Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Saturday, January 31, 2004


well... let's start with yesterday.

Yesterday Scorpi talked to dark angel about something. I don't know what they said, but scorpi later told me that something unexpected was going to happen and then said probably within a month.

After learning what I did on wensday night/thursday morning and having heard this from scorpi, i came to a conclusion. That long conversation was a very good sign, she doesn't hate me and indeed would have to like me to talk with me on the phone for that long. So... "something unexpected"? To be sure, I will have to wait and see BUT my guess is that her answer to my question is going to be yes. So... with this little bit of hope, I am now even more firmly devoted to my path. But the day wasn't over yet.

At lunch, I had a tarot card reading done by a friend of mine. If you believe in them (And I am starting to, because they've been right too often... it's freaky now.) then here's what they had to say about vicki. Past -> Confusion about an emotion of some sort (The Moon if anybody is well versed in them.). Present -> Something has recently changed. (Death). Future -> Getting what you deserve (Three of Pentacles).

So this is how I interpret these meanings. Past -> I was confused about my feelings for vicki and her feelings (if any for me). Present -> This refers to an event of which I know and of which I am not going to speak of. It's complex and may not be understood by everyone. But it's a change either of her seeing me as a better partner for her or of me changing my idea of what a relationship should be. Future -> Nobody can predict the future 100% of the time. I cannot say for sure what this means. But in the context there are two possible meanings. 1) dark angel and i will be dating again. 2) if you believe i deserve somebody better than her (like scrabble does) then this means i will find that other person.

but to be quite honest... i don't think it's a matter of deserving somebody... more of a matter of wanting somebody.

*shrugs* anyways, three good signs in less that three days. what more could I ask for, except a certainty (and we all know there are no certainties in life.)

so anyways... we will see what the future holds.

later all.

// posted by Dep @ 11:41:00 a.m.


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