Thursday, August 26, 2004
Yes, it is alive! Kazaa that is. Finally I once again have access to the world of music. (thank god... I've been missing a few songs from collection that I've been wanting to listen to.)
So today was a rather boring day. 8AM class for two hours, then home where I fell asleep for about five hours. When I woke, I took a bath, ate and started downloading music. I've got the My Music folder back up (and almost full) but I still have to rip the Evanescence and the Placebo cds to my computer. (which I'll be doing after I finish blogging).
It's amazing how much my taste in music has changed in past years. Look at me five years ago and the only thing I would be listening to is stuff from the 60s-70s-80s (Meatloaf, the Supremes, Beatles, Stones, etc, etc, etc). Then I added some classical music in there (very few pieces though...). And then Vicki decided to corrupt me...grr! Well the corruption is complete... my playlist is pretty much all metallica, linkin park, iron maiden and the like. It's just amazing how different it is from what I liked about five years ago. Not that I don't still like it... I just don't listen to it all the time like I used to.
For example, currently I have Mest, Iron Maiden, Matchbox 20, Metallica, Sonata Artica, blink 182, Treblecharger, Linkin Park, Goo Goo Dolls, REM, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Five for Fighting on my playlist.
(and I'm currently listening to Fear of the Dark over and over again but I'm sure I'll tire of it in a few minutes)
So how are things going... pretty good. I finished my first Cal assignment today, it was pretty easy with a few trick questions in there that one has to watch for (I just hope I found all the tricks). Homework's pretty light so far, but there are assignments coming up in both bio and chem, so I don't expect it to stay that way for long. Plus we're reading a story a week (usually, sometimes we get two for longer stories) in lit. And on top of that, we'll have occasional essays in a few classes. The upside of this is that Office Suite looks really easy, so I suppose I can use the extra time I'll have in that to do work for other classes.
College is really different from high school. It takes a bit of getting used to, have to get used to hour long classes (except for double or even triple (I have one triple) periods but you get breaks every hour in them.), have to get used to having spares and have to get used to the lax rules. Most assignments aren't due for at least a week, which gives you plenty of time to procrastinate on them (Which I'm usually bad at as I hate working unless it's something that interests me). The upside is that I can do most of them on the weekends when I have free time (currently). The rules are lax too... there aren't many rules. There aren't any penalties for being late (except in gym... gym if you miss four hours of class you fail it automatically... which sucks as my gym is at 8AM!). You just miss the class, fail any tests that day and any in-class quizes. (though some of the tests you can make up.)
I've got an idea about how I'm going to go see Andarta if we're going out (thats a small if at the moment too). We'll pick a weekend where she doesn't have much work to do (no huge assignments due) and nor do I. I'll leave sometime Thursday, get someone to take notes for me in english lit, chem and bio on friday and I'll come back sunday. *shrugs* it's just an idea at this point, also have to make sure I've got no tests on friday but it should work fairly well.
We're down to two weeks exactly until she arrives here. I'm getting a little nervous about it, but I suppose everything will go well. I've got to call Vicki and see if she's free sometime while she's here. Plus I've got to find out who's interesting in helping with the Rocky Horror night. *evil grin*.
So yeah... that's about it for now. Later all.
So today was a rather boring day. 8AM class for two hours, then home where I fell asleep for about five hours. When I woke, I took a bath, ate and started downloading music. I've got the My Music folder back up (and almost full) but I still have to rip the Evanescence and the Placebo cds to my computer. (which I'll be doing after I finish blogging).
It's amazing how much my taste in music has changed in past years. Look at me five years ago and the only thing I would be listening to is stuff from the 60s-70s-80s (Meatloaf, the Supremes, Beatles, Stones, etc, etc, etc). Then I added some classical music in there (very few pieces though...). And then Vicki decided to corrupt me...grr! Well the corruption is complete... my playlist is pretty much all metallica, linkin park, iron maiden and the like. It's just amazing how different it is from what I liked about five years ago. Not that I don't still like it... I just don't listen to it all the time like I used to.
For example, currently I have Mest, Iron Maiden, Matchbox 20, Metallica, Sonata Artica, blink 182, Treblecharger, Linkin Park, Goo Goo Dolls, REM, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Five for Fighting on my playlist.
(and I'm currently listening to Fear of the Dark over and over again but I'm sure I'll tire of it in a few minutes)
So how are things going... pretty good. I finished my first Cal assignment today, it was pretty easy with a few trick questions in there that one has to watch for (I just hope I found all the tricks). Homework's pretty light so far, but there are assignments coming up in both bio and chem, so I don't expect it to stay that way for long. Plus we're reading a story a week (usually, sometimes we get two for longer stories) in lit. And on top of that, we'll have occasional essays in a few classes. The upside of this is that Office Suite looks really easy, so I suppose I can use the extra time I'll have in that to do work for other classes.
College is really different from high school. It takes a bit of getting used to, have to get used to hour long classes (except for double or even triple (I have one triple) periods but you get breaks every hour in them.), have to get used to having spares and have to get used to the lax rules. Most assignments aren't due for at least a week, which gives you plenty of time to procrastinate on them (Which I'm usually bad at as I hate working unless it's something that interests me). The upside is that I can do most of them on the weekends when I have free time (currently). The rules are lax too... there aren't many rules. There aren't any penalties for being late (except in gym... gym if you miss four hours of class you fail it automatically... which sucks as my gym is at 8AM!). You just miss the class, fail any tests that day and any in-class quizes. (though some of the tests you can make up.)
I've got an idea about how I'm going to go see Andarta if we're going out (thats a small if at the moment too). We'll pick a weekend where she doesn't have much work to do (no huge assignments due) and nor do I. I'll leave sometime Thursday, get someone to take notes for me in english lit, chem and bio on friday and I'll come back sunday. *shrugs* it's just an idea at this point, also have to make sure I've got no tests on friday but it should work fairly well.
We're down to two weeks exactly until she arrives here. I'm getting a little nervous about it, but I suppose everything will go well. I've got to call Vicki and see if she's free sometime while she's here. Plus I've got to find out who's interesting in helping with the Rocky Horror night. *evil grin*.
So yeah... that's about it for now. Later all.
// posted by Dep @ 10:44:00 p.m.