the world (similar but way different to Terminator, roughly similar overall storyline but different perspective) and I have another one I'm working on in my mind with no real details yet.

I have a mountain of papers from last semester and this one to file, along with a massive amount of textbooks. Also I have the following homework...

1) Linear Algebra assignment (due tomorrow - done the work, need to copy in pencil)
2) Chemistry Lab report (due Thursday - done the experiement must write lab)
3) Another Algebra assignment (due next Wednesday)
4) Must read Hawthorne's "The Birthmark" (due next English - Friday)

Alas still no success with Philosophy, am talking to Graham tomorrow about switching courses.

Ooo... another idea for a story. Grrs! So many good ideas for stories, not enough for poems. (will post those two he wrote right after I goes downstairs and gets them)

Seriously - a lot of tonight I'm going to spend cleaning my room while chatting or doing homework while chatting. When I'm done both I'll work on one of the stories I've already started... still not sure which though. I promise you all either an end to Pun Hell or the next chapter of Dawn by the end of the night though.

Plus a lot of projects going on...

Currently revamping my website. I wrote a program that takes my poetry, stores them and then reads them and creates HTML for them plus makes my index pages. In the process I'm completely changing most of the colour scheme, but not much of the general layout. The best part is, when I finish writing the poetry editor it will not only do that but I'll be able to edit and add comments to my poetry. I'm also going to create a poetry viewer for my friends - it'll be a program that'll have a searchable database of my poetry as well as a list by date written, date posted on-line and alphabetically and will then allow you to flip easily through the lists. It's also the only way you'll be able to read my comments on the poem, which I'll write after finishing my other poetry editor. So that's good.

Chris should be mailing me some form of documentation sometime this week. Plus Laserquest should be calling me back so I might have a job soon! Go working, go working!

I've started a new poetry book. I had two old ones, little Hilroy books (smaller than letter sized but still big enough to write in - most of you have seen them I think, I used them all throughout grade 11) but they got full and I tore out all the pages and put them in a filing cabinet - the rest were math equations & funky codes I came up with which I threw out or kept around. This one, Freya saw it when I was in Timmins (it's identical to my old ones, even in colour) and maybe Andy saw it too, I don't remember. And from now on, I'm going to write poetry in it just like I used to. I feel I don't write enough poetry anymore, mostly because I can just talk about anything that bothers me or that I'm really happy about now with people - didn't used to be that way. But now I'm going to make an effort to, when I feel like I want to write something, write a poem. A lot of it is lack of paper I think.

I'm working on Andy's birthday present now too - most of you have seen me fashioning it at school during my spare time so you know what it is.

Saving money at the moment for RAM - have about $40 as Daren finally payed me back! Woohoo! Need $20 more and I'll probably ask that my father pay half. It is, after all, his computer.

Most of the money I get after this point is going straight into my Savings account, which dwindled to about $5 now, as I bought lunch last Friday.

Have been asked by a friend to accompany them to Concordia next weekend on Saturday for most of the day, as they wanted company on the car ride up. Should be fun. We're going with their dad.

I'm also looking at finishing up my series of D&D programs now that I finally have VB back!

So yep, lots of projects to work on in my spare moments.

Anyways, I'm going to get started on typing up those poems.

*hugs & kisses & love to Andy*

Laterz all

- Dep

// posted by Dep @ 7:26:00 p.m.


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