Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Sunday, October 31, 2004


yes I was actually so bored that I looked it up.

btw... for any cal students looking for an interesting problem

k = n sin(180/n)

as n approachs infinity, k approachs pi

(go ahead, try it)

so onto the update I suppose, having had enough math for the weekend.

Last week has been pure hell on my sleeping habits, mind and body. I helped Vicki move her entire apartment with only her help and the help of Jill for the most part. *body aches* and we we're up til at least midnight each night doing it *sleeping patterns gone to hell* and mary (her mom)'s a bitch *mental stress at extreme levels*. But the upside to this is that Jill got me addicted to a few songs (five) by Sonata Arctica.

I could see my life, short film passing my eyes

I tried to look away from her, as always I just tried

Sweetness in her eyes, gone thru one million miles
How could I turn my back on her, the sweetest thing alive

I was eager, day time dreamer, waiting time when I'd come alive

Sun of San Sebastian eighteen years young today
She's all I ever dreamed, but now my skies are turning gray
It was good I got to know her well, because it made me see
That the sun of San Sebastian is just too hot for me

Look what I have done to my San Sebastian
I wasted all my childhood dreams by staring at the sun

Back in time with a dream of mine
I try to find my way back to life

Burning fever, night time screamer, waiting time when I'd come alive

Sun of San Sebastian oh why I cannot stay
She's all I ever dreamed, but now my skies are turning gray
It was good I got to know her well, because it made me see
That the sun of San Sebastian Is just too hot for me

Every single day, for the rest of my way
I live without my love, my God, I have to stay in shade
When I'm old and gray, I remember that day
When she came, that perfect dame and she blew me away

I was eager, day time dreamer, waiting time when I'd come alive

Was it good I got to know her well although it made me see
That the sun of San Sebastian is way too hot for me?
Now I live my life in shades and I am married to the moon
And the sun of San Sebastian is warming someone new
- San Sebastian (Sonata Arctica)

*shakes fist vaguely in jill's direction*

So it looks like that Andarta's trip may be postponed yet again to a few weeks from now maybe. (money problems). We're looking at other options now, such as...

1) Me taking a trip to visit her and her parents sometime during winter break. Difficult as we must plan around her parents winter vacation, christmas, my birthday (though I wouldn't mind spending my b-day up there), the finals (mine run til mid dec), etc, etc, etc. But still perhaps a possibility

2) I did want to take a trip down to visit U of Waterloo sometime over the winter, to take a look around. *will discuss university later* my parents already agreed to a weekend trip there sometime in a hotel near the university. maybe if Andarta isn't that busy, she can come with to see the university and maybe we can spend some time together.

3) Just postponing the trip until she has the money to come visit.

4) (something I came up with yesterday) Perhaps if she could make the trip home in two parts, guelph-ottawa, stay here for a bit then ottawa-timmins.

lots of things to look at.

So, university.

U of Waterloo is looking very possible. Here's an idea of the requirements

CS (Comp Sci)
Ontario Course (Heritage Equivilent)
Required: Advanced Functions and Intro to Calculus (Calculus 1); English (2x 603 English Couses); Geometry and Discrete Mathematics (Linear Algebra I) ; Comp & Info Sci (Intro to Office);
Recommended: Grade 11 Comp & Info Sci (Grade 11 Comp Programming)
Average: (regular) high 70s - low 80s (co-op) low to mid 80s

I'm not really in danger of failing Cal 1 or Intro to Office and I already have the recommended course. My english course is, at the moment, iffy, but with some hard work I can get a 60 in it at least.
Linear Algebra's next term, as is my other english course.

*is almost considering dropping all the courses he doesn't need just so that he can concentrate on the course he really needs*

I'm definately thinking about dropping my french course next semester. I can probably take it third semester if I stay and I'd really like to do all my french together.

*continues reading*

Admission averages are based on the first semester final and second semester mid-term marks and they're composed of the required courses and the next one or two highest after that up to six courses total. which means my mark will be based on...

Calculus 1
Linear Algebra
Literature 101
Literary Genres
Introduction to an Office Suite
(highest course not already mentioned)

*looks at midterm marks*

BTW: Plans for today are I'm going to look at applications to university, going to send off a request for a visit to the campus, going to look at scholarships, and then around 1 I'm going to go shopping for a few things.

alright midterms...

cal 1 - 89%
literature - 78%
intro to office - 96%

so university is looking good.

alright, i'm done for now

*hugs to all, kisses to Andarta*

later all

// posted by Dep @ 9:49:00 a.m.


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