Sunday, October 12, 2003
I remember my words from one of my poems... they seem to fit what has just happened...
"What was once unbreakable
Is now broken
What was once fire
Is now ice
What was once forever
Is now never
What was once found
Is now lost
What was once treasured
Is now forgotten"
I wrote them about Freya and Dark Nova at their breakup... because I saw through darens eyes and knew he would never breakup with her... but then it happened.
Now? Freya and Angelis... whos love runs deeper than anything I have ever seen before in my life and whom I envy because I do not have such a love... have broken up... and the words are all the more true. I never saw this... not even in my worst nightmares. Oh... I've heard his reasons and.. well, to be honest, I completely disagree with them. He wants to enjoy the single life... well I suppose he has something to enjoy in the single life. I don't see anything in the single life except lonliness... we differ. Oh well... but Freya needs him.. its obvious from all she says. And I don't know what she's goign to do without him. I guess she can lean on me if she needs to... hell I want her to. But its just so... so... dumb a reason! I've heard it from lots of people. Dark Angel told me it's why she didn't find a new boyfriend... Scrabble told me it and thats she enjoys casual sex over pure relationships... and now Angelis. I guess I'm just really different from all these people... being single is the worst experiance of my life... all my worst moments have involved me becoming single.
And speaking of Dark Angel, I sent her an email asking her if we could talk sometime next weekend... hopefully she'll say yes.
I need to know one way or the other... it just can't keep going on like this...
Anyways... my problems.
I really hope freya survives this until angelis decides that he's had enough of the single life... but i've heard some people use that excuse just to soften the blow... and they never come back. But Angelis is indeed new in town and needs time to settle in to a new job and everything... so I doubt that he will delude her. I sent her an email in which I spoke nothing but the truth... (I rarely lie to my friends but... once in a while a tiny white lie escapes my lips.) I hope she knows its all true and that i mean everything in that letter.
I am... doubting whether or not I'm going to be together at the end of this month. I want to be with Dark Angel so much... I love her... but I don't know how this is going to go over with her... I love her enough that I'm willing to let her go her own way if that is what she wants.
Oh I won't be happy... but I will let her go.
Freya... I wish you nothing but the best and I hope Angelis has enough of the single life real fast... and if he never comes back, I hope you find someone you love almost as much.
and Dark Angel... I wish you to please make up your mind if you love me or not. None of this I only love you in private crap... Love me and be proud to show the world that you are strong enough to love someone with all your heart... or tell me you don't and end it. Don't leave me hanging
"What was once unbreakable
Is now broken
What was once fire
Is now ice
What was once forever
Is now never
What was once found
Is now lost
What was once treasured
Is now forgotten"
I wrote them about Freya and Dark Nova at their breakup... because I saw through darens eyes and knew he would never breakup with her... but then it happened.
Now? Freya and Angelis... whos love runs deeper than anything I have ever seen before in my life and whom I envy because I do not have such a love... have broken up... and the words are all the more true. I never saw this... not even in my worst nightmares. Oh... I've heard his reasons and.. well, to be honest, I completely disagree with them. He wants to enjoy the single life... well I suppose he has something to enjoy in the single life. I don't see anything in the single life except lonliness... we differ. Oh well... but Freya needs him.. its obvious from all she says. And I don't know what she's goign to do without him. I guess she can lean on me if she needs to... hell I want her to. But its just so... so... dumb a reason! I've heard it from lots of people. Dark Angel told me it's why she didn't find a new boyfriend... Scrabble told me it and thats she enjoys casual sex over pure relationships... and now Angelis. I guess I'm just really different from all these people... being single is the worst experiance of my life... all my worst moments have involved me becoming single.
And speaking of Dark Angel, I sent her an email asking her if we could talk sometime next weekend... hopefully she'll say yes.
I need to know one way or the other... it just can't keep going on like this...
Anyways... my problems.
I really hope freya survives this until angelis decides that he's had enough of the single life... but i've heard some people use that excuse just to soften the blow... and they never come back. But Angelis is indeed new in town and needs time to settle in to a new job and everything... so I doubt that he will delude her. I sent her an email in which I spoke nothing but the truth... (I rarely lie to my friends but... once in a while a tiny white lie escapes my lips.) I hope she knows its all true and that i mean everything in that letter.
I am... doubting whether or not I'm going to be together at the end of this month. I want to be with Dark Angel so much... I love her... but I don't know how this is going to go over with her... I love her enough that I'm willing to let her go her own way if that is what she wants.
Oh I won't be happy... but I will let her go.
Freya... I wish you nothing but the best and I hope Angelis has enough of the single life real fast... and if he never comes back, I hope you find someone you love almost as much.
and Dark Angel... I wish you to please make up your mind if you love me or not. None of this I only love you in private crap... Love me and be proud to show the world that you are strong enough to love someone with all your heart... or tell me you don't and end it. Don't leave me hanging
// posted by Dep @ 10:00:00 p.m.