Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Friday, August 06, 2004

For lack of a better title (yes I've used this one before... damn!)

I am running out of titles for my blog entries. Blogging at least once a day (and sometimes twice) gets difficult, you know trying to be creative and all... but I manage somehow.

So... whats new today...

Freya appeared on-line, briefly. I wish she'd come on more, but... I guess that's not possible. I'm just used to discussing everything in my life with her, what's gone to hell, what's going on, what bright points there are, etc, etc, etc. *sigh* goddamn it...

So I guess you've noticed the lack of poetry right? Well... truth be told, I haven't been able to think of anything to write about. I'm not going to write about Andarta (though I'd like to) because I'm just not sure where we stand at the moment. I'm not going to write about anyone else because... well... I can't think of anything to write about them. And as for myself... *shrugs* no really strong feelings to write about at the moment... life's just going along smoothly, not many dips in the road, but not many high points either. As for life... ha! I suppose I could write something about life but... nah. I'm not in the mood to bitch about life. Life is life. Accept it or don't, it simply is. ... I'm thinking about writing a poem about Andarta actually... just not certain how I'm going to say what I want to say... (as for not knowing where we stand well... I'm sure of where I stand and that's enough for this poem.) Perhaps something from Shakespeare...

Andarta, Andarta wherefore art thou Andarta...

(maybe not lol)

Speaking of Shakespeare, I'm sure I'm going to get laughed at when I say I love it. I've always loved medieval stuff, from fantasy novels to D&D to swords (And other weaponry from the period) to the language. Old English... *drool*. So it's small wonder I love Shakespeare... now if only I could spell his name right lol. (There's a reason I used to be called the Master of Typos... either my 100 wpm typing speed always fucked up my spelling or I just didn't care how many typos I made... or both. A little from column A, a little from column B as they say.) Seriously, Shakespeare is awesome.

And besides, if I was going to use a line from shakespeare, I'd pick something from one of his comedies. The ending of Romeo and Juliet is not something I wish to emulate. or Othello either for that matter.

Anyways... I am now bored out of my mind and there's nothing really to do on this computer, so I think it's back upstairs for a bit for me.

Freya, if you're ever on-line for a decent length of time, I'd like an e-mail from you. A long one. I don't care what it's about, as long as it's long.

Later all.

// posted by Dep @ 10:10:00 p.m.


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