Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell

Location: Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

My name is Robert. We've determined that I am idiosyncratic, omnisexual (though we're currently considering pansexual as a more proper alternative), occasionally sweet, occasionally sarcastic, male (still waiting on test results), STI free


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Sunday, May 22, 2005


I haven't heard any cries or pleas for me to start my chatterbox up again - so I will anyways. It should be up by the time you read this.

I've posted a lengthy post on LiveJournal, when I have time I will transfer the important parts to the private journal.

In short: days good, packed; nights kindof lonely.

I am planning a pool party soon, in honor of the end of the year - if you want in, call me or e-mail me. Currently invited are: Vicki, Daren, Jill, Adam Daw, Chrissie and Aaron. Others welcome (even if I don't know you too well). It'll be at my place sometime between two and three weeks from now on a weekend.

So yep, that's about it

*hugs to Andy*

Laterz all

- Dep

// posted by Dep @ 10:57:00 p.m.  0 comments

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Greetings Friend

Alright, alright, serious non-esoteric update.

Things are going ok. I have recently become readdicted to an old favorite game of mine - Alpha Centauri. Daren and I have played for hours at school after he 'hacked' (i used the term loosely, more like 'was granted access to') into the admin accounts and installed Alpha Cen. In addition, I've finally become a RuneScape member and have basically split my time between those two games when I'm playing games. For anyone looking for an on-line RPG, I recommend Runescape. If you play games purely for the graphics, this game doesn't have much to offer but if you're looking for something beyond straight combat oriented, this game is for you. You can mine your own ores, you can cut your own trees and you can fish for fish. Then you can do any number of things with the products of those activities - you can smelt your ore into bars then smith those bars into weapons, armor, arrowheads, knives, etc, etc, etc; you can cook your fish and eat it to gain health, you can make potions, you can fletch arrows and/or bows, you can make fires to cook your fish on (or other food as you find it in the game), you can create magic rings amulets, you can cast spells, you can gain prayer levels which boost your stats, you can steal from various NPCs. On top of it, the whole game is a large RPG. There are generally between 300 and 2000 people on each world (300 in the low hours, 2000 is the max) with whom you can interact, trade items, hire to do jobs, buy things, sell things. If you don't want to fish for your fish, you can buy them uncooked. Ditto everything else. And if you just want to be smashy, smashy; then you can buy things from other players to support your combat efforts (not to mention there are various NPC shops around the world that sell things - they have limited stocks however) - It's a game with something for anyone who enjoys RPGing; there's also a good deal of quests to complete which take you all over the world and gain you experience, cool items and access to different features. It's free but you can also buy a membership for $5 american a year which gives you access to a much larger area and ad-free windows.

So yeah - if anyone wants to try it out - http://runescape.com is the place to be. My ID is darkelfpoet, so add me to your friends and I'll hook you up with some free stuff (lord knows I have too much).

On top of that, Alpha Cen is also a cool game that I recommend - btw if anyone knows how to get the PvP over the 'net to work, drop me a line? Dragon and I cannot figure it out. (grrs)

Alright, in non-computer related news.

I took on a new tutoree today, another one of Sarah's brothers. It's kindof odd because her whole family likes me, even this brother of hers who previously disliked me. *shrugs* but hey - they're now paying me $40 and starting in a week or two that goes up to $80/week until the end of exams. Not too shabby.

I will of course be going job hunting sometime this weekend. My 58 copies of my resume won't spread themselves and if I can, I'll print more tomorrow morning sometime. I'm really past dickering if I want to work somewhere, I just want to earn some serious money as opposed to the bits here and there tutoring brings me. Not that tutoring is going to stop, I'll keep as much of it going on as possible, but it's not really enough - not with so few hours.

Timmins quickly approaches. In fact I'll be leaving for the bus depot in less than a week as of right now (about an hour ago). Good news, my parents are going away on their 25th anniversary next week. So we have the house to ourselves for three days (or rather my brothers do). Good news for a few reasons - my parents have been fighting more and more often and it's a little worrisome, but hopefully a few days together and away from us kids will help them a lot. They leave Wednesday morning and are coming back Friday night next week. Apparently Chris will be in charge often as I'm at PTY Wednesday (and buying tickets), I'm tutoring for about 4 hours Thursday and I'm leaving Friday night. Daren has apparently made the decision not to go to Timmins with me... kindof sad, but I'm sure I'll have a good time even without him. I'm fairly excited but also a bit nervous - I've had some things on my mind and while I don't want to go into them at the moment (letting them solidify plus I want to talk with Freya in person about them) they're... good but a little nervewracking for me. Nothing wrong though, just a decision I've made and plan to go through with that will probably make a good number of people happy (not why I made it but hey, if people are happy with me so much the better).

14 year olds with cellphones. Why do they need them? It's such a bloody crazy thing to do. I've been considering getting one myself but only because I'm at school 8am-7pm most days and I'm out of the house alot (especially if working and with tutoring). Thus a cellphone would be a huge advantage for people trying to contact me. But 14year olds? They spend barely 7 hours a day at school (And while they are cellphones must be in their lockers during classes, thus they're really only usable for an hour). Some kids, if their parents need to call them often, I can see a reason. But really - they're everywhere. It's kids having cellphones for the sake of having a cellphone and for the extreme convience of not having to find a payphone (in Philemon? There's like four.)
Anyways, I need to talk to Andy now. I'll catch y'all later (and see what I can do about updating more often)

*hugs to Andy*

Laterz all

// posted by Dep @ 9:50:00 p.m.  0 comments

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Happy May 18th

Unlike Scrabble's post - May 18th is a happy day for me. I'm sure a few people remember why. No I won't remove the suspense. Ask me and find out.

umm... right update.

PTY went fine. Little down as I realized that so many people I knew quit going - I'm down to about three people I know, like and want to talk to. (but thank you Mike, Shannon and Tina for making it interesting still)

One exam left, it draws closer. I will need to study for it tomorrow for part of the day.

Some good news, I got Anthony's soon to be brother Mark (Sarah's younger brother) as a tutoree on Thursdays for the next few weeks which means my pay takes a hike from $20 to $40 on average for a Thursday. not bad. plus the other two kids means a good 60-70 a week for me.

I plan to go job hunting this weekend. Major job hunting. And I plan to continue all of next week. Then I leave for Timmins; when I return hopefully people will start calling me back - and if I haven't finished, then even more job hunting.

Realizations come to me on an almost daily basis. I'm going to stop writing about them and just let them flow through me, write some poetry and then write more poetry. So, forgive if I'm a little more contradictory than usual in my poetry, it's the result of an idea forming, changing, maturing then changing, regressing. New ideas get added in. Once things stop or things become semi-laid in stone, I'll post about them.

Anyways that's about it for now

*hugs to Andy*



// posted by Dep @ 10:35:00 p.m.  0 comments

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Thank you to late night speaker

If not completely clear, I am at least furthur towards a better understanding of myself, my motives, my desires, my wants, my motivations and my needs today. Thank you to the late night speaker who brought me shining words within the night; you know who you are. And though my plans have changed from the ones I thought I would act on last night, I feel more comfortable with this radical, untried, unthought, unplanned approach. Unplanned and unthought I must undo before I undertake, thus I shall ponder it for many more nights, however: I feel that one of three things must be done, it is now merely a question of which I should do.

Two poems posted on the website, with a third to follow today, later today, as I need stress relief badly.


I actually have a massive headache most likely from stress - it's really pounding and I'm going to try drinking a lot of water and playing some relaxing games (And maybe a relaxing soak in the tub) before I get serious... wait a minute... one exam left... not til Friday. Plenty of time. And it's chemistry, I just need to memorize four more formula's and it should go fine.

Speaking of exams, here's an update.

(Friday the 13th - Linear Algebra) I missed one chapter in my studying and couldn't answer the two questions on that topic. Got everything else, so confident I did ok on that exam. Probable mark: 70%.

(Monday the 16th - English) Gah! I read the wrong stories for Tanizaki, thus I didn't get any of the 5 questions on him. But I got the 7 questions on Mishima plus the two bonus questions, thus I think I passed. Probably mark: 60%.

(Today the 17th - Mechanics) Gah! Every other exam in the history of my exams has been no calculator. This one you needed a calculator. Couldn't find one in my last moment rush, thus I did everything in my head. Got through the entire exam. Probable mark: 70%

Anyways, I'm off

*hugs to Andy*


- Dep

// posted by Dep @ 4:55:00 p.m.  0 comments

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Psychologist apparently

*long string of french cursing*

*deep breath*

Alright... let's begin

Earlier this week I was asked to basically be a sex therapist for a couple I know. I've also been asked by at least three different people my advice on various matters involving relationships. This has been a thing in the past - strangely enough a lot of people come to me seeking advice - but I never thought this person would. Earlier today my mother and I were in the car on the way home and somehow the conversation got onto the topic of my father. You guessed it, my mom wanted my advice on how to deal with my father. So, just call me a marriage counselor - I can't handle my own relationships but I can handle other peoples (hey Daren - proves you were right about people not taking their own advice) - and sex therapist. I mean it's not that I mind giving people advice (and if you don't take it, that's not a problem either, my advice is merely advice not direct orders lol - however if you don't take it, do something else, that something was wrong and come back to me and bitch me out - well forget future advice) or trying to help people but from my mom it's just a little bit creepy. 'Cause usually I try to put myself in the other person's shoes, play devil's advocate, etc. Imagining being married to my mom... while not that hard to imagine is still a bit of a freaky idea.

*thinks* on the personal issues that a few of you are aware of - things are slowly coming together in my head. I think I've figured out why I act like this and I think I know how I can fix that. I've also come to a fairly stable conclusion about the person I love but I want to let it all sit for awhile to make sure it doesn't undergo any reversals. I'll fill everyone in on everything once it all makes sense. Watch for it in the private blog, though I'll mention it here.

For those of you who missed out perhaps on this explanation, I'll go through what PTY is. PTY (Pink Triangle Youth) is the youth group for PTS (Pink Triangle Services)...

sorry to break into that

my mom just walked in with a letter from Heritage. I was just accepted into the Computer Science program for next year, transfering out of Science. WOOHOO!

we now return to our previous conversation

youth group for PTS which is a GLBTTQQ (Gay/ Lesbian/ Bisexual/ Transgendered/ Two-spirited/ Queer/ Questioning) organization that does all sorts of things. I, as most of you know, put myself into the bisexual part of that. So tonight we were painting cigar boxes and I had a conversation with a friend. It went ok.

Anyways... that's my update for tonight. I'm going to play an hour, an hour and a half of Runescape, then hit the hay.


*hugs to Andy*


// posted by Dep @ 10:10:00 p.m.  0 comments

Official renaming

The poem has been officially renamed "Reaching Deep..." Whenever I update the website next, the names there will reflect this change, though I probably won't update it til I have more poetry to put on (or another chapter of a story, hint hint).

Right, in other news.

My exams begin on Friday. I have them Friday (13th), Monday, Tuesday, Friday and then I'm done. One per day, always in the AM.

I had a blood test done yesterday and managed to bruise my arm by carrying heavy things (my bag) afterwards.

On a more mental/emotional/spiritual level, I am improving. Writing like that early this morning just sortof gave me a boost. I have a ways to go but I will make it where I want to be. I know I have it within me, it's just a matter of bringing it out, solidifying things, making choices (hint for those of you trying to interpret Reaching Deep - yes that's a choice), and the like. More on that once it settles in my mind.

*hugs to Andy*

Laterz all

// posted by Dep @ 9:09:00 a.m.  0 comments

Surge of creativity

Yeah I know it's 9AM I should have left for school about an hour ago. I'm debating not going in at all today, but I'll probably just take a later bus into school (say one around 10-11PM).

Plans for today briefly

Yeah I'll get into school about 11-noon. Spend some time, maybe watch a movie, before leaving around 3-4PM for Chapters where I'm going to find a book that Andy recommended to me and read it before heading off to PTY where I'm only staying for an hour as we're painting cigar boxes afterwards and I'm not quite interested in that so... I'll either drag some friends down to the Tim Hortons or I'll just wander the city alone with my notepad. Or perhaps I'll contact my mother and ask her to pick me up at 8PM instead, so I'll be home an hour earlier. Who knows, we'll see.

The magic program, I believe, is in it's final debugging step before I pass it off to other people for BETA testing. I'm just running it one last time to make sure I cleared the errors out (I found more last night and was too tired to bother with them...) Actually I just realized I have two more misconceptions, so I'll dicker with them tonight.

As some of you might have noticed, the website has gotten a bit of an update. Now you can view poems by author (and then alphabetically) plus there are three new poems out - Pathways, Leprechaun and Special (though I suspect "Special" will be renamed in the near future as I'm beginning to hate the name and it doesn't do justice to the poem) so feel free to take a gander at that. Speaking of "Special" here's where the title of this entry comes in.

Last night, it was about 12:30AM. No one was on-line (At least not that I was talking to) really so I was dickering with my program. And then... just out of nowhere this huge surge of creativity came. I felt like writing. And I wrote. I wrote one of the best pieces I have written in my life, it just seemed to flow through me and I always knew what words were coming next, even when I didn't know, I started a rhyme in advance for the words that would come. I didn't realize I was rhyming til the end when I read it over. Part of this poem is now my MSN name for a bit, but feel free to take a look at the whole thing. It's on the website and the poetry blog (Special as I said, though mayhaps a new name)

Anyways, I'm going to go shower and then rename that poem.

*hugs to Andy*


// posted by Dep @ 8:56:00 a.m.  0 comments

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Quick post

PTY good, school... ok. Finished all my major projects, I have two assignments left and two tests to study for (a Linear Algebra test on Friday and a Mechanics test on Monday) plus I need to make a deal with my gym teacher if I can. Tutoring tomorrow night and possibly tutoring on Friday, really not sure on that yet. A lot of pain going on in my life recently, I somehow injured my back (possibly by the horrible position I was keeping in my chair for my long hours of computer gaming) to the point where bending is a no, lifting heavy things is a no and that hot bath looks tempting. AND IT WON'T CRACK!!

*hugs to Andy*

Laterz all, more later.

// posted by Dep @ 9:49:00 p.m.  0 comments

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

New website!

A new website has been created for your entertainment purposes. Secret Iris is a site of various written works by Andy (Courtney) and myself. It includes every piece I could convert to HTML in the last week and will have updates whenever they are available. If you're looking for the place to get the latest on stories, poetry, musings or anything else, or if you want to look something up that I wrote awhile back, this is the place to do it. It also includes a brief about the author and a photo album of various events.



// posted by Dep @ 11:25:00 p.m.  0 comments

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Just a quick update

Before I hit the hay, let me bring you all up to date.

One I am working on a secret project. It is two-thirds done as of right now, with only a few parts remaining. Watch this site or the LiveJournal for that sometime this week.

Two. I've had various revelations. They are...

Your friends won't reject you. They will always listen and always care.

Love is more important to me than a lot of things.

I really don't care what other people think, it's just annoying.

History does repeat itself.

I love my life.

Some people will believe anything.

Most people are incredibly biased.

True friends help you when you ask for it but let you make your own mistakes.

I am a man. Not a good man, not a bad man, just a man.

People fuck up.

I have close and dear friends in Daren, Courtney, Nicky and James who will be friends with me until the day we die.

What I've always wanted is true, unconditional love.

I am too paranoia and cynical.

Too many things remind me of a painful past.

Too many things remind me of what I've lost.

There are still chances to regain what I've lost.

I love camping.

Three) I'll be out late tomorrow/wednesday/thursday night. Thursday I'm tutoring in Gatineau. Wednesday I'm at PTY and tomorrow I'm downtown at the OPL doing research for a project.

Anyways, that's all for now.

Laterz all!


// posted by Dep @ 11:47:00 p.m.  0 comments

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