Saturday, October 02, 2004
uuugh... I'm still tired, but I got a good ten hours of sleep so I'm good enough to post some stuff for everyone.
i'm in the process of sending my files to a friend at the moment to hold for me while I fix my computer (Which will end up involving wiping the harddrive... yet again.) After this, I swear I'm not using IE anymore and I'm definately not downloading Kazaa again either. I'm about half-way done sending her the files and after that's done, I'll be starting the wipe, which usually takes about 10 hours total. (including the time where I forget to come up and check to see if the first disc is done so I can put in the second one) and then I have to set up my LAN software and the rest of my preferances and then download MSN and and a new browser for my computer. Then I have to get all my files back and then I'm set. Estimated Completion: 10PM tonight roughly (probably later if anything).
My mom and I talked about U of Waterloo today. We're going to try and pick a date in the near future either after I finish school or during the winter break to schedule a visit to the university to take a look around and such. We're also going to visit the nearby area, take a look at what there is to do. And we're also going to look at an important feature of the area... bus routes, specifically to and from Guelph as I don't really feel like owning a car and paying maintenance and insurance and etc. I'm also hoping to get to spend some time with Andarta while visiting there. (In fact, I'll make it a point to reserve at least some time to visiting with her). We also talked about living arrangements and I came to the conclusion that I had two options in mind (assuming I go to the u of waterloo). 1) Assuming there are good bus routes to and from U of Waterloo to Guelph and that Andarta will have me and that we can afford it and that Andarta and I are dating, I hoped to find an apartment and rent it. If there are no bus routes or Andarta doesn't want us to live together (etc) then 2) Live in residence. This is the order I want them in... for a few reasons. 1) It is cheaper to live offcampus than in residence (i ran the numbers) and it's about $3000 cheaper for the year. Money's already tight as it is and I figure that the more expenses I can cut, the better off I'll be. 2) I honestly am not comfortable sharing a room with another person. There are a few exceptions for close friends, which is why I wouldn't mind sharing a room with Andarta say, but a stranger I just find... I'm just not comfortable with. So those are my reasons... I have heard that it is very beneficial to live in res and you get to meet a lot of awesome people but I figure there are other ways of meeting them too as I fully intend on joining several clubs (I have my eye on a few of them). We talked about finances... she said that the RESP (something Education Savings Plan) money goes to me in entirety... which amounts to something like $12000 including all the interest. She said my parents will willing to pay moving costs and also to purchase some furniture (if need be) for the apartment if that's what I want. In addition they were thinking about sending me some money each month... but that's just some small amount for my own enjoyment. The rest of it is up to me to make. When I worked out a rough budget earlier this year with numbers for the current school year, I figured it would be roughly $60000 in expenses... not including fun and entertainment, etc nor anything that they were willing to pay for. I'll have to wait until I see just how much I'm going to pay in rent, how many ways we can split the rent and just how much tuition and my books are next year, but I think that's a fairly accurate figure. (I also rounded everything up, so that it's more of a worst-case scenario). So... that makes nearly 50,000$ I need to make over the course of the next five years.
I intend to start working soon. One night after school this week, probaby monday or tuesday, I'm going to head over to Rideau and drop my resume off at a few places. And it's already in at Chapters for their seasonal work over Christmas. I'm hoping that I can finish university debt free... that would be awesome. i'm also fairly certain I will qualify for at least a few of the scholarships at Waterloo. And I'm thinking of entering into the co-op program. It gives me no vacation time but it does give me work terms which could cover a huge portion of my expenses. (and maybe mean I don't have to work while I'm in a study term).
Deadline for application to university is Mar 31st '05 so I've got a bit more time to think about which course to apply to. I know some people in CS (Computer Science) here at Heritage and I've seen some of what they do and it's actually really interesting. C++ doesn't look that hard... looks like VB and javascript mixed together. I already know a fair bit of VB as well, which is probably a plus. Right now this is what I think I will be applying to: Computer Science Co-Op. It takes 18 semesters to complete (which is four full years and two semesters) which includes 6 work terms and 12 study terms, no vacation. I think you can take a vacation the first year during Summer and add the work later at the end, but that means you have school for five complete years. Anyway you cut it, it's Sec I-V all over again, but this time in something I know I love and have an interest in doing and learning more about.
(50Megs left on my upload).
So... current plan is: Apply to Waterloo and Heritage for the next Fall semester. I know I can make it back into Heritage, my marks are excellent so far. If I make it into Waterloo (which I also think I can do, but it's not a sure thing) then I'll be going there.
Andarta and I are now talking about a visit around the first weekend in November. *crosses fingers* hopefully this one will work out. It's been... lets see... three and a half months since I last saw her in person. Lots of great ideas for her visit still. If she makes it for the last weekend in October (October ends on a weekend) maybe we can take her with us to see Rocky Horror at the Mayfair. (it's an awesome experiance). If not... well there are lots of awesome things to do anyways. I really miss her and I can't wait for her visit *excited*
Lots of people want to meet her, which I'm surprised at. Dragon's promised to be an ass to her when she's here... I told him I'd sit on him if he did. hehe.
23megs left.
No but most of the people from Heritage that I know now have expressed an interest in meeting her, therefore I'll definately include Heritage as one of our stops when she's here.
Alright... 10 megs left
I'm done for now, I'll post more and maybe add a poem and maybe a musing when I'm done fixing this bleeping computer.
*hugs @ Andarta* hopefully I'll get to talk to you later tonight, love. Oh and I added a comment to my quiz with the link to the quiz about what your birth month means, so you can go check that out and post it on your blog.
Later everyone.
Keep watching the stars.
i'm in the process of sending my files to a friend at the moment to hold for me while I fix my computer (Which will end up involving wiping the harddrive... yet again.) After this, I swear I'm not using IE anymore and I'm definately not downloading Kazaa again either. I'm about half-way done sending her the files and after that's done, I'll be starting the wipe, which usually takes about 10 hours total. (including the time where I forget to come up and check to see if the first disc is done so I can put in the second one) and then I have to set up my LAN software and the rest of my preferances and then download MSN and and a new browser for my computer. Then I have to get all my files back and then I'm set. Estimated Completion: 10PM tonight roughly (probably later if anything).
My mom and I talked about U of Waterloo today. We're going to try and pick a date in the near future either after I finish school or during the winter break to schedule a visit to the university to take a look around and such. We're also going to visit the nearby area, take a look at what there is to do. And we're also going to look at an important feature of the area... bus routes, specifically to and from Guelph as I don't really feel like owning a car and paying maintenance and insurance and etc. I'm also hoping to get to spend some time with Andarta while visiting there. (In fact, I'll make it a point to reserve at least some time to visiting with her). We also talked about living arrangements and I came to the conclusion that I had two options in mind (assuming I go to the u of waterloo). 1) Assuming there are good bus routes to and from U of Waterloo to Guelph and that Andarta will have me and that we can afford it and that Andarta and I are dating, I hoped to find an apartment and rent it. If there are no bus routes or Andarta doesn't want us to live together (etc) then 2) Live in residence. This is the order I want them in... for a few reasons. 1) It is cheaper to live offcampus than in residence (i ran the numbers) and it's about $3000 cheaper for the year. Money's already tight as it is and I figure that the more expenses I can cut, the better off I'll be. 2) I honestly am not comfortable sharing a room with another person. There are a few exceptions for close friends, which is why I wouldn't mind sharing a room with Andarta say, but a stranger I just find... I'm just not comfortable with. So those are my reasons... I have heard that it is very beneficial to live in res and you get to meet a lot of awesome people but I figure there are other ways of meeting them too as I fully intend on joining several clubs (I have my eye on a few of them). We talked about finances... she said that the RESP (something Education Savings Plan) money goes to me in entirety... which amounts to something like $12000 including all the interest. She said my parents will willing to pay moving costs and also to purchase some furniture (if need be) for the apartment if that's what I want. In addition they were thinking about sending me some money each month... but that's just some small amount for my own enjoyment. The rest of it is up to me to make. When I worked out a rough budget earlier this year with numbers for the current school year, I figured it would be roughly $60000 in expenses... not including fun and entertainment, etc nor anything that they were willing to pay for. I'll have to wait until I see just how much I'm going to pay in rent, how many ways we can split the rent and just how much tuition and my books are next year, but I think that's a fairly accurate figure. (I also rounded everything up, so that it's more of a worst-case scenario). So... that makes nearly 50,000$ I need to make over the course of the next five years.
I intend to start working soon. One night after school this week, probaby monday or tuesday, I'm going to head over to Rideau and drop my resume off at a few places. And it's already in at Chapters for their seasonal work over Christmas. I'm hoping that I can finish university debt free... that would be awesome. i'm also fairly certain I will qualify for at least a few of the scholarships at Waterloo. And I'm thinking of entering into the co-op program. It gives me no vacation time but it does give me work terms which could cover a huge portion of my expenses. (and maybe mean I don't have to work while I'm in a study term).
Deadline for application to university is Mar 31st '05 so I've got a bit more time to think about which course to apply to. I know some people in CS (Computer Science) here at Heritage and I've seen some of what they do and it's actually really interesting. C++ doesn't look that hard... looks like VB and javascript mixed together. I already know a fair bit of VB as well, which is probably a plus. Right now this is what I think I will be applying to: Computer Science Co-Op. It takes 18 semesters to complete (which is four full years and two semesters) which includes 6 work terms and 12 study terms, no vacation. I think you can take a vacation the first year during Summer and add the work later at the end, but that means you have school for five complete years. Anyway you cut it, it's Sec I-V all over again, but this time in something I know I love and have an interest in doing and learning more about.
(50Megs left on my upload).
So... current plan is: Apply to Waterloo and Heritage for the next Fall semester. I know I can make it back into Heritage, my marks are excellent so far. If I make it into Waterloo (which I also think I can do, but it's not a sure thing) then I'll be going there.
Andarta and I are now talking about a visit around the first weekend in November. *crosses fingers* hopefully this one will work out. It's been... lets see... three and a half months since I last saw her in person. Lots of great ideas for her visit still. If she makes it for the last weekend in October (October ends on a weekend) maybe we can take her with us to see Rocky Horror at the Mayfair. (it's an awesome experiance). If not... well there are lots of awesome things to do anyways. I really miss her and I can't wait for her visit *excited*
Lots of people want to meet her, which I'm surprised at. Dragon's promised to be an ass to her when she's here... I told him I'd sit on him if he did. hehe.
23megs left.
No but most of the people from Heritage that I know now have expressed an interest in meeting her, therefore I'll definately include Heritage as one of our stops when she's here.
Alright... 10 megs left
I'm done for now, I'll post more and maybe add a poem and maybe a musing when I'm done fixing this bleeping computer.
*hugs @ Andarta* hopefully I'll get to talk to you later tonight, love. Oh and I added a comment to my quiz with the link to the quiz about what your birth month means, so you can go check that out and post it on your blog.
Later everyone.
Keep watching the stars.
// posted by Dep @ 11:42:00 a.m.