Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Sunday, August 15, 2004

I am going to remove the titles, right after I finish this entry

Alright. Today I found out that Scrabble (And a few other people I know) were involved in a car crash on friday. (the thirteenth.) No one bothered telling me or anything that five people I know and like were involved in a car crash. Thanks a lot people. Well... no one was hurt (thank god). It's odd though... I just saw most of these people a few hours before. We were joking and laughing (they were at the cegep meeting with me, in the same program). it's frightening.

grr. I am in such a philosophical mood. I think after I get off I'll go write some poetry. I feel in the mood for it. Unless I conk out. I've got to get back into my normal sleep patterns soon... i've got to be getting up at 6:30, maybe even 6AM for those 8AM classes (bloody bus schedule). luckily thursday I start at 10 so I don't have to leave til about 8:30 or 8 (Speaking of which I suppose I should go check the bus schedules.

Oh, Andarta just came on-line. Well maybe I'll be up a bit longer.

After she leaves, I think I'm going to write some. I've been wanting to write a new story actually... problem is I don't have the experiances required to write it. I wanted to write a story about a cross-canada trip, describing a lot of the famous places in the country. But I just haven't been to enough of them to write the whole thing. Maybe after I've done some more vacationing, especially out west, I can write it. I've got a few other ideas kicking around, but nothing seems very good to me. I've abandoned the idea of an autobiography... as I said, it sounds really whiny to me when I reread it and I can't fix it. It sounds like I'm just bitching about my life and that's not the tone I wanted. So I've abandoned it. But after I've visited some more of this country (after I get a chance to) I definatly want to write a story about a couple who take a month long cross canada trip, describe the best places there are in Canada and hopefully tell a good story in the process.

Alright so some new poetry tomorrow I hope. Will post again 2morrow night I hope. And Scrabble... if you read this CALL ME OR E-MAIL ME!

Later all

// posted by Dep @ 11:58:00 p.m.


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