Thursday, August 12, 2004
ugh... earlier start tomorrow
Well not that early. I've got to be gone by 9:15 I figure, have to go down to the CLSC do some stuff for my health insurance, then catch a bus into ottawa, eat lunch, maybe buy a new book if i've got the time to waste, then head on over to the CEGEP for 1, undergo my 3-4 hour orientation and meeting with the Registar, then take the bus back to Ottawa and then back home. It's like 10 hours away from home for a 3 hour bloody meeting and lunch and doing some stuff at the CLSC (which takes like 15minutes). This is bull...stupid bus systems.
My parents and I are talking more and more about university as it approaches. They agree with a lot of what I'm thinking about and have agreed to front some money for some things, but most are going to be mine to pay for. (ex they offered to pay for furniture if i want to rent a place (within reason) and help me with a budget, stuff like that) Rent, tuition, food, transportation money all of that is left to me. But it's not going to be a huge problem. They recommended I do a co-op program which takes higher marks to get into, costs slightly more and adds 3 terms to the length of the program (and leaves you with no summers off pretty much) but the pay is fairly good. In fact it could probably cover all my tuition and living costs. So that's what I think I'll try to do... get into the Computer Science co-op program. It won't leave me with any vacation... that's my only problem with it at the moment. I have to think about that. But both my parents recommended it and it is a good way to get job experiance and money and to create connections. I'll keep it in mind. I've got a while longer to pick a program, until I think about january. 'Cause even if I don't go into the co-op program, I'll still have to work over the summer... it's just I'll have a choice where to work over the summer and what to do. (and maybe even more vacation time, who knows.) Ah well, things to think about later right?
So everything's going pretty good with me now. I think I'll go hop into bed after I finish checking other people's blogs. I need to get up early (ugh).
Andarta, if you're reading this after you've taken your road test, send me an e-mail about how it went, kay? If before good luck!!!!!
I'll be on at around 10PM tomorrow, got a lot to do.
Laterz all.
(PS - Maybe new poetry tomorrow night, I had a good idea for one, I just forgot it... cursed memory!)
My parents and I are talking more and more about university as it approaches. They agree with a lot of what I'm thinking about and have agreed to front some money for some things, but most are going to be mine to pay for. (ex they offered to pay for furniture if i want to rent a place (within reason) and help me with a budget, stuff like that) Rent, tuition, food, transportation money all of that is left to me. But it's not going to be a huge problem. They recommended I do a co-op program which takes higher marks to get into, costs slightly more and adds 3 terms to the length of the program (and leaves you with no summers off pretty much) but the pay is fairly good. In fact it could probably cover all my tuition and living costs. So that's what I think I'll try to do... get into the Computer Science co-op program. It won't leave me with any vacation... that's my only problem with it at the moment. I have to think about that. But both my parents recommended it and it is a good way to get job experiance and money and to create connections. I'll keep it in mind. I've got a while longer to pick a program, until I think about january. 'Cause even if I don't go into the co-op program, I'll still have to work over the summer... it's just I'll have a choice where to work over the summer and what to do. (and maybe even more vacation time, who knows.) Ah well, things to think about later right?
So everything's going pretty good with me now. I think I'll go hop into bed after I finish checking other people's blogs. I need to get up early (ugh).
Andarta, if you're reading this after you've taken your road test, send me an e-mail about how it went, kay? If before good luck!!!!!
I'll be on at around 10PM tomorrow, got a lot to do.
Laterz all.
(PS - Maybe new poetry tomorrow night, I had a good idea for one, I just forgot it... cursed memory!)
// posted by Dep @ 10:52:00 p.m.