Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Thursday, September 09, 2004


Today is the one year anniversary of this blog. I'd like to take this opportunity to speak about the important people in my life and remenisce (and shuffle my graveyard into my library) about somethings. Mostly talk about the important people though.

Dragon is someone I don't talk about very much and when I do I usually just make fun of his hair, because he's so hairy. But really he's an awesome friend of mine who'd I'd always help if he was in need. We used to be very similar people but we've drifted apart in personalities over the years since we've met, but that's okay. Everyone changes.

It's odd though. Sometimes I think about what my life would be life if just one thing was different. Dragon is involved in one of these ideas... what if I had never met him...

Well if I never met Dragon or if we hadn't become really good friends, then I would have never met Freya, Raven or Andarta. Scorpie and Dragon would have probably never met as I'm fairly certain that I introduced them, but you never know, it might have happened anyways. I think my life would be completely different now without all these people in my life, and probably a worse one. Just for this alone, I'm happy that I met dragon though there are a lot of other reasons.

Raven, though we never talk anymore, is another one of my awesome friends. I can remember a lot of times that I've come to him for advice and he hasn't led me astray yet. He also tells me what I need to hear and what I should know and for that I thank him. Not to mention he's full of awesome ideas, like the danish one (yum yum lol). He's helped me through some difficult times (like New Years Eve 2003) and for that he has my thanks.

Freya has, in the past, always been there for me to lean on and I've been there for her. We've had our fights and misunderstanding and our disappointments, but in the end it all works out. She's an awesome person who reads me like a book... and then found a perfect person for me to share my life (maybe, hopefully) with. For this she has my deepest undying thanks and my friendship forever.

Heh, I still remember the first time the four of us had a net conversation together. Dragon stole Freya's name and font and Raven did it too so no one could tell who was who talking. It was hilarious. We should do that again if we could all get online... but things change.

I must, of course, mention one of the greatest influences (be it a negative or positive one I'm still not sure) on my life, who would be Vicki. She's probably had the greatest impact upon my life out of all the individuals. She's gotten me addicted to many new forms of music and she's taught me a lot about life. I must say at this point that I have no hopes and no desire of dating her again ever... I think it finally got through that we want different things out of a relationship and therefore it wouldn't work between us. (Of course things can change, but thats how it is at the moment). But she's still one of my good friends and I hope she will be for a long time to come. She's still an awesome person, whether or not she believes it, and I really like knowing her and having her around to talk to sometimes.

(By the way, don't let order fool you... I'm just talking about people at random. It doesn't mean that one person is more important to me than the others... almost all people are equally important to me if I like them).

Then there's of course Scorpie. She may act like a bitch at times but she doesn't fool me... I know she thinks of me as one of her good friends and I think of her in the same way. She's... well I think she described it best when she said she liked me like a brother. She's like a sister to me... a real sister, the sister I never had and never will have. She's someone I can go and talk to when I've got problems in life and really just want to talk about them. With other people... raven and dragon and even vicki, I just can't talk about some of my problems though with freya I can (but Freya's not around much anymore). Sometimes I don't want advice... I just want talk about my problems and I just want someone to listen and someone's shoulder I can cry on occasionally. I'm not stupid, I know what to do about my problems... I just find that it helps to talk about them sometimes.

Scrabble has to get a mention in here. She's given me some good advice and tried to pound some things into my head over the years (those of you who've read her story about me know this... the ideas behind that story are true and, although I never hit her, my reactions were pretty much as hardheaded) and I thank her for it. And she's been there for me a few times as well and I thank her for that as well.

Finally, and I do think I saved the best for last, Andarta. She's the person whom I think has the best understanding of what it's actually like to be me, which is a very hard concept for most people as I am a complete contradiction. But she's a lot like me and I think she understands what it's like and that's why we connect so well. We see a lot in each of the other. Andarta's a very important person to me and I really hope that our relationship goes beyond just friends into something deeper, and I know the feelings exist for this, I just don't know if they'll survive the distance factor. I think I can handle it... not completely sure, but I think that I can. I mean we will be able to talk over the phone, chat over the computer and I'm planning on buying a microphone/webcam soon, therefore we can have video conversations too. If she wants one, I can even get her a set too and we have have two-way voice/video conversations over the internet which is a damnsight cheaper than longdistance bills. Plus we will have time together. But Andarta and I... I think we can make it work. We've had one breakup, which I see as a bump in the road. After all, Freya and Angelis had a few of those, right? So if we make it through this and get back together, I think we've got a good chance of having a meaningful relationship that might go somewhere (lol I'm not going to say anything more about that, since I don'twant to think too far ahead.)

A lot has changed in the last year. I've met Andarta, Dragon and Scorpie got together, broke up and got back together (seriously) again, I got completely over Vicki, Scrabble and her boyfriend Aaron got together and I think I've changed one hell of a lot since then. I won't even try to say how, I'm just too different.

Happy one year anniversary of this blog everyone... and I hope it'll be another awesome year to come.

Until next time.


// posted by Dep @ 7:48:00 p.m.


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