Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Monday, October 13, 2003

aujord'hui c'est la merde

(and if i have a mistake in my title, sorry :P i never claimed to be able to write french)

well... what can i say about my day.

i got up at about 9 to start typing my story... finished around 5. I sent it off to people then and got started on my homework, which I've just about finished, except for my french introductions. have to write three of them *shudder*

anyways... now that I'm in a slightly calmer mood, I feel a little bit better. Yesterday and saturday after bowling I was in an extremely volitile mood... anything could have set me off. I was slamming doors and almost breaking spoons... the 20 minutes of conversation with my grandparents took all of my energy. But I survived it without making a complete ass of myself, and so here I am... still angry but less violent.

i dunno.. i just dont know about anything in life anymore. A month ago, everything was going right. Freya had Angelis, Dark Nova had a chance with a girl... and I had Dark Angel. School was looking good for me, I was beginning to develop some more friendships with people i actually consider to be friends... and I was losing weight (lol).

Now... its all turned around. But... i'm becoming jaded about life. What happens, will happen. Dark Angel will love me or she will not and if she does not, then I will figure out what to do... probably cry a lot... mope... be anti-social.

Hopefully things will turn around.

// posted by Dep @ 7:42:00 p.m.


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