Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Tuesday, March 02, 2004


After about 10minutes of fiddling with it, I managed to fix the problem so that I can get full internet access over here. yay. Unfortunatly, no one is on... oh well. Hopefully I'll be seeing some of you later.

On to new events in the last week (As it has been a week since I last saw most of you)

All of you know what happened last week on... tuesday i think. But here's how I look at it now.

She's a coward. If I ever told her this to her face, she'd kill me but it's true. She avoided telling me this for whatever reason instead of just telling me, like I asked her about ten times. She even said she'd continue avoiding it.

And over the last week I've been questioning my feelings for her... real or product of my imagination? More and more I begin to think it's the last.

And finally, she never really cared about me at all. Looking back now, I see it's true.

So... you know what? fuck her.

Scrabble's been right all along... I just had to see it with my own eyes and finally I can. The final straw was the fact that she didn't care enough about me to tell me. *sigh*. Well. It's over. It's in the past and by god it's staying there this time.

Hope for the future? There's a little bit. Don't know where any of it's going to go, but I'm taking it all slowly this time around.

KoS should been on soon, its after 4 there. Maybe I'll talk to him about it...


Scorpi's obsession continues. She'll deny it if you ask her, but I can see in her eyes that she still has very high hopes for a future with DDM. *shrugs*

I've decided the best way for her to learn this lesson (since she's not learning it from me or KoS or Freya) is for her to obsess over him for a long while and yes, KoS, he'll probably use her at one point in the future. If things get too bad I'll step in but not until then...

You see, I've learned from my experiances with Dark Angel, that people in love are going to remain in love no matter what you say about their love... until they realize for themselves that it would never work. I had to discover it on my own... Scrabble couldn't convince me otherwise... and so will Scorpi. And she'll have me as a friend when (for I know DDM and this is a when) she realizes it will never work.


Other than that, life continues much as it has. This week is March Break so I may not be around as much (going out places and such) but I should be around for the rest of today.

I'm going to see if I can find the poetry I wrote over the last week and post it. If not... *shrugs*.

I'll be on MSN all day... I have some stuff I'm hoping to get done here now that I finally have my internet back. Hopefully I'll talk to you all later today. Later.

// posted by Dep @ 11:22:00 a.m.


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