Saturday, September 18, 2004
hey :)
Okay first, to Andarta. Sorry we didn't get to talk much... I had a friend over (And by friend I mean he invited himself over, even though I wasn't really in the mood to have him over and came upstairs to annoy me... he's left now) and... by what I said, I meant watch what you said, in case he catches a glimpse, not leave. But... it's all good now. I still miss you love, and I hope we get to talk later tonight, or barring that, tomorrow night (Though I may be doing homework most of the night... but I've got some stuff to do on the computer). After I finish my homework tomorrow, i'm not planning on writing any part of the story... but I'll be working on that at school probably, during my spares and such. I've got a host of ideas for it :D and for Andarta's trip too *suave smile*
As I said, it's an erotic love story of two teens trying to make a long-distance relationship work. It's got a few.... (well more than a few) steamy scenes, some really romantic bits and some really depressive bits. It's based a lot on Andarta and I, but most of the events are fictional (At least... now...).
Lots of things to do tomorrow... I've got an essay to write on the Purloined Letter, got a story to read, got two labs to work on and I've got a test on monday in chemistry. It's just one of those crunch times when everything seems to get really busy. Luckily, after tomorrow and monday, it'll be over for a while. I intend to spend a lot of this week, outside of class, writing the story. I'm trying to write a story with a happier ending than my last two this time and I hope that life has an equally happy ending as the story. I've also got a few friendship bracelets to weave for a few friends of mine. Buying the stuff for that tomorrow.
Alright, going to go settle something with my mom, then I'm c/p this to lj, then i'm going to bed.
*hugs, kisses & love for Andarta*
As I said, it's an erotic love story of two teens trying to make a long-distance relationship work. It's got a few.... (well more than a few) steamy scenes, some really romantic bits and some really depressive bits. It's based a lot on Andarta and I, but most of the events are fictional (At least... now...).
Lots of things to do tomorrow... I've got an essay to write on the Purloined Letter, got a story to read, got two labs to work on and I've got a test on monday in chemistry. It's just one of those crunch times when everything seems to get really busy. Luckily, after tomorrow and monday, it'll be over for a while. I intend to spend a lot of this week, outside of class, writing the story. I'm trying to write a story with a happier ending than my last two this time and I hope that life has an equally happy ending as the story. I've also got a few friendship bracelets to weave for a few friends of mine. Buying the stuff for that tomorrow.
Alright, going to go settle something with my mom, then I'm c/p this to lj, then i'm going to bed.
*hugs, kisses & love for Andarta*
// posted by Dep @ 10:38:00 p.m.