Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Monday, April 05, 2004


Yes, tis monday... grr...

Don't like monday's.

Today I had to go in because I had a test today (math) and I couldn't miss it. I may go in tomorrow, or I may not. Depends how tired I feel tomorrow morning.

Alright, recent events.

This weekend was my brother's b-day. It was really annoying to have 7 kids his age, all who seem to speak in a normal tone of 100+ decibles. (Grr).

I did something... potentially stupid and I'm going to do something that is potentially more stupid. (But oh well, it's the thought that counts right?) There's a girl at school (no names, but you know who you are) whom I'm starting to really like, mostly because she likes my poetry and we both like rock & roll and some sci-fi programs. And she's pretty. (and other reasons, but those are fairly indescribable). So I am now pondering the idea of asking her out for coffee on friday. I'm really hoping she'll say yes, but I'm expecting a no (for purely lack of self-confidence reasons). Anyways, we'll see where that goes.

Well... KoS and his now ex-girlfriend broke up... KoS, I have this to say. I don't agree with her ex's method, and I do believe it's a ploy to get her back. But hey, your life, not mine and I'm through interfering in other people's relationships. (But can you say OVERPOSSESIVE!!!!!).

jesus... okay

(got that off my chest).

Yes, this new girl, dont have a nickname for her yet, but I will have to think of one wont i??

Anyways, I've put in my two cents for the day.



// posted by Dep @ 8:38:00 p.m.


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