Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Monday, March 22, 2004


ever have one of those weeks where you just wish you could redo a lot of the things you've done?

well lets start

first of all, scorpie I'm sorry I've been such an ass lately. KoS managed to convince me to accept a few things earlier today and though it won't be easy, I will accept them. (And already have, just not very happy about it). I have no wish for this to interfere in our friendship and I wish we could just put it behind us. Also... *sigh*

Our friendship isn't really that great either. Maybe Freya's spoiled me, but I still think you can (And perhaps should) talk to me about the things that bother you, no matter what they are. I have a specific example in mind but I won't voice it. You know what I'm talking about and I think you should talk about it. I hope you trust me enough with the details. I really am sorry I allowed this new relationship of yours to interfere with our friendship this badly.

And thank you KoS for kicking that into my skull.

I miss freya... I hope I get to see her online sometime soon but I understand if you cant. Also, I'm working on the letter, don't bitch k!.

Anyways... Scorpie... hmm...

Hard to say this without it sounding wrong. Remember I don't force you to tell me anything but I would like for you to trust me... maybe you're not ready to tell me somethings but grr.... somethings should be said. They linger on a persons soul like a cancer and slowly eat them up. You know what I'm talking about.


I really don't need them. They just make my opinion of you go down a fraction of a notch. Try to control yourself okay? (Dark Angel too if you're reading this.) I could go into the reasons why but I won't.

Scrabble's writing a story about me, with a little of my help. Hope it doesn't get spread to my english teacher (Who might recgonize it as beign about me.)

Anyways. Later all.

// posted by Dep @ 5:28:00 p.m.


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