Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Tuesday, June 01, 2004

so why haven't i blogged?

Well, the answer to that is simple.

My brother (no names coughCHRIScough) downloaded something. This something downloaded other things. Thus my computer is heavily infected with adware/spyware (grrr). He doesn't know how to fix it and my dad won't fix it. (double grrrrr) So I am stuck with no music, very limited access to websites (and what access I do have is very slow) and basically a crappy computer (Even worse than it normally is and those of you who know my computer know that's bad enough to begin with).

So what's been going on lately?

Well, today I got paid (hehehe) and i'm well over money needed to buy tickets to Timmins (even though I lent money to DDM/Scorpie last week to see Troy). Just have to hear from Freya, who was suppose to call me last night or email today and she did neither so I have no clue what's going on.

Today I talked with my mother about Andarta and I dating. She thought maybe it wasn't such a good idea, but she wasn't going to stop me. She also promised not to tell my father who'd probably forbid me from going near a train station. Ah well. (I love my mom lol)

There are only 5 days left in regular school, followed by 6 days of exams for me (I have 4 days off at the end, for I have no exams during those days). So 11 days of school left in total. Excellent.

Friday I'm going out to rent my prom tuxedo. Haven't picked a model yet, have to take the catalogue into school and let someone wiser than I in the ways of fashion determine what I'm going to wear (with some input from me of course lol). Probably talk to Scorpie about it. Or Scrabble.

Things are actually going fairly well now. You've probably noticed the lack of depressive-writing in my blog. :D lol

And not just for me. Seems like everyone I know's life is just getting better. Tilly and Roots Kid both have guys they like who like them back. DDM and Scorpie are back together (and I have no problems with that for anyone who's interested). Even Dark Angel has met someone she really likes (I never thought I'd hear that she has a crush on someone but... hey). And of course, Andarta and I are together. Scrabble and her boyfriend are doing well, Angelis and Freya are as they have been for a while. For all my friends, everything seems to be going well for once. That's good, very good. Except... KoS. I don't talk with him enough, I have no clue what's going on in his life. Maybe he'll tell me next time we chat (probably the weekend, since I haven't seen him on on a weekday in forever).

Andarta's b-day present, I'm hoping they call me tonight about it, but it's 9PM so I doubt it. Probably I'll get called tomorrow and I'll go in thursday after school (or during last) to pick it up. It's a great present and worth the money I spent on it though. I think she'll love it.

I saw Troy last week in case I haven't mentioned it. It's worth watching actually, it's got some romance, some violence/bloodshed, some strategy. For those who know the history of Troy, it's not that surprising (yes, it has the Trogan Horse in it lol) but it's still a fairly good movie. Also if you like watching Brad Pitt's ass, you'll love it. (lol)

Today in Music, we got sheet music for a new song, one I haven't heard in a long time but it's still an awesome song. I want to download it now but I think someone deleted Kazaa from my computer. Here's the chorus.

You raise me up
So I can stand on mountains
You raise me up
To walk on stormy seas
I am strong
When I am on your shoulders
You raise me up
To more than I can be

Yeah, I love that song. We're going to be playing it at graduation this year, except I'm graduating so I may not get to play.

So yeah... that's about it for now.

Later all!

// posted by Dep @ 8:42:00 p.m.


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