Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Friday, November 26, 2004

Another new template

What do you guys think of this one? If you still don't like it, feel free to say so and maybe offer a suggestion? If so, I'll probably end up just taking this one and redoing all the colors and such, it's just so complicated to change all of it. Either that, or I'll go straight to just making my own page.

Andy, my best to you and I hope things are, if not perfect, at least going along for you. I'd love an e-mail from you when you find out what's going on.

Party is tomorrow, lots of stuff here for that, even though it's just 2-3 people. (4 including me). Quite possibly as little as one, but... bah, hopefully not.

Tonight I'm cleaning my room, then getting started on Andy's x-mas present, which I'll hopefully be able to give her (two days late) in person. It's a surprise, but I'll probably work on it in the TV room over the next week. Need to go out to a store in Rideau sometime and get some stuff for that.

I'm going to try very very hard to go to all the classes next week and see what's going on with everything. Biology and Philosophy especially, I feel like I've been neglecting Philosophy (just one class is so late I'm exhausted and the other is so early I'm exhausted).

Oh Andy, speaking of presents, I think we're a little bit late to start Freya's. If you think we can still make it on time, then feel free to send me your stuff, but probably we should just leave it until her b-day and get her something nice on our own for x-mas. (and if you've forgotten completely what we were going to get her, I'll tell you later) and :P to Freya!

so exams begin not next week but the middle of the week after and I need a serious study session in... well all my subjects, so much of next weekend will be full of review, as will the study break (the 7th) and then the 8th I start in on the exams, doing three in a row, then another weekend (again, full of studying) and then two more exams then I'm done. (done done, and not a moment too soon)

Anyways, I'll tty'all later, off to find some food and a good book for the rest of the night, cleaning can wait til tomorrow.


// posted by Dep @ 9:52:00 p.m.


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